On December 13, 2010, Lisah and I got married.
We exchanged vows on a beach in a non-reliÂgious cereÂmony in Antigua, West Indies. The rain poured all night, but a rainÂbow greeted us outÂside our bunÂgaÂlow in the mornÂing, and the Caribbean weathÂer smiled at us for the rest of the day.
What a day!
Here we go:
We had a magicÂal day, and Lisah and I couldÂn’t be hapÂpiÂer. We’ll stay at the Cocobay Resort for a few weeks before headÂing off to spend a few days at the Ladera Resort on St Lucia. After that, we celÂebÂrate Christmas and New Year’s back in our New York apartment.
The dress was one of a kind and made out of 18,5 metres of silk. Still, we jumped into the ocean with our wedÂding clothes later in the evening!
There were a few seconds of drama:
There was a malÂfuncÂtion with Lisah’s wedÂding dress durÂing the cereÂmony as one of her shoulder straps snapped, but as luck would have it, I just happened to carry a bobby pin in my pocket.
That had to be my definÂitÂive McGyver moment, surely.
For our famÂily and friends — thank you so much for your best wishes, and we’ll see you all in January.
More perÂsonÂal mileÂstones? Here we go:
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PR Resource: The Epic Year Approach
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The Epic Year Approach
We all experÂiÂence major life events. Sometimes, they occur one after anothÂer, someÂtimes they’re far apart. It could be finÂishÂing or startÂing an eduÂcaÂtion, reloÂcatÂing, marÂryÂing someone, makÂing a cruÂcial career move, startÂing a busiÂness, havÂing a child, etc.
What such events typÂicÂally have in comÂmon is that they tend to proÂpel the proÂgresÂsion of your life forward.
A few years stand out, pushÂing my perÂsonÂal develÂopÂment forÂward expoÂnenÂtially. What did those years have in comÂmon? They conÂtained four (or more) life events.
I call them Epic Years:
Epic Year = experÂiÂenÂcing four (or more) major life events withÂin one year.
To accelÂerÂate perÂsonÂal growth, examÂine the upcomÂing year. How many life events lie in your path? Fewer than four? Take action to get that numÂber to (at least) four!
Learn more: The Epic Year Approach: Control Your Life Event Density
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