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The News Business by Jerry Silfwer

All Articles on The News Business

Breaking the News

The digit­al trans­form­a­tion is break­ing the news. But it has to break the news for journ­al­ism to sur­vive in the digit­al media landscape.

Woke Journalism is Bad News

It makes sense for journ­al­ism to be lean­ing towards the left. But long-term, woke journ­al­ism isn’t doing journ­al­ism — or the polit­ic­al far-left — any favours.

The Advent of Pay-to-Play Publicity

A Swedish com­pany is offer­ing a pay-to-play func­tion­al­ity that allows brands to unlock pay­walled art­icles to increase vis­ib­il­ity for pos­it­ive mentions.

The Future of Online News: How To Convert News Junkies

The future of online news does­n’t include pay­walls. Instead, news lov­ers should be enticed with a fuller exper­i­ence ver­sion of what they came to find.

How I Want My Online News

My stand­ards make it impossible for me to pay for online news without altern­at­ives. Am I being unreas­on­able? I’ll let you be the judge.

The Kitty Genovese Murder and the Misreported Bystander Effect

The New York Times mis­re­por­ted the Kitty Genovese case. By allow­ing the pub­lic to search their online archive, we all get bet­ter journalism.

Dear Journalist,

You seem to think that PR pros only care about pub­li­city, but we don’t. We have, how­ever, begun see­ing oth­er people.

Public Relations vs Journalism

Public rela­tions vs journ­al­ism: Both are two closely related dis­cip­lines — yet they are still far apart. What‘s are the dif­fer­ences between PR and journalism?

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