Discover effective persuasion strategies tailored to various situations based on the audience. Learn when to use each strategy for maximum impact and influence.
Be mindful of the paradox of prominence in public relations. With every increase in visibility, there is a corresponding increase in criticism and scrutiny.
This is my list of PR blogs (2024). I keep this list updated with active PR blogs on public relations, corporate communications, and digital influence.
Many organisations are struggling with the PESO paradox. How do you accurately distribute your investments across paid, earned, shared, and owned channels?
Explore Doctor Spin’s top media training advice with these 20 basic tips and techniques for mastering interviews and enhancing your public speaking skills.
Boost your organisation’s digital public relations with purposeful content packages. Uncover essential elements to include for a winning content strategy.
According to Marshall McLuhan, the Oral Tribe Culture was followed by the Manuscript Culture and then the Gutenberg Galaxy. Now, we live in the Electronic Age.
A core message articulates an organisation’s essential promise to its stakeholders and publics. It captures the essence of the organisation’s reason for being.
Monophony and polyphony aren’t mutually exclusive. By balancing both, organisations can adjust to trends and feedback without losing their core message.