Marketing PRby jerry silfwer

Public Relations vs Marketing

Public rela­tions vs mar­ket­ing — what are the dif­fer­ences? In this blog post, let’s look at the many dif­fer­ences between pub­lic rela­tions and marketing.

How To Use Personas in PR

We can use per­so­nas in PR, too. Using per­so­nas is com­mon­place in mar­ket­ing, but with a few tweaks, PR per­so­nas can be a use­ful tool for tail­or­ing messages.

Your PR Campaign is Too Short

For a PR cam­paign to propag­ate prop­erly and thor­oughly through­out a pop­u­la­tion, brands must be patient and have the struc­tur­al forti­tude to stay consistent.

The Extra Mile PR Strategy: Wow Your Customers

Discover the Extra Mile PR Strategy: Boost cus­tom­er hap­pi­ness and cre­ate last­ing good­will and bet­ter pub­lic rela­tions with excep­tion­al service.

Corporational Determinism: Grandiose Product Launches

In a new research paper, a new concept is pro­posed — cor­por­a­tion­al determ­in­ism. Done right, it can increase the value of product launches.

The Super-Happy Customer

Don’t stare your­self blind on try­ing to reach more people, because it always begins with just one super-happy customer.

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