We are all vicÂtims of bad thinkÂing habits.
But by knowÂing (and underÂstandÂing) where we often make thinkÂing misÂtakes, we increase our chances of detectÂing misÂtakes before makÂing poor decisions.
I’ve lisÂted sevÂerÂal of these thinkÂing habits so that we all can be more mindÂful and hopeÂfully become betÂter thinkers.
Here we go:
Types of Bad Thinking Habits
Types of Bad Thinking Habits
Underpinning most of our thinkÂing misÂtakes, some psyÂchoÂloÂgicÂally induced thinkÂing habits seem to affect our abilÂity to think clearly. Understanding (and avoidÂing) these behaÂviÂourÂal patÂterns should allow for clear thinking.
Understanding these difÂferÂent types of thinkÂing can help identiÂfy and address cogÂnitÂive falÂlaÂcies and biases in decision-makÂing and probÂlem-solvÂing processes.
Learn more: Types of Bad Thinking Habits
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PR Resource: More Better Thinking
Spin Academy | Online PR Courses
Doctor Spin’s PR School: Be Clear-Minded
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PR Resource: List of Logical Fallacies and Biases
Spin Academy | Online PR Courses
List of Logical Fallacies and Biases
We often fall prey to the tricks our psyÂchoÂlogy plays on us. These “thinkÂing errors” exist because they’ve often aided our surÂvivÂal. However, knowÂing and underÂstandÂing variÂous types of comÂmon falÂlaÂcies and biases is helpÂful in everyÂday life.
Here are a few examples of logicÂal falÂlaÂcies and biases that I’ve come across while studyÂing pubÂlic relaÂtions and linguistics:
Learn more: 58 Logical Fallacies and Biases
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