Iโm obsessยญively interยญested in how to creยญate knowledge.
I love to learn about learnยญing. And I love to know about knowledge.
Of course, not everyยญone will find this interยญestยญing, but not all knowยญledge is creยญated equally. Understanding how knowยญledge is creยญated makes it easiยญer to underยญstand the strengths and weakยญnesses of difยญferยญent types of reasoning.
At least I think so.
Here we go:
How To Create Knowledge
Spin Academy | Online PR Courses
How To Create Knowledge
โIf you canยญโt explain it simply, you donโt underยญstand it well enough.โ
โ Albert Einstein
This list of how to creยญate knowยญledge presents aspects of reasยญonยญing, methยญodยญoยญloยญgicยญal approaches, data anaยญlysยญis perยญspectยญives, and philoยญsophยญicยญal frameยญworks. It explains how knowยญledge can be approached, anaยญlysed, and interpreted.
Types of Reasoning and Logical Processes
Methodological Approaches
Data and Analysis Perspectives
Philosophical and Theoretical Frameworks
Learn more: How To Create Knowledge
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PR Resource: More Better Thinking
Spin Academy | Online PR Courses
Doctor Spinโs PR School: Be Clear-Minded
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PR Resource: List of Logical Fallacies and Biases
List of Logical Fallacies and Biases
We easยญily fall prey to the tricks our psyยญchoยญlogy plays on us. These โthinkยญing errorsโ exist because theyโve often aided our surยญvivยญal. However, knowยญing and underยญstandยญing variยญous types of comยญmon falยญlaยญcies and biases is helpยญful in everyยญday life.
Here are a few examples of logicยญal falยญlaยญcies and biases that Iโve come across while studyยญing pubยญlic relaยญtions and linguistics:
Learn more: 58 Logical Fallacies and Biases