The Epic Year approach is about speedยญing up perยญsonยญal growth.
What do you rememยญber from a speยญcifยญic year in your life? When it comes down to what we rememยญber from past years, we tend to rememยญber โฆ the epic stuff.
What do I rememยญber from a speยญcifยญic year?
And why do life events matter?
Here we go:
Life Event Density
When thinkยญing back on a speยญcifยญic year, most of us will rememยญber highly speยญcifยญic life events like:
And so on.
Besides being posยญitยญive and memยญorยญable, what these types of life events often have in comยญmon is that they seem to proยญpel our lives forward.
Four is the Magic Number
In 2010, I marยญried Lisah on a Caribbean beach, worked in New York, starยญted blogยญging in English, and got a stuยญdio apartยญment in Manhattanโs Financial District. Those were four sigยญniยญficยญant leaps in my lifeโโโand a life-chanยญging year for me.
For me, 2010 was epic.
In 2013, I rememยญber quitยญting my job and startยญing a digitยญal PR agency, Spin Factory. Thatโs two giant leaps, but honยญestly, I canยญโt rememยญber anyยญthing else but hard work from that year.
In retยญroยญspect, 2013 doesยญnโt stand out as an โEpic Year.โ
The magic numยญber seemed to be four major mileยญstones; if I had experยญiยญenced four leap-type events in one year, that year would have felt monuยญmentยญal in hindsight.
Go For Epic Years
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The Epic Year Approach
We all experยญiยญence major life events. Sometimes, they occur one after anothยญer, someยญtimes theyโre far apart. It could be finยญishยญing or startยญing an eduยญcaยญtion, reloยญcatยญing, marยญryยญing someone, makยญing a cruยญcial career move, startยญing a busiยญness, havยญing a child, etc.
What such events typยญicยญally have in comยญmon is that they tend to proยญpel the proยญgresยญsion of your life forward.
A few years stand out, pushยญing my perยญsonยญal develยญopยญment forยญward expoยญnenยญtially. What did those years have in comยญmon? They conยญtained four (or more) life events.
I call them Epic Years:
Epic Year = experยญiยญenยญcing four (or more) major life events withยญin one year.
To accelยญerยญate perยญsonยญal growth, examยญine the upcomยญing year. How many life events lie in your path? Fewer than four? Take action to get that numยญber to (at least) four!
Learn more: The Epic Year Approach: Control Your Life Event Density
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Keeping Track of Epic Years
I will, for sure, do my very best to have Epic Years movยญing forยญward. The plan is to keep track of sigยญniยญficยญant life events by doing annuยญal reviews:
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PR Resource: More Projects
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Improvement: Renaissance Projects
The Renaissance lasยญted from the 14th to the 17th cenยญtury and was a periยญod of sigยญniยญficยญant culยญturยญal, artistยญic, politยญicยญal, and sciยญentifยญic rebirth in Europe. It was marked by a renewed interest in clasยญsicยญal art and ideas from ancient Greece and Rome.
Inspired by the Renaissance mindยญset, I strive to develยญop my creยญatยญive intelยญliยญgence, physยญicยญal strengths, and menยญtal well-being.
Better Identity
Better Thinking
Better Skills
Better Habits
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PR Resource: Productivity
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Personal Projects: Life Design Ideas
In addiยญtion to being a PR proยญfesยญsionยญal, I strive to live smarter, and I someยญtimes stumble upon ideas worth writยญing down when I conยญsider these matters.
Life Design Ideas
Learn more: Lifestyle Design
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