Iโve taken the Big Five Aspects Scale perยญsonยญalยญity test.
I enjoy explorยญing perยญsonยญalยญity tests; itโs a guilty pleasยญure of mine.
For instance, accordยญing to 16Personalities, Iโm an INTPโA โAssertive Logicianโ (see descripยญtion here).
Below are my resยญults (someยญwhat shortened down) from the Big Five Aspects Scale perยญsonยญalยญity test at Understand Myself as recomยญmenยญded by Jordan B. Peterson, clinยญicยญal psyยญchoยญloยญgist and Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto.
Below, youโll find my perยญsonยญalยญity test scores along with my comments.
Here we go:
Test Results: Big Five Aspects Scale
The quesยญtionยญnaire explores how I comยญpare to thouยญsands of othยญer people (who have taken the same test) in terms of:
For those interยญested in these assessยญments, here are my resยญults and comments.
1. Agreeableness: Typical
My result: 50th percentile (more agreeable than 50 of 100 people).
โPeople with averยญage levels of agreeยญableยญness are someยญwhat forยญgivยญing, acceptยญing, flexยญible, gentle and patient. They someยญtimes feel pity for those who are excluded, punยญished or defeated. However, they are less likely than highly agreeยญable people to be taken advantยญage of by disยญagreeยญable people or those with crimยญinยญal or predยญatยญory intent. They can be skepยญticยญal. They believe in coรถperยญaยญtion, but also feel that comยญpetยญiยญtion, with its losers and winยญners, has its valยญid place. They are less likely to lose arguยญments (and will not typยญicยญally avoid disยญcusยญsion) with less agreeยญable people. They can be quite good at barยญgainยญing for themยญselves, and at negoยญtiยญatยญing for more recogยญniยญtion or power. They are likely to have someยญwhat highยญer salarยญies and earn more money, in conยญsequence. This may mean they are less likely to sufยญfer from resentยญment or to harยญbour invisยญible anger, although this tendยญency may be increased, if they are high in neurยญoticism. In addiยญtion, because of their tendยญency to engage in conยญflict, when necesยญsary, typยญicยญally agreeยญable people are less prone to sacยญriยญfice mediยญum- to long-term staยญbilยญity and funcยญtion for the sake of short-term peace. This can mean that probยญlems that should be solved in the present are often solved, and do not accuยญmuยญlate counยญterยญproยญductยญively across time.โ
My comยญment: I find the skill of listenยญing to othยญers to be underยญvalยญued in Western culยญture, and I always strive to become a betยญter listenยญer. Still, I draw the line of perยญsonยญal agreeยญableยญness in situยญations where my integยญrity is at stake. To think Iโm close to the averยญage in this aspect makes absoยญlute sense.
1A. Compassion: Typical or Average
My result: 48th percentile (more compassionate than 48 of 100 people).
โPeople who are typยญicยญally comยญpasยญsionยญate people are reasยญonยญably interยญested in the probยญlems of othยญer people, and othยญer livยญing things. They are someยญwhat conยญcerned about helpยญing othยญer people avoid negยญatยญive emoยญtion, but are willยญing to stand their ground, even when othยญers get upset. They make time and do kind things for othยญers, but balยญance that with fulยญfilling their own needs and interests. They have a soft side, but are not pushovers. Other people conยญsider them reasยญonยญably symยญpathยญetยญic and nice, and will someยญtimes turn to them for a listenยญing ear. They can be empathยญetยญic and caring. However, they are not primarยญily othยญer-oriยญented, so they can negoยญtiยญate effectยญively on their own behalf. This helps ensure that they get what they deserve, and shields them from the develยญopยญment of resentment.โ
My comยญment: Iโm not a social justice warยญriยญor by any stretch of the imaยญginยญaยญtion, but I have comยญpasยญsion for the innoยญcent. Having travยญelled across social classes, I know betยญter than to think that livยญing is easy.
1B. Politeness: Typical or Average
My result: 52nd percentile (more polite than 52 of 100 people).
โTypically polite people can be deferยญenยญtial to authorยญity, but can also be chalยญlenยญging, when necesยญsary. They are not parยญticยญuยญlarly obedยญiยญent. They can be respectยญful, but will also push back if pushed. They are not made uncomยญfortยญable by the necesยญsity of standยญing up to othยญer people. Typically polite people will avoid conยญflict, reasยญonยญably, but are not comยญpletely averse to confrontation.โ
My comยญment: I thought I would rank highยญer on politeยญness, but being averยญage is still reasonable.
2. Conscientiousness: Moderately Low
My result: 35th percentile (less conscientious than 64 of 100 people).
โPeople modยญerยญately low in conยญscienยญtiousยญness tend to be relยญatยญively free of guilt, shame, self-disยญgust and self-conยญtempt. Individuals who are modยญerยญately low in conยญscienยญtious are not parยญticยญuยญlarly conยญcerned by failยญure. They are not judgยญmentยญal, to themยญselves or othยญers, and tend towards situยญationยญal explanยญaยญtions for disยญapยญpointยญment, frusยญtraยญtion or lack of sucยญcess. They can handle periยญods of inactivยญity and unemยญployยญment with relยญatยญive ease. They tend to downยญplay the relaยญtionยญship between hard work, diliยญgence and sucยญcess, believยญing that chance factors and luck in life play a determยญinยญing role. They live, in large part, for leisยญure and very much look forยญward to time off. They can be good at relaxยญing, and livยญing in the moment (parยญticยญuยญlarly when low in neurยญoticism). They are less conยญcerned than averยญage with cleanยญing, morยญal purยญity and achieveยญment. Itโs more fun to be at the beach or at a party with a perยญson modยญerยญately low in conยญscienยญtiousยญness โ but you might not want to invite them over on movยญing day.โ
My comยญment: I gravยญitยญated towards a freelยญance career for a reasยญon: I disยญlike havยญing duties as much as I like to decide what to do and what not to do. Still, I should work on this aspect of my personality.
2A. Industriousness: Moderately Low
My result: 38th percentile (less industrious than 61 of 100 people).
โPeople modยญerยญately low in indusยญtriยญousยญness are not judgยญmentยญal to themยญselves or othยญers. They tend to let people, includยญing themยญselves, off the hook. They are less likely to believe that people fail because they donโt apply themยญselves or work hard, assumยญing that chance and luck play the determยญinยญing roles. They are not prone to guilt, self-disยญgust or self-conยญtempt, and have a laisยญsez-faire, whatever-will-be-will-be attiยญtude toward life.โ
My comยญment: I have a probยญlem with proยญcrasยญtinยญaยญtion and Iโm doing my best work when thereโs a deadยญline. This perยญsonยญalยญity trait is someยญthing Iโve been tryยญing to improve for more than two decades.
2B. Orderliness: Moderately Low
My result: 36th percentile (less orderly than 63 of 100 people).
โPeople modยญerยญately low in orderยญliยญness are neither disยญturbed nor disยญgusยญted by mess and chaos. They tend simply not to notice such things. They see the world in shades of grey, rather than black and white, and are non-judgยญmentยญal in their attiยญtudes toward themยญselves and othยญers. They are not oriยญented toward detail and take neither rules nor proยญcedยญures too serยญiยญously. People who are modยญerยญately low in orderยญliยญness care less than averยญage for routine and preยญdictยญabยญilยญity. Their schedยญules are loose and disยญrupยญtion doesnโt bothยญer them. They require almost conยญstant remindยญer and superยญviยญsion to mainยญtain attenยญtion and focus, and are easยญily disยญtracยญted. They can, howยญever, tolยญerยญate the mess, disยญrupยญtion and interยญvenยญing periยญods of chaos that may accomยญpany creยญatยญive endeavour.โ
My comยญment: I agree with this assessยญment. However, Iโm not sure that this is someยญthing that Iโm interยญested in adjustยญing. First, you change the big picยญture and then sort out the details. I keep my home sysยญtemยญatยญicยญally ordered, but Iโm not parยญticยญuยญlarly conยญcerned with the chaos of havยญing kids. I find this balยญance to be workยญing well.
3. Extraversion: Typical or Average
My result: 43rd percentile (more extraverted than 43 of 100 people).
โPeople with averยญage levels of extraยญverยญsion are not overly enthuยญsiยญastยญic, talkยญatยญive, assertยญive in social situยญations, or gregariยญous. They enjoy social conยญtact, but are also happy spendยญing time alone. They will plan parties occaยญsionยญally, and make people laugh, but are often willยญing to let othยญers take the lead in organยญizยญing social situยญations and enterยญtainยญing. They have a balยญanced view of the past and the future, neither over-emphasยญizยญing nor disยญmissยญing the posยญitยญive. People with averยญage levels of extraยญverยญsion strike a good balยญance between priยญvacy and self-disยญclosยญure. They can keep quiet, when necesยญsary, and are unlikely to blurt out informยญaยญtion that might be betยญter kept to themยญselves. They will express their viewยญpoint in meetยญings, but are typยญicยญally not the first to do so. At times, they can be capยญtivยญatยญing and conยญvinยญcing, but are not so on a habituยญal basis. People with averยญage levels of extraยญverยญsion can fit well into a range of jobs. They are sociยญable enough to engage in jobs involving sales, perยญsuaยญsion, work in groups and pubยญlic speakยญing (parยญticยญuยญlarly if they are low in neurยญoticism), although they may someยญtimes find the conยญtinuยญal pubยญlic exposยญure fatiguing.โ
My comยญment: I was pretty surยญprised by rankยญing in on averยญage here. Iโve always thought of myself as quite the extreme introยญvert. I express myself in meetยญings or on stage, but these arenโt necesยญsarยญily extroยญvert behaยญviours. I might explain this assessยญment below; I rank very low for the first aspect of this trait while high for the second.
3A. Enthusiasm: Very Low
My result: 6th percentile (less enthusiastic than 93 of 100 people).
โIndividuals who are very low in enthuยญsiยญasm are quiet and un-excitยญable. They can be very hard to get to know, as they are not at all chatty or bubยญbly. When they do talk โ and they do so comยญparยญatยญively rarely โ it tends to be about things in which they find excepยญtionยญal interest. They laugh very much less freยญquently than othยญers. They typยญicยญally prefer solitude and find it difยญfiยญcult to enjoy themยญselves around othยญer people. At most, they can handle social conยญtact in small doses. They are private people, on the loner side of the disยญtriยญbuยญtion, and tend not to be posยญitยญive or optimยญistยญic. They very rarely seek out stimยญuยญlaยญtion, exciteยญment, activยญity or fun (and, if they do so, much prefer quieter activยญitยญies). People very low in enthuยญsiยญasm are solยญitยญary, findยญing it uncomยญmonly difยญfiยญcult to genยญerยญate a felt sense of exciteยญment when offered the opporยญtunยญity to engage in someยญthing that othยญers might find engaยญging or entertaining.โ
My notes: My best guess is that Iโm genยญerยญally unimยญpressed by most things. And, I love being alone (or even isolยญated for long periยญods). However, people around me are more likely to describe me as โoverly serยญiยญousโ rather than โsomeยญwhat grumpyโ. I should make a point of being more excited about the more mundane aspects of life.
3B. Assertiveness: High
My result: 88th percentile (more assertive than 88 of 100 people).
โHighly assertยญive people are โtake chargeโ types. They put their own opinยญions forยญward strongly, and tend to domยญinยญate and conยญtrol social situยญations. Assertive people can be influยญenยญtial and capยญtivยญatยญing. They have the comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion style that is often assoยญciยญated with leadยญerยญship. This is good when they are knowยญledgeยญable, comยญpetยญent and able, but not so good when they arenโt. Assertive people are people of action. They donโt genยญerยญally wait for othยญers to lead the way. They can be more impulsยญive than averยญage, and can act without thinking.โ
My comยญment: I conยญfess to havยญing a someยญwhat granยญdiยญose sense of what speยญcifยญic road I want to travel at any givยญen moment. And roads less travยญelled donโt scare meโโโeven when they should. This parยญticยญuยญlar brand of impulsยญiveยญness and stubยญbornยญness has gotยญten me into trouble more than once. I need to work on this trait.
4. Neuroticism: Low
My result: 14th percentile (lower in neuroticism than 85 of 100 people).
โWhen good things hapยญpen to them, people with low levels of neurยญoticism can accept it, without quesยญtionยญing whethยญer or not they deserved it. They are usuยญally satยญisยญfied with their relaยญtionยญships and careers. Overall, they are tolยญerยญant of stress, and can accept failยญure and setยญbacks as part of life. People with low levels of neurยญoticism can handle risk subยญstantยญively betยญter, without becomยญing unduly conยญcerned. They are rarely conยญcerned with securยญity, and can more easยญily handle recreยญationยญal, career, finยญanยญcial and social situยญations where the posยญsibยญilยญity of loss is highยญer. They find conยญsidยญerยญing as well as impleยญmentยญing career changes and othยญer transยญformยญaยญtions that could enhance their lives much less stressful.โ
My comยญment: I can see how this gets me into trouble every now and then. Combined with high assertยญiveยญness, might not be as worยญried about events or decisions worthy of legitยญimยญate conยญcern. I overยญesยญtimยญate what I can do in a day and underยญesยญtimยญate what I can do in a decade.
4A. Withdrawal: Typical or Average
My result: 41st percentile (higher in withdrawal than 41 of 100 people)
โPeople with averยญage levels of withยญdrawยญal someยญtimes feel sad, loneยญsome, disยญapยญpoinยญted and grief-stricken, but not too deeply, and not for too long. They experยญiยญence norยญmal levels of doubt and worry, embarยญrassยญment, self-conยญsciousยญness and disยญcourยญageยญment in the face of threat and punยญishยญment. They are reasยญonยญably but not excessยญively sensยญitยญive to social rejecยญtion, and donโt feel hurt too easยญily. Even when hurt, frightened, or anxious, they can recovยญer in a reasยญonยญable amount of time. People with typยญicยญal levels of withยญdrawยญal are not parยญticยญuยญlarly conยญcerned that someยญthing bad is going to happen.โ
My comยญment: I think that Iโm averยญage when it comes to feelยญing blue. I worry, but not too much. My ego can get bruised in interยญacยญtions with othยญers, but I recovยญer quickly.
4B. Volatility: Very Low
My result: 4th percentile (less volatile than 95 of 100 people).
โIndividuals very low in volatยญilยญity are highly stable and preยญdictยญable in their moods. They are almost nevยญer irritยญable, and feel very little disยญapยญpointยญment, frusยญtraยญtion, pain and loneliยญness. People find them easy to be with and can very freยญquently relax around them. They almost nevยญer express their frusยญtraยญtion, disยญapยญpointยญment and irritยญabยญilยญity and appear very reasยญonยญable when they do so. Even on those infreยญquent occaยญsions where they become stirred up, upset, angry or irritยญated, they calm down very quickly. They are not at all arguยญmentยญatยญive and very rarely loose their composure.โ
My comยญment: Agreed. Youโre not very likely to break my comยญposยญureโโโnot even if you resort to physยญicยญal violยญence. I do experยญiยญence emoยญtions intensely, but Iโm at the same time in comยญplete conยญtrol of whethยญer or not I will choose to put my inner life on disยญplay or not.
5. Openness to Experience: Exceptionally High
My result: 96th percentile (higher in openness to experience than 96 of 100 people).
โPeople with excepยญtionยญally high levels of openยญness to experยญiยญence are almost always charยญacยญterยญized by othยญers as extremely smart, creยญatยญive, explorยญatยญory, intelยญliยญgent and visยญionยญary. They are extremely interยญested in learnยญing, and are conยญstantly acquirยญing new abilยญitยญies and skills. They are extremely curiยญous and explorยญatยญory. They are excepยญtionยญally interยญested in abstract thinkยญing, philoยญsophy, and the meanยญing of belief sysยญtems and ideoยญloยญgies. They are very likely to enjoy writยญing (or even to be drivยญen to write). They enjoy comยญplex, abstract ideas and deeply love to conยญfront and solve comยญplex, abstract and multi-dimenยญsionยญal probยญlems. They are almost always proยญlifยญic readยญers, and are interยญested in a vast range of topยญics. They have an excepยญtionยญally broad and deep vocabยญuยญlary. They can think and learn remarkยญably quickly. They are unusuยญally proยญfiยญcient at forยญmuยญlatยญing new ideas, and can be excepยญtionยญally articยญuยญlate (parยญticยญuยญlarly if averยญage or above in extraยญverยญsion). People excepยญtionยญally high in openยญness can see old things in remarkยญable ways. They can forยญmuยญlate any single probยญlem in an excepยญtionยญally diverse range of ways, and can genยญerยญate a treยญmendยญously large numยญber of probยญlem-solvยญing soluยญtions. They will conยญstantly seek change, often to make things betยญter, but also just for the sake of change.โ
My notes: Change is fun, check. Writing, check. Philosophy, check. Always learnยญing and explorยญing, check. And yes, Iโm proud of acceptยญing myself as a creยญatยญive individual.
5A. Intellect: Very High
My result: 92nd percentile (higher in openness than 92 of 100 people).
โPeople very high in intelยญlect are notยญably interยญested in ideas and abstract conยญcepts. They crave exposยญure to novยญel informยญaยญtion, even when it is comยญplex. They are highly curiยญous and explorยญatยญory, and actยญively want to find, tackle and solve chalยญlenยญging probยญlems. They will much more freยญquently seek out and iniยญtiยญate issue-oriยญented disยญcusยญsions, and are very likely to read, think about and want to disยญcuss idea-centered books (genยญerยญally non-ficยญtion). They are markedly articยญuยญlate, and can forยญmuยญlate ideas clearly and quickly (parยญticยญuยญlarly if averยญage or highยญer in extraยญverยญsion). They have a broad and wide vocabยญuยญlary, and conยญtinuยญally want to learn new things. People very high in intelยญlect will conยญstantly find and genยญerยญate novยญel, creยญatยญive conยญcepts and volยญunยญtarยญily search for and adapt very well to new experยญiยญence and situations.โ
My comยญment: This is not a speยญcifยญic IQ test but an assessยญment of interest in abstract ideas and comยญplex probยญlem-solvยญing. Given that brands hire me to help with ever-chanยญging comยญplexยญitยญies, it cerยญtainly helps that Iโm highly interยญested in (and strongly attracยญted to) comยญplex chalยญlenges and problems.
5B. Openness: Very High
My result: 95th percentile (higher in openness than 95 of 100 people).
โThe closest synยญonym for openยญness (rather than openยญness to experยญiยญence, which encomยญpasses openยญness and intelยญlect) is creยญativยญity. Very open, creยญatยญive people love beauty. They require an outยญlet for their creยญatยญive abilยญity, or they canยญnot thrive. They need to be surยญrounยญded by art or beauยญtiยญful crafts. They are strikยญingly sensยญitยญive to colยญor and archiยญtecยญturยญal form. They very much like to colยญlect things, now and then to the point of obsesยญsion. They are very imaยญginยญatยญive, and love to dayยญdream and reflect on things. They are uncomยญmonly affected by music, often of many genres, and may be musicยญal or artistยญic themยญselves (both of these are rare in the genยญerยญal popยญuยญlaยญtion). They can get unusuยญally immersed in a book, or a movie, or in their own thoughts, and become obliยญviยญous to the outยญside world. They respond very strongly to beauty, creยญativยญity and art.โ
My comยญment: I make a point of appreยญciยญatยญing beauty in my daily life. All forms of beauty serve as visยญcerยญal remindยญers that lifeโs not just some sort of Darwinian, utilยญitยญariยญan, or Taylorism outยญput sysยญtem. If math is the uniยญverยญsal lanยญguage of the uniยญverse, beauty is its prime expression.
What actions did I take as a resยญult of takยญing this test? Make sure to check out I Took a Personality Test and Failed Miserably.
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