Digital-Firstby jerry silfwer

The Electronic Age and The End of the Gutenberg Galaxy

According to Marshall McLuhan, the Oral Tribe Culture was fol­lowed by the Manuscript Culture and then the Gutenberg Galaxy. Now, we live in the Electronic Age.

Digital PR ≠ Link-Building

You’re a digit­al PR pro­fes­sion­al, not an SEO expert. Stop offer­ing link-build­ing as a ser­vice, please. Read this post about what to offer instead.

PR Case Study: The Facebook Like Button

The Facebook Like but­ton is one of the most influ­en­tial PR cam­paigns ever. The impact has been sig­ni­fic­ant cul­tur­ally, struc­tur­ally, eco­nom­ic­ally etc.

Social Media — The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Social media com­pan­ies like Google and Facebook are power­ful, but that does­n’t make them evil. Paradoxically, they’re too good for us to handle.

The Online Basecamp

Your brand web­site should be your online base­camp; a place for like-minded people to come togeth­er, test ideas, put up your roadmaps and go over your logs.

Email Communications is Criminally Underrated (Still)

Email com­mu­nic­a­tions are still — and will likely con­tin­ue to be — the most under­rated of all avail­able digit­al chan­nels. How do we make email work for PR?

Enter the Money Web (2016 – Present)

I met with a glob­al invest­ment firm and four oth­er chief strategists from digit­al agen­cies. From these talks, I pre­dict the Money Web.

Facebook is our Spinning Jenny

Standing on the threshold of a revolu­tion, what would you do? If Facebook is our Spinning Jenny, the revolu­tion has only just begun.

Digital-First is the Way

Digital first is the new paradigm, because if busi­ness works in the com­plex world of social media, it will work every­where else as well.
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