Time for my 2016 annuยญal review.
Iโll do my best to answer three quesยญtions in this post: 1This format is inspired by James Clearโs annuยญal reviews.
What went well this year?
What didยญnโt go so well this year?
What am I workยญing toward?
Here we go:
1. What Went Well This Year?
Cision PR Influencer Award. After being nomยญinยญated for five years, I got the Cision Scandinaviaโs PR Influencer Award. Itโs always debatยญable whethยญer the right perยญson or not won, but the big thing about winยญning this award was the feelยญing of gratยญitยญude for being recognized.
TEDx. I talked about stuยญpid majorยญitยญies in รstersund, Sweden. In retยญroยญspect, I donโt feel I gave the best talk posยญsible. I acciยญdentยญally switched my slideshow to an older verยญsion, so I had to improยญvise a lot. Right before going up, I was nervous (pubยญlic speakยญing usuยญally doesยญnโt make me nervous), so I messed up my English. On top of this, I had a severe eye infecยญtion and a high fever. There are many excuses right there, but thatโs not the point; Iโm still proud of being allowed to be part of the TEDx traยญdiยญtionโโโand I want to go at it again and better!
Better semยญinars. Before this year, I focused a bit more on givยญing betยญter semยญinars. Iโve always seen myself as a pracยญtiยญtionยญer who someยญtimes talks to people about what I do and how they can do it. This year, I wanted to take my pubยญlic speakยญing more serยญiยญously and preยญpare more adequately for each talk. In 2016, I averยญaged more than one talk per month and did well (conยญsistยญently above 4.3รท5).
Hard reset (part one). I got sick at the end of the year (a severe eye infecยญtion). I could not put in any screen time for almost two months, but that was almost enough to crash my solo busiยญness. As a resยญult, I almost burnt myself out while tryยญing to keep up desยญpite not being well. So, I resigned from all my cliยญent proยญjects and focused on getยญting well. It was a difยญfiยญcult step to take, but Iโm happy that I did, and I have no regrets.
2. What Didnโt Go So Well This Year?
Hard reset (part two). Even if Iโm happy about how I handled the โcrash,โ it couldโve been avoided altoยญgethยญer. I misยญmanยญaged my sleep, exerยญcise routine, and diet throughยญout the year. And I had no backup plan for handยญling busiยญness in case of getยญting sick for longer than a week.
โLife as usuยญal.โ Looking back, I didยญnโt do much this year to explore life. I just woke up daily to tackle whatever was in front of me. To manยญage my time and energy in some way, I unconยญsciously avoided creยญatยญive โoutยญside-the-boxโ endeavยญours, social events, travยญelยญling with the famยญily, and havยญing fun for the sake of havยญing a good time. In this reactยญive state, the year just flew by.
3. What Am I Working Toward?
Energy manยญageยญment. If you donโt manยญage your life, it will manยญage you. In 2017, I will strive to explore variยญous ways of putยญting myself back into the driverยญโs seat of my own life. And this calls for a change of strategy!
Thank you. Please supยญport my blog by sharยญing artยญicles with othยญer comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions- and marยญketยญing proยญfesยญsionยญals. Please also conยญsider my PR serยญvices or speakยญing engageยญments.
1 | This format is inspired by James Clearโs annuยญal reviews. |