Milestones & Reviewsby jerry silfwer

My 2023 Annual Review

This is my 2023 annu­al review — and also my last. After ten years of doing these annu­al reviews, I reveal the one thing I’ve learned from set­ting annu­al goals.

My 2022 Annual Review

Uncover my exper­i­ences and les­sons in this 2022 annu­al review! Discover the year’s suc­cesses, chal­lenges, and aspir­a­tions for per­son­al growth.

My 2021 Annual Review

The year of turn­ing 42. I’ve focused on OMAD (one meal a day), strength train­ing, blood-test­ing, and sim­pli­fy­ing my life. This is my 2021 annu­al review.

My 2020 Annual Review

This is my 2020 annu­al review. A com­pre­hens­ive review of my 41st year, high­light­ing the key moments and exper­i­ences that shaped my 2020.

18 Months of Sudoku — Relaxing the Mind

From know­ing next to noth­ing about sudoku, after 18 months, I now know lots of things that I nev­er even knew there was to know about this beau­ti­ful puzzle.

I’m the New CEO of KIX Communication Index

As of November 2020, Jerry Silfwer is enter­ing the role of CEO at KIX Communication Index. KIX meas­ures com­mu­nic­a­tion matur­ity in organ­isa­tions scientifically.

10 years, 10 Cision PR Influencer Award Nominations

My 10th Cision PR Influencer Award nom­in­a­tion is a mile­stone. I cel­eb­rate a dec­ade of reward­ing and chal­len­ging PR work on two continents.

My 2019 Annual Review

The year of turn­ing 40. Focus on life improve­ment, pho­to­graphy, pro­ductiv­ity, cook­ing, phys­ics, goal-set­ting, and chess. It’s time for my 2019 annu­al review!

My 2018 Annual Review

This is my 2018 annu­al review and this was a dead-end year with lots of learn­ings. The review format is inspired by James Clear.
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