Corporate Communicationsby jerry silfwer

Cosmetic Sustainability and Public Relations

Public rela­tions must steer clear of cos­met­ic sus­tain­ab­il­ity. Therefore, the highest-rank­ing com­mu­nic­a­tions officer (CCO) must be part of the man­age­ment team.

Public Relations Objectives

What are some typ­ic­al pub­lic rela­tions object­ives? PR pro­fes­sion­als con­trol the nar­rat­ive, mit­ig­ate dam­age, and restore pub­lic con­fid­ence dur­ing a crisis.

Principles for Communicative Discipline

Here are my prin­ciples for com­mu­nic­at­ive dis­cip­line. Communication is import­ant. For organ­isa­tions, com­mu­nic­a­tion is crit­ic­al for long-term survival. 

The 1‑Page PR Strategy

The “1‑Page PR Strategy” aligns with Richard Rumelt’s advocacy for clar­ity and con­cise­ness in stra­tegic plan­ning. It’s all about strengths versus weaknesses.

The Magical PR Strategy Question

In PR, the battle for atten­tion is fierce. The Magical PR Strategy Question high­lights the need for clear dif­fer­en­ti­ation to gain that neces­sary edge.

Public Relations Agency: How To Collaborate

Discover how to choose the right pub­lic rela­tions agency. Learn about col­lab­or­a­tion formats, bene­fits of PR agen­cies, key ser­vices, and red flags to avoid.

How to Create a PR Strategy That Actually Works

Not even an empire can last forever with a poor PR strategy. You must win the war for atten­tion and trust. How to cre­ate a PR strategy that actu­ally works?

The Golden Rule of Measuring PR

Measuring PR: Your choice of KPIs (key per­form­ance indic­at­ors) for PR will impact your organ­isa­tion more than the actu­al meas­ure­ment res­ults ever will.

Why ROI and PR Mix Like Oil and Water

ROI and PR are like oil and water — they don’t mix well. The basic ROI mod­el lacks fun­da­ment­al vari­ables to be use­ful for PR

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