Creativityby jerry silfwer

Communications Synonyms (With Explanations)

Communications syn­onyms: Communications (with an ‑s) is often found in pro­fes­sion­al set­tings, such as Communications Department, Corporate Communications, etc.

My 2023 Annual Review

This is my 2023 annu­al review — and also my last. After ten years of doing these annu­al reviews, I reveal the one thing I’ve learned from set­ting annu­al goals.

Stockholm Details

Discover ‘Stockholm Details,’ a poem that cap­tures the essence of Stockholm’s unique charm, blend­ing its his­tor­ic beauty with mod­ern urb­an life.

10 Intelligence Types: Howard Gardner’s Theory

Are there many intel­li­gence types? Howard Gardner’s the­ory of mul­tiple intel­li­gences intro­duces a hol­ist­ic and diverse under­stand­ing of human capability.

Existentialism for PR Advisers

Existentialism is about mak­ing mean­ing in a world that inher­ently lacks it. For PR advisers, exist­en­tial­ism is a potent frame­work for sound PR advice.

Mental Models: How To Be a Better Thinker

I find men­tal mod­els use­ful as a PR adviser and in every­day life. These mod­els are inspired by Charlie Munger, Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway.

How To Create Knowledge

This list on how to cre­ate know­ledge presents aspects of reas­on­ing, meth­od­o­lo­gic­al approaches, data ana­lys­is per­spect­ives, and philo­soph­ic­al frameworks.

Types of Bad Thinking Habits

But by know­ing (and under­stand­ing) bad think­ing habits, we increase our chances of detect­ing mis­takes before we take poor actions.

Principles of Clear Thinking

Is there a way to prac­tice clear think­ing? I’m amazed almost daily at how oth­er­wise accom­plished indi­vidu­als can think wrong so fre­quently — myself included.
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