The PR Blog

Digital PR insights for a wired world


The Norman Axiom

“Correct” isn’t neces­sar­ily good pub­lic rela­tions. Some people argue that their actions should­n’t res­ult in bad pub­lic rela­tions because they’re a) leg­ally in the clear…

Persuasion Strategies (and When To Use Them)

Discover effect­ive per­sua­sion strategies tailored to vari­ous situ­ations based on the audi­ence. Learn when to use each strategy for max­im­um impact and influence.

The Paradox of Prominence

Be mind­ful of the para­dox of prom­in­ence in pub­lic rela­tions. With every increase in vis­ib­il­ity, there is a cor­res­pond­ing increase in cri­ti­cism and scrutiny.

Doctor Spin’s List of PR Blogs (2024)

This is my list of PR blogs (2024). I keep this list updated with act­ive PR blogs on pub­lic rela­tions, cor­por­ate com­mu­nic­a­tions, and digit­al influence. 

The PESO Paradox

Many organ­isa­tions are strug­gling with the PESO para­dox. How do you accur­ately dis­trib­ute your invest­ments across paid, earned, shared, and owned channels?

Classic Media Training Advice

Explore Doctor Spin’s top media train­ing advice with these 20 basic tips and tech­niques for mas­ter­ing inter­views and enhan­cing your pub­lic speak­ing skills.

Content Packages (And What To Include)

Boost your organ­isa­tion’s digit­al pub­lic rela­tions with pur­pose­ful con­tent pack­ages. Uncover essen­tial ele­ments to include for a win­ning con­tent strategy.

The Electronic Age and The End of the Gutenberg Galaxy

According to Marshall McLuhan, the Oral Tribe Culture was fol­lowed by the Manuscript Culture and then the Gutenberg Galaxy. Now, we live in the Electronic Age.

The Core Message

A core mes­sage artic­u­lates an organ­isa­tion’s essen­tial prom­ise to its stake­hold­ers and pub­lics. It cap­tures the essence of the organ­isa­tion’s reas­on for being.
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