The Public Relations BlogCreativityThe Big Five Aspects Scale (My Personality Test Results)

The Big Five Aspects Scale (My Personality Test Results)

My results from the personality test of personality tests.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer


I’ve taken the Big Five Aspects Scale per­son­al­ity test.

I enjoy explor­ing per­son­al­ity tests; it’s a guilty pleas­ure of mine.

For instance, accord­ing to 16Personalities, I’m an INTP‑A “Assertive Logician” (see descrip­tion here).

Below are my res­ults (some­what shortened down) from the Big Five Aspects Scale per­son­al­ity test at Understand Myself as recom­men­ded by Jordan B. Peterson, clin­ic­al psy­cho­lo­gist and Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto. 

Below, you’ll find my per­son­al­ity test scores along with my comments.

Here we go:

Results: Big Five Aspects Scale

The ques­tion­naire explores how I com­pare to thou­sands of oth­er people (who have taken the same test) in terms of:

Agreeableness: Typical (50÷100)—Compassion: Average (48÷100) and Politeness: Average (52÷100)

Conscientiousness: Moderately low (35÷100)—Industriousness: Moderately low (38÷100) and Orderliness: Moderately low (36÷100)

Extraversion: Average (43÷100)—Enthusiasm: Very low (6÷100) and Assertiveness: High (88÷100)

Neuroticism: Low (14÷100)—Withdrawal: Average (41÷100) and Volatility: Very low (4÷100)

Openness to Experience: Exceptionally high (96÷100)—Openness: Very high (92÷100) and Intellect: Very high (95÷100)

For those inter­ested in these types of assess­ments, here are my res­ults, fol­lowed by my comments.

1. Agreeableness: Typical

50th per­cent­ile (more agree­able than 50 of 100 people)

“People with aver­age levels of agree­able­ness are some­what for­giv­ing, accept­ing, flex­ible, gentle and patient. They some­times feel pity for those who are excluded, pun­ished or defeated. However, they are less likely than highly agree­able people to be taken advant­age of by dis­agree­able people or those with crim­in­al or pred­at­ory intent. They can be skep­tic­al. They believe in coöper­a­tion, but also feel that com­pet­i­tion, with its losers and win­ners, has its val­id place. They are less likely to lose argu­ments (and will not typ­ic­ally avoid dis­cus­sion) with less agree­able people. They can be quite good at bar­gain­ing for them­selves, and at nego­ti­at­ing for more recog­ni­tion or power. They are likely to have some­what high­er salar­ies and earn more money, in con­sequence. This may mean they are less likely to suf­fer from resent­ment or to har­bour invis­ible anger, although this tend­ency may be increased, if they are high in neur­oticism. In addi­tion, because of their tend­ency to engage in con­flict, when neces­sary, typ­ic­ally agree­able people are less prone to sac­ri­fice medi­um- to long-term sta­bil­ity and func­tion for the sake of short-term peace. This can mean that prob­lems that should be solved in the present are often solved, and do not accu­mu­late coun­ter­pro­duct­ively across time.”

My com­ment: I find the skill of listen­ing to oth­ers to be under­val­ued in Western cul­ture, and I always strive to become a bet­ter listen­er. Still, I draw the line of per­son­al agree­able­ness in situ­ations where my integ­rity is at stake. To think I’m close to the aver­age in this aspect makes abso­lute sense.

1A. Compassion: Typical or Average

48th per­cent­ile (more com­pas­sion­ate than 48 of 100 people)

“People who are typ­ic­ally com­pas­sion­ate people are reas­on­ably inter­ested in the prob­lems of oth­er people, and oth­er liv­ing things. They are some­what con­cerned about help­ing oth­er people avoid neg­at­ive emo­tion, but are will­ing to stand their ground, even when oth­ers get upset. They make time and do kind things for oth­ers, but bal­ance that with ful­filling their own needs and interests. They have a soft side, but are not pushovers. Other people con­sider them reas­on­ably sym­path­et­ic and nice, and will some­times turn to them for a listen­ing ear. They can be empath­et­ic and caring. However, they are not primar­ily oth­er-ori­ented, so they can nego­ti­ate effect­ively on their own behalf. This helps ensure that they get what they deserve, and shields them from the devel­op­ment of resentment.”

My com­ment: I’m not a social justice war­ri­or by any stretch of the ima­gin­a­tion, but I have com­pas­sion for the inno­cent. Having trav­elled across social classes, I know bet­ter than to think that liv­ing is easy.

1B. Politeness: Typical or Average

52nd per­cent­ile (more polite than 52 of 100 people)

“Typically polite people can be defer­en­tial to author­ity, but can also be chal­len­ging, when neces­sary. They are not par­tic­u­larly obed­i­ent. They can be respect­ful, but will also push back if pushed. They are not made uncom­fort­able by the neces­sity of stand­ing up to oth­er people. Typically polite people will avoid con­flict, reas­on­ably, but are not com­pletely averse to confrontation.”

My com­ment: I thought I would rank high­er on polite­ness, but being aver­age is still reasonable.

2. Conscientiousness: Moderately Low

35th per­cent­ile (less con­scien­tious than 64 of 100 people)

“People mod­er­ately low in con­scien­tious­ness tend to be rel­at­ively free of guilt, shame, self-dis­gust and self-con­tempt. Individuals who are mod­er­ately low in con­scien­tious are not par­tic­u­larly con­cerned by fail­ure. They are not judg­ment­al, to them­selves or oth­ers, and tend towards situ­ation­al explan­a­tions for dis­ap­point­ment, frus­tra­tion or lack of suc­cess. They can handle peri­ods of inactiv­ity and unem­ploy­ment with rel­at­ive ease. They tend to down­play the rela­tion­ship between hard work, dili­gence and suc­cess, believ­ing that chance factors and luck in life play a determ­in­ing role. They live, in large part, for leis­ure and very much look for­ward to time off. They can be good at relax­ing, and liv­ing in the moment (par­tic­u­larly when low in neur­oticism). They are less con­cerned than aver­age with clean­ing, mor­al pur­ity and achieve­ment. It’s more fun to be at the beach or at a party with a per­son mod­er­ately low in con­scien­tious­ness – but you might not want to invite them over on mov­ing day.”

My com­ment: I grav­it­ated towards a freel­ance career for a reas­on: I dis­like hav­ing duties as much as I like to decide what to do and what not to do. Still, I should work on this aspect of my personality.

2A. Industriousness: Moderately Low

38th per­cent­ile (less indus­tri­ous than 61 of 100 people)

“People mod­er­ately low in indus­tri­ous­ness are not judg­ment­al to them­selves or oth­ers. They tend to let people, includ­ing them­selves, off the hook. They are less likely to believe that people fail because they don’t apply them­selves or work hard, assum­ing that chance and luck play the determ­in­ing roles. They are not prone to guilt, self-dis­gust or self-con­tempt, and have a lais­sez-faire, whatever-will-be-will-be atti­tude toward life.”

My com­ment: I have a prob­lem with pro­cras­tin­a­tion and I’m doing my best work when there’s a dead­line. This per­son­al­ity trait is some­thing I’ve been try­ing to improve for more than two decades.

2B. Orderliness: Moderately Low

36th per­cent­ile (less orderly than 63 of 100 people)

People mod­er­ately low in order­li­ness are neither dis­turbed nor dis­gus­ted by mess and chaos. They tend simply not to notice such things. They see the world in shades of grey, rather than black and white, and are non-judg­ment­al in their atti­tudes toward them­selves and oth­ers. They are not ori­ented toward detail and take neither rules nor pro­ced­ures too ser­i­ously. People who are mod­er­ately low in order­li­ness care less than aver­age for routine and pre­dict­ab­il­ity. Their sched­ules are loose and dis­rup­tion doesn’t both­er them. They require almost con­stant remind­er and super­vi­sion to main­tain atten­tion and focus, and are eas­ily dis­trac­ted. They can, how­ever, tol­er­ate the mess, dis­rup­tion and inter­ven­ing peri­ods of chaos that may accom­pany cre­at­ive endeavour.”

My com­ment: I agree with this assess­ment. However, I’m not sure that this is some­thing that I’m inter­ested in adjust­ing. First, you change the big pic­ture and then sort out the details. I keep my home sys­tem­at­ic­ally ordered, but I’m not par­tic­u­larly con­cerned with the chaos of hav­ing kids. I find this bal­ance to be work­ing well.

3. Extraversion: Typical or Average

43rd per­cent­ile (more extra­ver­ted than 43 of 100 people)

“People with aver­age levels of extra­ver­sion are not overly enthu­si­ast­ic, talk­at­ive, assert­ive in social situ­ations, or gregari­ous. They enjoy social con­tact, but are also happy spend­ing time alone. They will plan parties occa­sion­ally, and make people laugh, but are often will­ing to let oth­ers take the lead in organ­iz­ing social situ­ations and enter­tain­ing. They have a bal­anced view of the past and the future, neither over-emphas­iz­ing nor dis­miss­ing the pos­it­ive. People with aver­age levels of extra­ver­sion strike a good bal­ance between pri­vacy and self-dis­clos­ure. They can keep quiet, when neces­sary, and are unlikely to blurt out inform­a­tion that might be bet­ter kept to them­selves. They will express their view­point in meet­ings, but are typ­ic­ally not the first to do so. At times, they can be cap­tiv­at­ing and con­vin­cing, but are not so on a habitu­al basis. People with aver­age levels of extra­ver­sion can fit well into a range of jobs. They are soci­able enough to engage in jobs involving sales, per­sua­sion, work in groups and pub­lic speak­ing (par­tic­u­larly if they are low in neur­oticism), although they may some­times find the con­tinu­al pub­lic expos­ure fatiguing.”

My com­ment: I was pretty sur­prised by rank­ing in on aver­age here. I’ve always thought of myself as quite the extreme intro­vert. I express myself in meet­ings or on stage, but these aren’t neces­sar­ily extro­vert beha­viours. I might explain this assess­ment below; I rank very low for the first aspect of this trait while high for the second.

3A. Enthusiasm: Very Low

6th per­cent­ile (less enthu­si­ast­ic than 93 of 100 people)

“Individuals who are very low in enthu­si­asm are quiet and un-excit­able. They can be very hard to get to know, as they are not at all chatty or bub­bly. When they do talk – and they do so com­par­at­ively rarely – it tends to be about things in which they find excep­tion­al interest. They laugh very much less fre­quently than oth­ers. They typ­ic­ally prefer solitude and find it dif­fi­cult to enjoy them­selves around oth­er people. At most, they can handle social con­tact in small doses. They are private people, on the loner side of the dis­tri­bu­tion, and tend not to be pos­it­ive or optim­ist­ic. They very rarely seek out stim­u­la­tion, excite­ment, activ­ity or fun (and, if they do so, much prefer quieter activ­it­ies). People very low in enthu­si­asm are sol­it­ary, find­ing it uncom­monly dif­fi­cult to gen­er­ate a felt sense of excite­ment when offered the oppor­tun­ity to engage in some­thing that oth­ers might find enga­ging or entertaining.”

My notes: My best guess is that I’m gen­er­ally unim­pressed by most things. And, I love being alone (or even isol­ated for long peri­ods). However, people around me are more likely to describe me as “overly ser­i­ous” rather than “some­what grumpy”. I should make a point of being more excited about the more mundane aspects of life.

3B. Assertiveness: High

88th per­cent­ile (more assert­ive than 88 of 100 people)

“Highly assert­ive people are “take charge” types. They put their own opin­ions for­ward strongly, and tend to dom­in­ate and con­trol social situ­ations. Assertive people can be influ­en­tial and cap­tiv­at­ing. They have the com­mu­nic­a­tion style that is often asso­ci­ated with lead­er­ship. This is good when they are know­ledge­able, com­pet­ent and able, but not so good when they aren’t. Assertive people are people of action. They don’t gen­er­ally wait for oth­ers to lead the way. They can be more impuls­ive than aver­age, and can act without thinking.”

My com­ment: I con­fess to hav­ing a some­what gran­di­ose sense of what spe­cif­ic road I want to travel at any giv­en moment. And roads less trav­elled don’t scare me — even when they should. This par­tic­u­lar brand of impuls­ive­ness and stub­born­ness has got­ten me into trouble more than once. I need to work on this trait.

4. Neuroticism: Low

14th per­cent­ile (lower in neur­oticism than 85 of 100 people)

“When good things hap­pen to them, people with low levels of neur­oticism can accept it, without ques­tion­ing wheth­er or not they deserved it. They are usu­ally sat­is­fied with their rela­tion­ships and careers. Overall, they are tol­er­ant of stress, and can accept fail­ure and set­backs as part of life. People with low levels of neur­oticism can handle risk sub­stant­ively bet­ter, without becom­ing unduly con­cerned. They are rarely con­cerned with secur­ity, and can more eas­ily handle recre­ation­al, career, fin­an­cial and social situ­ations where the pos­sib­il­ity of loss is high­er. They find con­sid­er­ing as well as imple­ment­ing career changes and oth­er trans­form­a­tions that could enhance their lives much less stressful.”

My com­ment: I can see how this gets me into trouble every now and then. Combined with high assert­ive­ness, might not be as wor­ried about events or decisions worthy of legit­im­ate con­cern. I over­es­tim­ate what I can do in a day and under­es­tim­ate what I can do in a decade.

4A. Withdrawal: Typical or Average

41st per­cent­ile (high­er in with­draw­al than 41 of 100 people)

“People with aver­age levels of with­draw­al some­times feel sad, lone­some, dis­ap­poin­ted and grief-stricken, but not too deeply, and not for too long. They exper­i­ence nor­mal levels of doubt and worry, embar­rass­ment, self-con­scious­ness and dis­cour­age­ment in the face of threat and pun­ish­ment. They are reas­on­ably but not excess­ively sens­it­ive to social rejec­tion, and don’t feel hurt too eas­ily. Even when hurt, frightened, or anxious, they can recov­er in a reas­on­able amount of time. People with typ­ic­al levels of with­draw­al are not par­tic­u­larly con­cerned that some­thing bad is going to happen.”

My com­ment: I think that I’m aver­age when it comes to feel­ing blue. I worry, but not too much. My ego can get bruised in inter­ac­tions with oth­ers, but I recov­er quickly.

4B. Volatility: Very Low

4th per­cent­ile (less volat­ile than 95 of 100 people)

“Individuals very low in volat­il­ity are highly stable and pre­dict­able in their moods. They are almost nev­er irrit­able, and feel very little dis­ap­point­ment, frus­tra­tion, pain and loneli­ness. People find them easy to be with and can very fre­quently relax around them. They almost nev­er express their frus­tra­tion, dis­ap­point­ment and irrit­ab­il­ity and appear very reas­on­able when they do so. Even on those infre­quent occa­sions where they become stirred up, upset, angry or irrit­ated, they calm down very quickly. They are not at all argu­ment­at­ive and very rarely loose their composure.”

My com­ment: Agreed. You’re not very likely to break my com­pos­ure — not even if you resort to phys­ic­al viol­ence. I do exper­i­ence emo­tions intensely, but I’m at the same time in com­plete con­trol of wheth­er or not I will choose to put my inner life on dis­play or not.

5. Openness to Experience: Exceptionally High

96th per­cent­ile (high­er in open­ness to exper­i­ence than 96 of 100 people)

“People with excep­tion­ally high levels of open­ness to exper­i­ence are almost always char­ac­ter­ized by oth­ers as extremely smart, cre­at­ive, explor­at­ory, intel­li­gent and vis­ion­ary. They are extremely inter­ested in learn­ing, and are con­stantly acquir­ing new abil­it­ies and skills. They are extremely curi­ous and explor­at­ory. They are excep­tion­ally inter­ested in abstract think­ing, philo­sophy, and the mean­ing of belief sys­tems and ideo­lo­gies. They are very likely to enjoy writ­ing (or even to be driv­en to write). They enjoy com­plex, abstract ideas and deeply love to con­front and solve com­plex, abstract and multi-dimen­sion­al prob­lems. They are almost always pro­lif­ic read­ers, and are inter­ested in a vast range of top­ics. They have an excep­tion­ally broad and deep vocab­u­lary. They can think and learn remark­ably quickly. They are unusu­ally pro­fi­cient at for­mu­lat­ing new ideas, and can be excep­tion­ally artic­u­late (par­tic­u­larly if aver­age or above in extra­ver­sion). People excep­tion­ally high in open­ness can see old things in remark­able ways. They can for­mu­late any single prob­lem in an excep­tion­ally diverse range of ways, and can gen­er­ate a tre­mend­ously large num­ber of prob­lem-solv­ing solu­tions. They will con­stantly seek change, often to make things bet­ter, but also just for the sake of change.”

My notes: Change is fun, check. Writing, check. Philosophy, check. Always learn­ing and explor­ing, check. And yes, I’m proud of accept­ing myself as a cre­at­ive individual.

5A. Intellect: Very High

92nd per­cent­ile (high­er in open­ness than 95 of 100 people)

“People very high in intel­lect are not­ably inter­ested in ideas and abstract con­cepts. They crave expos­ure to nov­el inform­a­tion, even when it is com­plex. They are highly curi­ous and explor­at­ory, and act­ively want to find, tackle and solve chal­len­ging prob­lems. They will much more fre­quently seek out and ini­ti­ate issue-ori­ented dis­cus­sions, and are very likely to read, think about and want to dis­cuss idea-centered books (gen­er­ally non-fic­tion). They are markedly artic­u­late, and can for­mu­late ideas clearly and quickly (par­tic­u­larly if aver­age or high­er in extra­ver­sion). They have a broad and wide vocab­u­lary, and con­tinu­ally want to learn new things. People very high in intel­lect will con­stantly find and gen­er­ate nov­el, cre­at­ive con­cepts and vol­un­tar­ily search for and adapt very well to new exper­i­ence and situations.”

My com­ment: This is not a spe­cif­ic IQ test but an assess­ment of interest in abstract ideas and com­plex prob­lem-solv­ing. Given that brands hire me to help with ever-chan­ging com­plex­it­ies, it cer­tainly helps that I’m highly inter­ested in (and strongly attrac­ted to) com­plex chal­lenges and problems.

5B. Openness: Very High

95th per­cent­ile (high­er in open­ness than 95 of 100 people)

“The closest syn­onym for open­ness (rather than open­ness to exper­i­ence, which encom­passes open­ness and intel­lect) is cre­ativ­ity. Very open, cre­at­ive people love beauty. They require an out­let for their cre­at­ive abil­ity, or they can­not thrive. They need to be sur­roun­ded by art or beau­ti­ful crafts. They are strik­ingly sens­it­ive to col­or and archi­tec­tur­al form. They very much like to col­lect things, now and then to the point of obses­sion. They are very ima­gin­at­ive, and love to day­dream and reflect on things. They are uncom­monly affected by music, often of many genres, and may be music­al or artist­ic them­selves (both of these are rare in the gen­er­al pop­u­la­tion). They can get unusu­ally immersed in a book, or a movie, or in their own thoughts, and become obli­vi­ous to the out­side world. They respond very strongly to beauty, cre­ativ­ity and art.”

My com­ment: I make a point of appre­ci­at­ing beauty in my daily life. All forms of beauty serve as vis­cer­al remind­ers that life’s not just some sort of Darwinian, util­it­ari­an, or Taylorism out­put sys­tem. If math is the uni­ver­sal lan­guage of the uni­verse, beauty is its prime expression.

What actions did I take as a res­ult of tak­ing this test? Make sure to check out I Took a Personality Test Failed Miserably.

Signature - Jerry Silfwer - Doctor Spin

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My Renaissance Projects

The Renaissance was a peri­od of sig­ni­fic­ant cul­tur­al, artist­ic, polit­ic­al, and sci­entif­ic rebirth in Europe, last­ing from the 14th to the 17th cen­tury, marked by a renewed interest in the clas­sic­al art and ideas of ancient Greece and Rome.

Inspired by lifelong artists and learners, I strive to always devel­op my cre­at­ive intel­li­gence, phys­ic­al strengths, and men­tal well-being. 

This is a list of my “Renaissance Projects”:

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Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Kaufmann, Whispr Group, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has



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