I’ve taken the Big Five Aspects Scale perÂsonÂalÂity test.
I enjoy explorÂing perÂsonÂalÂity tests; it’s a guilty pleasÂure of mine.
For instance, accordÂing to 16Personalities, I’m an INTP‑A “Assertive Logician” (see descripÂtion here).
Below are my resÂults (someÂwhat shortened down) from the Big Five Aspects Scale perÂsonÂalÂity test at Understand Myself as recomÂmenÂded by Jordan B. Peterson, clinÂicÂal psyÂchoÂloÂgist and Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto.
Below, you’ll find my perÂsonÂalÂity test scores along with my comments.
Here we go:
Results: Big Five Aspects Scale
The quesÂtionÂnaire explores how I comÂpare to thouÂsands of othÂer people (who have taken the same test) in terms of:
Agreeableness: Typical (50÷100)—Compassion: Average (48÷100) and Politeness: Average (52÷100)
Conscientiousness: Moderately low (35÷100)—Industriousness: Moderately low (38÷100) and Orderliness: Moderately low (36÷100)
Extraversion: Average (43÷100)—Enthusiasm: Very low (6÷100) and Assertiveness: High (88÷100)
Neuroticism: Low (14÷100)—Withdrawal: Average (41÷100) and Volatility: Very low (4÷100)
Openness to Experience: Exceptionally high (96÷100)—Openness: Very high (92÷100) and Intellect: Very high (95÷100)
For those interÂested in these types of assessÂments, here are my resÂults, folÂlowed by my comments.
1. Agreeableness: Typical
50th perÂcentÂile (more agreeÂable than 50 of 100 people)
“People with averÂage levels of agreeÂableÂness are someÂwhat forÂgivÂing, acceptÂing, flexÂible, gentle and patient. They someÂtimes feel pity for those who are excluded, punÂished or defeated. However, they are less likely than highly agreeÂable people to be taken advantÂage of by disÂagreeÂable people or those with crimÂinÂal or predÂatÂory intent. They can be skepÂticÂal. They believe in coöperÂaÂtion, but also feel that comÂpetÂiÂtion, with its losers and winÂners, has its valÂid place. They are less likely to lose arguÂments (and will not typÂicÂally avoid disÂcusÂsion) with less agreeÂable people. They can be quite good at barÂgainÂing for themÂselves, and at negoÂtiÂatÂing for more recogÂniÂtion or power. They are likely to have someÂwhat highÂer salarÂies and earn more money, in conÂsequence. This may mean they are less likely to sufÂfer from resentÂment or to harÂbour invisÂible anger, although this tendÂency may be increased, if they are high in neurÂoticism. In addiÂtion, because of their tendÂency to engage in conÂflict, when necesÂsary, typÂicÂally agreeÂable people are less prone to sacÂriÂfice mediÂum- to long-term staÂbilÂity and funcÂtion for the sake of short-term peace. This can mean that probÂlems that should be solved in the present are often solved, and do not accuÂmuÂlate counÂterÂproÂductÂively across time.”
My comÂment: I find the skill of listenÂing to othÂers to be underÂvalÂued in Western culÂture, and I always strive to become a betÂter listenÂer. Still, I draw the line of perÂsonÂal agreeÂableÂness in situÂations where my integÂrity is at stake. To think I’m close to the averÂage in this aspect makes absoÂlute sense.
1A. Compassion: Typical or Average
48th perÂcentÂile (more comÂpasÂsionÂate than 48 of 100 people)
“People who are typÂicÂally comÂpasÂsionÂate people are reasÂonÂably interÂested in the probÂlems of othÂer people, and othÂer livÂing things. They are someÂwhat conÂcerned about helpÂing othÂer people avoid negÂatÂive emoÂtion, but are willÂing to stand their ground, even when othÂers get upset. They make time and do kind things for othÂers, but balÂance that with fulÂfilling their own needs and interests. They have a soft side, but are not pushovers. Other people conÂsider them reasÂonÂably symÂpathÂetÂic and nice, and will someÂtimes turn to them for a listenÂing ear. They can be empathÂetÂic and caring. However, they are not primarÂily othÂer-oriÂented, so they can negoÂtiÂate effectÂively on their own behalf. This helps ensure that they get what they deserve, and shields them from the develÂopÂment of resentment.”
My comÂment: I’m not a social justice warÂriÂor by any stretch of the imaÂginÂaÂtion, but I have comÂpasÂsion for the innoÂcent. Having travÂelled across social classes, I know betÂter than to think that livÂing is easy.
1B. Politeness: Typical or Average
52nd perÂcentÂile (more polite than 52 of 100 people)
“Typically polite people can be deferÂenÂtial to authorÂity, but can also be chalÂlenÂging, when necesÂsary. They are not parÂticÂuÂlarly obedÂiÂent. They can be respectÂful, but will also push back if pushed. They are not made uncomÂfortÂable by the necesÂsity of standÂing up to othÂer people. Typically polite people will avoid conÂflict, reasÂonÂably, but are not comÂpletely averse to confrontation.”
My comÂment: I thought I would rank highÂer on politeÂness, but being averÂage is still reasonable.
2. Conscientiousness: Moderately Low
35th perÂcentÂile (less conÂscienÂtious than 64 of 100 people)
“People modÂerÂately low in conÂscienÂtiousÂness tend to be relÂatÂively free of guilt, shame, self-disÂgust and self-conÂtempt. Individuals who are modÂerÂately low in conÂscienÂtious are not parÂticÂuÂlarly conÂcerned by failÂure. They are not judgÂmentÂal, to themÂselves or othÂers, and tend towards situÂationÂal explanÂaÂtions for disÂapÂpointÂment, frusÂtraÂtion or lack of sucÂcess. They can handle periÂods of inactivÂity and unemÂployÂment with relÂatÂive ease. They tend to downÂplay the relaÂtionÂship between hard work, diliÂgence and sucÂcess, believÂing that chance factors and luck in life play a determÂinÂing role. They live, in large part, for leisÂure and very much look forÂward to time off. They can be good at relaxÂing, and livÂing in the moment (parÂticÂuÂlarly when low in neurÂoticism). They are less conÂcerned than averÂage with cleanÂing, morÂal purÂity and achieveÂment. It’s more fun to be at the beach or at a party with a perÂson modÂerÂately low in conÂscienÂtiousÂness – but you might not want to invite them over on movÂing day.”
My comÂment: I gravÂitÂated towards a freelÂance career for a reasÂon: I disÂlike havÂing duties as much as I like to decide what to do and what not to do. Still, I should work on this aspect of my personality.
2A. Industriousness: Moderately Low
38th perÂcentÂile (less indusÂtriÂous than 61 of 100 people)
“People modÂerÂately low in indusÂtriÂousÂness are not judgÂmentÂal to themÂselves or othÂers. They tend to let people, includÂing themÂselves, off the hook. They are less likely to believe that people fail because they don’t apply themÂselves or work hard, assumÂing that chance and luck play the determÂinÂing roles. They are not prone to guilt, self-disÂgust or self-conÂtempt, and have a laisÂsez-faire, whatever-will-be-will-be attiÂtude toward life.”
My comÂment: I have a probÂlem with proÂcrasÂtinÂaÂtion and I’m doing my best work when there’s a deadÂline. This perÂsonÂalÂity trait is someÂthing I’ve been tryÂing to improve for more than two decades.
2B. Orderliness: Moderately Low
36th perÂcentÂile (less orderly than 63 of 100 people)
People modÂerÂately low in orderÂliÂness are neither disÂturbed nor disÂgusÂted by mess and chaos. They tend simply not to notice such things. They see the world in shades of grey, rather than black and white, and are non-judgÂmentÂal in their attiÂtudes toward themÂselves and othÂers. They are not oriÂented toward detail and take neither rules nor proÂcedÂures too serÂiÂously. People who are modÂerÂately low in orderÂliÂness care less than averÂage for routine and preÂdictÂabÂilÂity. Their schedÂules are loose and disÂrupÂtion doesn’t bothÂer them. They require almost conÂstant remindÂer and superÂviÂsion to mainÂtain attenÂtion and focus, and are easÂily disÂtracÂted. They can, howÂever, tolÂerÂate the mess, disÂrupÂtion and interÂvenÂing periÂods of chaos that may accomÂpany creÂatÂive endeavour.”
My comÂment: I agree with this assessÂment. However, I’m not sure that this is someÂthing that I’m interÂested in adjustÂing. First, you change the big picÂture and then sort out the details. I keep my home sysÂtemÂatÂicÂally ordered, but I’m not parÂticÂuÂlarly conÂcerned with the chaos of havÂing kids. I find this balÂance to be workÂing well.
3. Extraversion: Typical or Average
43rd perÂcentÂile (more extraÂverÂted than 43 of 100 people)
“People with averÂage levels of extraÂverÂsion are not overly enthuÂsiÂastÂic, talkÂatÂive, assertÂive in social situÂations, or gregariÂous. They enjoy social conÂtact, but are also happy spendÂing time alone. They will plan parties occaÂsionÂally, and make people laugh, but are often willÂing to let othÂers take the lead in organÂizÂing social situÂations and enterÂtainÂing. They have a balÂanced view of the past and the future, neither over-emphasÂizÂing nor disÂmissÂing the posÂitÂive. People with averÂage levels of extraÂverÂsion strike a good balÂance between priÂvacy and self-disÂclosÂure. They can keep quiet, when necesÂsary, and are unlikely to blurt out informÂaÂtion that might be betÂter kept to themÂselves. They will express their viewÂpoint in meetÂings, but are typÂicÂally not the first to do so. At times, they can be capÂtivÂatÂing and conÂvinÂcing, but are not so on a habituÂal basis. People with averÂage levels of extraÂverÂsion can fit well into a range of jobs. They are sociÂable enough to engage in jobs involving sales, perÂsuaÂsion, work in groups and pubÂlic speakÂing (parÂticÂuÂlarly if they are low in neurÂoticism), although they may someÂtimes find the conÂtinuÂal pubÂlic exposÂure fatiguing.”
My comÂment: I was pretty surÂprised by rankÂing in on averÂage here. I’ve always thought of myself as quite the extreme introÂvert. I express myself in meetÂings or on stage, but these aren’t necesÂsarÂily extroÂvert behaÂviours. I might explain this assessÂment below; I rank very low for the first aspect of this trait while high for the second.
3A. Enthusiasm: Very Low
6th perÂcentÂile (less enthuÂsiÂastÂic than 93 of 100 people)
“Individuals who are very low in enthuÂsiÂasm are quiet and un-excitÂable. They can be very hard to get to know, as they are not at all chatty or bubÂbly. When they do talk – and they do so comÂparÂatÂively rarely – it tends to be about things in which they find excepÂtionÂal interest. They laugh very much less freÂquently than othÂers. They typÂicÂally prefer solitude and find it difÂfiÂcult to enjoy themÂselves around othÂer people. At most, they can handle social conÂtact in small doses. They are private people, on the loner side of the disÂtriÂbuÂtion, and tend not to be posÂitÂive or optimÂistÂic. They very rarely seek out stimÂuÂlaÂtion, exciteÂment, activÂity or fun (and, if they do so, much prefer quieter activÂitÂies). People very low in enthuÂsiÂasm are solÂitÂary, findÂing it uncomÂmonly difÂfiÂcult to genÂerÂate a felt sense of exciteÂment when offered the opporÂtunÂity to engage in someÂthing that othÂers might find engaÂging or entertaining.”
My notes: My best guess is that I’m genÂerÂally unimÂpressed by most things. And, I love being alone (or even isolÂated for long periÂods). However, people around me are more likely to describe me as “overly serÂiÂous” rather than “someÂwhat grumpy”. I should make a point of being more excited about the more mundane aspects of life.
3B. Assertiveness: High
88th perÂcentÂile (more assertÂive than 88 of 100 people)
“Highly assertÂive people are “take charge” types. They put their own opinÂions forÂward strongly, and tend to domÂinÂate and conÂtrol social situÂations. Assertive people can be influÂenÂtial and capÂtivÂatÂing. They have the comÂmuÂnicÂaÂtion style that is often assoÂciÂated with leadÂerÂship. This is good when they are knowÂledgeÂable, comÂpetÂent and able, but not so good when they aren’t. Assertive people are people of action. They don’t genÂerÂally wait for othÂers to lead the way. They can be more impulsÂive than averÂage, and can act without thinking.”
My comÂment: I conÂfess to havÂing a someÂwhat granÂdiÂose sense of what speÂcifÂic road I want to travel at any givÂen moment. And roads less travÂelled don’t scare me — even when they should. This parÂticÂuÂlar brand of impulsÂiveÂness and stubÂbornÂness has gotÂten me into trouble more than once. I need to work on this trait.
4. Neuroticism: Low
14th perÂcentÂile (lower in neurÂoticism than 85 of 100 people)
“When good things hapÂpen to them, people with low levels of neurÂoticism can accept it, without quesÂtionÂing whethÂer or not they deserved it. They are usuÂally satÂisÂfied with their relaÂtionÂships and careers. Overall, they are tolÂerÂant of stress, and can accept failÂure and setÂbacks as part of life. People with low levels of neurÂoticism can handle risk subÂstantÂively betÂter, without becomÂing unduly conÂcerned. They are rarely conÂcerned with securÂity, and can more easÂily handle recreÂationÂal, career, finÂanÂcial and social situÂations where the posÂsibÂilÂity of loss is highÂer. They find conÂsidÂerÂing as well as impleÂmentÂing career changes and othÂer transÂformÂaÂtions that could enhance their lives much less stressful.”
My comÂment: I can see how this gets me into trouble every now and then. Combined with high assertÂiveÂness, might not be as worÂried about events or decisions worthy of legitÂimÂate conÂcern. I overÂesÂtimÂate what I can do in a day and underÂesÂtimÂate what I can do in a decade.
4A. Withdrawal: Typical or Average
41st perÂcentÂile (highÂer in withÂdrawÂal than 41 of 100 people)
“People with averÂage levels of withÂdrawÂal someÂtimes feel sad, loneÂsome, disÂapÂpoinÂted and grief-stricken, but not too deeply, and not for too long. They experÂiÂence norÂmal levels of doubt and worry, embarÂrassÂment, self-conÂsciousÂness and disÂcourÂageÂment in the face of threat and punÂishÂment. They are reasÂonÂably but not excessÂively sensÂitÂive to social rejecÂtion, and don’t feel hurt too easÂily. Even when hurt, frightened, or anxious, they can recovÂer in a reasÂonÂable amount of time. People with typÂicÂal levels of withÂdrawÂal are not parÂticÂuÂlarly conÂcerned that someÂthing bad is going to happen.”
My comÂment: I think that I’m averÂage when it comes to feelÂing blue. I worry, but not too much. My ego can get bruised in interÂacÂtions with othÂers, but I recovÂer quickly.
4B. Volatility: Very Low
4th perÂcentÂile (less volatÂile than 95 of 100 people)
“Individuals very low in volatÂilÂity are highly stable and preÂdictÂable in their moods. They are almost nevÂer irritÂable, and feel very little disÂapÂpointÂment, frusÂtraÂtion, pain and loneliÂness. People find them easy to be with and can very freÂquently relax around them. They almost nevÂer express their frusÂtraÂtion, disÂapÂpointÂment and irritÂabÂilÂity and appear very reasÂonÂable when they do so. Even on those infreÂquent occaÂsions where they become stirred up, upset, angry or irritÂated, they calm down very quickly. They are not at all arguÂmentÂatÂive and very rarely loose their composure.”
My comÂment: Agreed. You’re not very likely to break my comÂposÂure — not even if you resort to physÂicÂal violÂence. I do experÂiÂence emoÂtions intensely, but I’m at the same time in comÂplete conÂtrol of whethÂer or not I will choose to put my inner life on disÂplay or not.
5. Openness to Experience: Exceptionally High
96th perÂcentÂile (highÂer in openÂness to experÂiÂence than 96 of 100 people)
“People with excepÂtionÂally high levels of openÂness to experÂiÂence are almost always charÂacÂterÂized by othÂers as extremely smart, creÂatÂive, explorÂatÂory, intelÂliÂgent and visÂionÂary. They are extremely interÂested in learnÂing, and are conÂstantly acquirÂing new abilÂitÂies and skills. They are extremely curiÂous and explorÂatÂory. They are excepÂtionÂally interÂested in abstract thinkÂing, philoÂsophy, and the meanÂing of belief sysÂtems and ideoÂloÂgies. They are very likely to enjoy writÂing (or even to be drivÂen to write). They enjoy comÂplex, abstract ideas and deeply love to conÂfront and solve comÂplex, abstract and multi-dimenÂsionÂal probÂlems. They are almost always proÂlifÂic readÂers, and are interÂested in a vast range of topÂics. They have an excepÂtionÂally broad and deep vocabÂuÂlary. They can think and learn remarkÂably quickly. They are unusuÂally proÂfiÂcient at forÂmuÂlatÂing new ideas, and can be excepÂtionÂally articÂuÂlate (parÂticÂuÂlarly if averÂage or above in extraÂverÂsion). People excepÂtionÂally high in openÂness can see old things in remarkÂable ways. They can forÂmuÂlate any single probÂlem in an excepÂtionÂally diverse range of ways, and can genÂerÂate a treÂmendÂously large numÂber of probÂlem-solvÂing soluÂtions. They will conÂstantly seek change, often to make things betÂter, but also just for the sake of change.”
My notes: Change is fun, check. Writing, check. Philosophy, check. Always learnÂing and explorÂing, check. And yes, I’m proud of acceptÂing myself as a creÂatÂive individual.
5A. Intellect: Very High
92nd perÂcentÂile (highÂer in openÂness than 95 of 100 people)
“People very high in intelÂlect are notÂably interÂested in ideas and abstract conÂcepts. They crave exposÂure to novÂel informÂaÂtion, even when it is comÂplex. They are highly curiÂous and explorÂatÂory, and actÂively want to find, tackle and solve chalÂlenÂging probÂlems. They will much more freÂquently seek out and iniÂtiÂate issue-oriÂented disÂcusÂsions, and are very likely to read, think about and want to disÂcuss idea-centered books (genÂerÂally non-ficÂtion). They are markedly articÂuÂlate, and can forÂmuÂlate ideas clearly and quickly (parÂticÂuÂlarly if averÂage or highÂer in extraÂverÂsion). They have a broad and wide vocabÂuÂlary, and conÂtinuÂally want to learn new things. People very high in intelÂlect will conÂstantly find and genÂerÂate novÂel, creÂatÂive conÂcepts and volÂunÂtarÂily search for and adapt very well to new experÂiÂence and situations.”
My comÂment: This is not a speÂcifÂic IQ test but an assessÂment of interest in abstract ideas and comÂplex probÂlem-solvÂing. Given that brands hire me to help with ever-chanÂging comÂplexÂitÂies, it cerÂtainly helps that I’m highly interÂested in (and strongly attracÂted to) comÂplex chalÂlenges and problems.
5B. Openness: Very High
95th perÂcentÂile (highÂer in openÂness than 95 of 100 people)
“The closest synÂonym for openÂness (rather than openÂness to experÂiÂence, which encomÂpasses openÂness and intelÂlect) is creÂativÂity. Very open, creÂatÂive people love beauty. They require an outÂlet for their creÂatÂive abilÂity, or they canÂnot thrive. They need to be surÂrounÂded by art or beauÂtiÂful crafts. They are strikÂingly sensÂitÂive to colÂor and archiÂtecÂturÂal form. They very much like to colÂlect things, now and then to the point of obsesÂsion. They are very imaÂginÂatÂive, and love to dayÂdream and reflect on things. They are uncomÂmonly affected by music, often of many genres, and may be musicÂal or artistÂic themÂselves (both of these are rare in the genÂerÂal popÂuÂlaÂtion). They can get unusuÂally immersed in a book, or a movie, or in their own thoughts, and become obliÂviÂous to the outÂside world. They respond very strongly to beauty, creÂativÂity and art.”
My comÂment: I make a point of appreÂciÂatÂing beauty in my daily life. All forms of beauty serve as visÂcerÂal remindÂers that life’s not just some sort of Darwinian, utilÂitÂariÂan, or Taylorism outÂput sysÂtem. If math is the uniÂverÂsal lanÂguage of the uniÂverse, beauty is its prime expression.
What actions did I take as a resÂult of takÂing this test? Make sure to check out I Took a Personality Test Failed Miserably.
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The Renaissance was a periÂod of sigÂniÂficÂant culÂturÂal, artistÂic, politÂicÂal, and sciÂentifÂic rebirth in Europe, lastÂing from the 14th to the 17th cenÂtury, marked by a renewed interest in the clasÂsicÂal art and ideas of ancient Greece and Rome.
Inspired by lifelong artists and learners, I strive to always develÂop my creÂatÂive intelÂliÂgence, physÂicÂal strengths, and menÂtal well-being.
This is a list of my “Renaissance Projects”:
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