I decided to learn Sudoku to relax my mind.
Early in 2019, I downยญloaded a Sudoku app to test if this puzzle could be a relaxยญing pastime.
The resยญults? Eighteen months later, Iโve fallen pretty deep into this numerยญic rabยญbit hole.
From knowยญing next to nothยญing about Sudoku, I now know more than most about this beauยญtiยญful little puzzle.
Here we go:
What I Knew of Sudoku Before
As many of you, dear readยญers, may already know, the foundยญaยญtion of a Sudoku conยญsists of nine rows (r1-r9) and nine columns (c1-c9), formยญing a neatly strucยญtured grid. This grid conยญtains nine disยญtinct squares, each conยญtainยญing nine indiยญviduยญal cells.
This intelยญlecยญtuยญal exerยญcise aims to meticยญuยญlously popยญuยญlate each cell with a numerยญicยญal value ranยญging from 1 to 9. The chalยญlenge, howยญever, lies in ensurยญing that no integer is repeated withยญin any single row, column, or 9โcell square, thereby demandยญing careยญful thought and straยญtegic planning.
Consequently, upon sucยญcessยญful comยญpleยญtion, the fully solved puzzle will feaยญture a well-balยญanced disยญtriยญbuยญtion of each digit from 1 to 9, with nine instances of every number.
However, one canยญnot rely on these conยญstraints to achieve the desired outยญcome. Each unique puzzle starts with preยญdeยญterยญmined numerยญicยญal placeยญments conยญgruยญent with the evenยญtuยญal soluยญtion. These givยญen numยญbers serve as a foundยญaยญtion upon which the solvยญer must build.
Utilising these iniยญtial clues as a guidยญing comยญpass, it becomes the solverโs task to navยญigยญate the comยญplexยญitยญies of the puzzle, meticยญuยญlously plaยญcing each digit in its rightยญful posยญiยญtion. Once all the numยญbers have been expertly arranged, the puzzle is complete.
This is what I knew of Sudoku before downยญloadยญing my first Sudoku app some 18 months ago.
But there was more to learn.
The Origin Story of Sudoku
Sudoku puzzles have an ancient feel, much like chess or go. However, the numerยญic puzzle is a relยญatยญively recent phenomenon.
โThe game first appeared in Japan in 1984 where it was givยญen the name โSudoku,โ which is short for a longer expresยญsion in Japanese โ โSลซji wa dokยญushยญin ni kagiruโ โ which means, โthe digits are limยญited to one occurยญrence.โ
Source: The hisยญtory of Sudoku
Contrary to what I thought, the Sudoku puzzle wasnโt invenยญted in Japanโโโeven though it got its name there. Unfortunately, the inventยญor of the Sudoku puzzle died before getยญting to experยญiยญence his invenยญtion became a globยญal phenomenon.
โThe modยญern Sudoku was most likely designed anonymยญously by Howard Garns, a 74-year-old retired archiยญtect and freelยญance puzzle conยญstructยญor from Connersville, Indiana, and first pubยญlished in 1979 by Dell Magazines as Number Place (the earliยญest known examples of modยญern Sudoku). Garnsโs name was always present on the list of conยญtribยญutยญors in issues of Dell Pencil Puzzles and Word Games that included Number Place, and was always absent from issues that did not. He died in 1989 before getยญting a chance to see his creยญation as a worldยญwide pheยญnomenยญon. Whether or not Garns was familยญiยญar with any of the French newsยญpaยญpers lisยญted above is unclear.โ
Source: Wikipedia
โThe Times of London began pubยญlishยญing Sudoku puzzles in 2004, and the first US newsยญpaยญper to feaยญture Sudoku was The Conway (New Hampshire) Daily Sun in 2004. Within the past 10 years, Sudoku has become a globยญal pheยญnomenยญon. The first World Sudoku Championship was hosยญted in Italy in 2006 and the 2013 World Sudoku Championship will be held in Beijing.โ
Source: The hisยญtory of Sudoku
Fans of the famยญous bioยญloยญgist Richard Dawkins will be pleased to note that the Sudoku puzzle is a fasยญcinยญatยญing case study for memes!
โScientists have idenยญtiยญfied Sudoku as a clasยญsic memeโโโa menยญtal virยญus which spreads from perยญson to perยญson and sweeps across nationยญal boundยญarยญies. Dr Susan Blackmore, author of The Meme Machine, said: โThis puzzle is a fantยญastยญic study in memetยญics. It is using our brains to propagยญate itself across the world like an infecยญtious virยญus.โโ
Source: So you thought Sudoku came from the Land of the Rising Sun
Notation, Notation, Notation
The first thing I learned about Sudoku wasโโโnotaยญtion. Denoting the cells for potenยญtial numยญbers becomes essenยญtial due to the inabยญilยญity to place most digits immediately.
Consider, for example, plaยญcing the numยญber two withยญin box 1 (the left upper-corner 9โdigit square). Suppose the numยญber two can be posiยญtioned in only two locยญaยญtions, promptยญing me to annotยญate those as proยญspectยญive candidates.
Suppose we encounter a simยญilยญar conยญstraint withยญin box 1 conยญcernยญing the numยญber fiveโโโand it hapยญpens to be the same two cells!
Given that both numยญbers share only two cells in box 1, it becomes evidยญent that these cells must accomยญmodยญate a 2 or a 5. Consequently, I can conยญfidยญently ascerยญtain that no othยญer digit besides 2 or 5 can occupy these cells.
This techยญnique is known as a โnaked pair.โ
As a resยญult, even though I canยญnot definยญitยญively assign the numยญbers 2 and 5 withยญin box 1, the notaยญtion leads to sevยญerยญal othยญer conยญstraints that may prove instruยญmentยญal in annotยญatยญing (or elimยญinยญatยญing annotaยญtions) for variยญous digits in corยญresยญpondยญing grid cells.
In most Sudoku puzzles, methยญodยญicยญal notaยญtion is the only way to solve the puzzle.
Other Sudoku Notations
Perhaps due to the parยญticยญuยญlar cirยญcumยญstances of the panยญdemยญic, the YouTube chanยญnel Cracking the Cryptic gained lots of tracยญtion. And it ended up in my feed, too.
I immeยญdiยญately underยญstood the power of using difยญferยญent notaยญtion techยญniques via the YouTube show. For instance, noted digits in the centre of the cell will mean that the cell will conยญtain one of those digits and no othยญer numbers.
Noted digits along the edges of the cell mean that those digits are canยญdidยญates, but there might still be unnoted digits that might go into that cell.
A variยญant of the edge notaยญtion is called Snyder notaยญtion:
Snyder notaยญtion, named after the renowned Sudoku expert Thomas Snyder, is a refined and sysยญtemยญatยญic techยญnique Sudoku enthuยญsiยญasts use to improve their puzzle-solvยญing proยญfiยญciency. This methยญod entails straยญtegicยญally annotยญatยญing small penยญcil marks withยญin each cell to sigยญniยญfy the posยญsible canยญdidยญates for that speยญcifยญic locยญaยญtion. By doing so, solvยญers can betยญter visuยญalยญize patยญterns and restricยญtions, ultiยญmately enhanยญcing their abilยญity to ascerยญtain the corยญrect placeยญment of digits.
The Snyder notaยญtion approach involves denotยญing only pairs of potenยญtial canยญdidยญates withยญin 3ร3 boxes when the canยญdidยญates can occupy exactly two cells withยญin that box.
The techยญnique hinges on the premise that identiยญfyยญing these pairs of canยญdidยญates will reveal critยญicยญal informยญaยญtion about the gridโs conยญstraints and, in turn, the placeยญment of othยญer digits. This focused and streamยญlined notaยญtion pracยญtice reduces clutยญter and conยญfuยญsion, enabling solvยญers to more effectยญively recogยญnize opporยญtunยญitยญies for proยญgress and solve the puzzle with greatยญer ease and efficiency.
Knowing how to use difยญferยญent types of notaยญtion will quickly take the newยญbie solvยญer to solve more advanced puzzles rapidly.
More Basic Sudoku Techniques
Solvers utilยญise sevยญerยญal othยญer Sudoku techยญniques to proยญgress through and ultiยญmately solve puzzles.
Some of these methยญods include:
More Advanced Sudoku Techniques
However, I quickly learnt that really good Sudoku puzzles require more advanced techยญniques to be solved.
Some of these methยญods include:
And Then Thereโs Bifurcation โฆ
Bifurcation, comยญmonly called โtriยญal and errorโ or โguessยญing,โ is a techยญnique some Sudoku solvยญers employ, parยญticยญuยญlarly when conยญfrontยญing comยญplex and chalยญlenยญging puzzles.
This methยญod involves selectยญing a cell with a limยญited numยญber of canยญdidยญates (ideally a bi-value cell with only two posยญsibยญilยญitยญies) and tentยญatยญively assignยญing one of the canยญdidยญates as the corยญrect value.
The solvยญer then solves the puzzle based on this assumpยญtion, careยญfully observing the resยญultยญing implications.
If the iniยญtial guess leads to a conยญtraยญdicยญtion or invalยญid soluยญtion, the solvยญer backยญtracks to the oriยญginยญal bifurcยญaยญtion point and proยญceeds with the alternยญatยญive candidate.
Although bifurcยญaยญtion can be an effectยญive approach to solvยญing difยญfiยญcult puzzles, many Sudoku enthuยญsiยญasts conยญsider it less elegยญant and less intelยญlecยญtuยญally satยญisยญfyยญing comยญpared to the sysยญtemยญatยญic applicยญaยญtion of logic-based techniques.
In short: Donโt resort to bifurcation.
Examples of Sudoku Variations
Once you start solvยญing more advanced puzzles, you canโt help but disยญcovยญer the adjaยญcent uniยญverse of Sudoku variations.
The Sudoku variยญations invite a wide array of highly satยญisยญfyยญing logic applicยญaยญtions. None of the advanced solvยญing techยญniques is typยญicยญally lost, but with a variยญation, you can play around with addiยญtionยญal and someยญtimes even more satยญisยญfyยญing techniques.
Also, these variยญations allow for more creยญatยญive freeยญdom for puzzle setters.
The Genius of Master Setters
Itโs not the solvยญers who are the superยญstars in Sudoku; itโs the setters.
Whether they are clasยญsics or variยญations, beauยญtiยญful puzzles are typยญicยญally creยญated by a masยญter setยญterโโโby hand. Make no misยญtake about it: setยญting up a Sudoku puzzle is hard work.
The masยญter Sudoku setยญter will reverse-enginยญeer the puzzle to chalยญlenge you and lead you through the puzzle in a creยญatยญive way. And a whole globยญal comยญmunity of highly talยญenยญted solvยญers holds these famยญous masยญter setยญters in extremely high regard.
These setยญters someยญtimes have unique styles; in cerยญtain Sudokus, you can recogยญnise the setterโs approach to setยญting puzzles, espeยญcially in variยญations where the creยญatยญive freeยญdom for the setยญter is much greater.
A few notยญable examples include:
Setting a beauยญtiยญful puzzle is the work of a masยญter. And setยญting a beauยญtiยญful yet highly unique puzzle is a geniusโs work.
The Complexity of Sudoku
One rule of Sudoku is that each puzzle must only have one unique soluยญtion. A Sudoku puzzle is litยญerยญally โbrokenโ if there are mulยญtiple solutions.
How many startยญing clues must be provided to ensure a puzzle has only one final soluยญtion? The comยญmunity has found sevยญerยญal solvยญable puzzles with 17 startยญing digits and a unique soluยญtion. But no one has been able to conยญstruct a Sudoku where the same is true with only 16 givยญen numยญbers at the start.
Researchers in Dublin decided to test all posยญsible 16-digit puzzles.
โNevertheless, the resยญultยญing calยญcuยญlaยญtion is still a monยญster. The Dublin team say it took 7.1 milยญlion core-hours of proยญcessing time on a machine with 640 Intel Xeon hex-core proยญcessors. They starยญted in January 2011 and finยญished in December.โ
Source: Mathematicians Solve Minimum Sudoku Problem
The answer?
There are no unique soluยญtions to puzzles with 16 or fewยญer startยญing digits. But we still donโt know why; we only know there arenโt.
How To Get Started
I canโt think of a betยญter way to start than to explore the YouTube chanยญnel Cracking the Cryptic. The showโs hosts, Mark Goodliffe and Simon Anthony have repยญresยญenยญted the UK in the World Puzzle and World Sudoku Championships.
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