Media Relationsby jerry silfwer

The Media Blackout: When PR Declines Media Interviews

Media Blackout = when an organ­isa­tion inten­tion­ally avoid accept­ing inter­view requests from leg­acy news media to con­trol the nar­rat­ive and pro­tect interests.

Shep Gordon: “Make Parents Angry”

Shep Gordon is a well-known fig­ure in the enter­tain­ment industry, renowned for his innov­at­ive and cre­at­ive approach to pub­lic rela­tions and tal­ent management. 

The Media Kit: What To Include

This blog post explores media kits and how they can be craf­ted to cap­ture atten­tion, tell your story, and estab­lish rela­tion­ships with the news media. 

Confirmation Bias in Media: The Echo Chamber Challenge

Confirmation bias in the media skews the news. Fuelled by media logic and social media algorithms, echo cham­bers nar­rows and dis­torts worldviews.

P.T. Barnum: “There’s No Such Thing as Bad Publicity”

“There’s no such thing as bad pub­li­city.” The harder you attack someone pub­licly, the more you con­vince their fans of their exist­ing belief, not yours.

Public Relations vs Media Relations

Let’s dis­cuss pub­lic rela­tions vs media rela­tions. Publicity is a power­ful tool. Media rela­tions is one of many sub­sets of the pub­lic rela­tions (PR) profession.

The Reykjavik Press Release — ChatGPT

This is the Reykjavik press release: I asked Open AI:s ChatGPT to write a press release about a fic­ti­tious hotel in Reykjavik, Iceland. This is PR 2023.

How to Media Train a Spokesperson: Get Your Message Across

How to train a spokes­per­son? This is how I start train­ing cor­por­ate spokes­per­sons (and why I always bring a video recorder).

The Most Bizarre Press Conference in PR History

The Four Seasons Total Landscaping press con­fer­ence is a slice of mod­ern PR his­tory — just as it could’ve been anoth­er epis­ode of the com­edy show, Veep.

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