Lifestyle Designby jerry silfwer

The Every Day Rule

The Every Day Rule changed how I think about set­ting goals. I had to rethink my frame­work from the ground up — because it was­n’t work­ing for me.

The Ikigai Test

Like many oth­ers, I’m fas­cin­ated by the concept of iki­gai (生き甲斐). Use this iki­gai test to eval­u­ate the dir­ec­tion of your life and find your purpose.

Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast

Discover the art of slow­ing down. Relish thought­fully craf­ted emails, cre­at­ive meet­ings, and your cof­fee. “Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.”

My Fucket List: 23 Things To Never Try (The Reverse Bucket List)

A fuck­et list is like a reverse buck­et list. On my fuck­et list, you’ll find auto-erot­ic asphyxi­ation, join­ing the Mile high Club, swim with sharks, and so on.

This Is My Phone Policy

Discover why I pri­or­it­ise pro­ductiv­ity over unsched­uled phone calls. Learn about my phone policy and how I man­age com­mu­nic­a­tion effectively.

The Epic Year Approach: Control Your Life Event Density

How to live a fuller life? Design your own Epic Year by mak­ing sure to exper­i­ence at least four life-chan­ging leaps each and every year.

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What will you get?

> PR com­ment­ary on cur­rent events.
> Subscriber-only VIP content.
> My per­son­al PR slides for .key and .ppt.
> Discounts on upcom­ing PR courses.
> Ebook on get­ting bet­ter PR ideas.
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