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The Epic Year Approach: Control Your Life Event Density

Four major life events is the magic number.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

The Epic Year approach is about speed­ing up per­son­al growth.

What do you remem­ber from a spe­cif­ic year in your life? When it comes down to what we remem­ber from past years, we tend to remem­ber … the epic stuff. 

What do I remem­ber from a spe­cif­ic year?
And why do life events matter?

Here we go:

Life Event Density

When think­ing back on a spe­cif­ic year, most of us will remem­ber highly spe­cif­ic life events like:

  • Having chil­dren or mar­ry­ing someone.
  • Quitting a job or start­ing a new one.
  • Moving from some­where to some­where else.
  • Reaching a sig­ni­fic­ant per­son­al mile­stone, like fin­ish­ing a marathon.
  • Starting a new company.
  • Being awar­ded or rewar­ded for a spe­cif­ic accomplishment.
  • Taking an amaz­ing trip somewhere.
  • Completing an edu­ca­tion or earn­ing a diploma.
  • Meeting someone or doing some­thing for the first time.

And so on.

Besides being pos­it­ive and mem­or­able, what these types of life events often have in com­mon is that they seem to pro­pel our lives forward.

Four is the Magic Number

In 2010, I mar­ried Lisah on a Caribbean beach, worked in New York, star­ted blog­ging in English, and got a stu­dio apart­ment in Manhattan’s Financial District. Those were four sig­ni­fic­ant leaps in my life — and a life-chan­ging year for me.

For me, 2010 was epic.

In 2013, I remem­ber quit­ting my job and start­ing a digit­al PR agency, Spin Factory. That’s two giant leaps, but hon­estly, I can­’t remem­ber any­thing else but hard work from that year. 

In ret­ro­spect, 2013 does­n’t stand out as an “Epic Year.”

The magic num­ber seemed to be four major mile­stones; if I had exper­i­enced four leap-type events in one year, that year would have felt monu­ment­al in hindsight. 

Go For Epic Years

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The Epic Year Approach

We all exper­i­ence major life events. Sometimes, they occur one after anoth­er, some­times they’re far apart. It could be fin­ish­ing or start­ing an edu­ca­tion, relo­cat­ing, mar­ry­ing someone, mak­ing a cru­cial career move, start­ing a busi­ness, hav­ing a child, etc.

What such events typ­ic­ally have in com­mon is that they tend to pro­pel the pro­gres­sion of your life forward.

A few years stand out, push­ing my per­son­al devel­op­ment for­ward expo­nen­tially. What did those years have in com­mon? They con­tained four (or more) life events.

I call them Epic Years:

Epic Year = exper­i­en­cing four (or more) major life events with­in one year.

To accel­er­ate per­son­al growth, exam­ine the upcom­ing year. How many life events lie in your path? Fewer than four? Take action to get that num­ber to (at least) four!

Learn more: The Epic Year Approach: Control Your Life Event Density

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Keeping Track of Epic Years

I will, for sure, do my very best to have Epic Years mov­ing for­ward. The plan is to keep track of sig­ni­fic­ant life events by doing annu­al reviews:

Signature - Jerry Silfwer - Doctor Spin

Thanks for read­ing. Please sup­port my blog by shar­ing art­icles with oth­er com­mu­nic­a­tions and mar­ket­ing pro­fes­sion­als. You might also con­sider my PR ser­vices or speak­ing engage­ments.

PR Resource: More Projects

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My Renaissance Projects

The Renaissance was a peri­od of sig­ni­fic­ant cul­tur­al, artist­ic, polit­ic­al, and sci­entif­ic rebirth in Europe, last­ing from the 14th to the 17th cen­tury, marked by a renewed interest in the clas­sic­al art and ideas of ancient Greece and Rome.

Inspired by lifelong artists and learners, I strive to always devel­op my cre­at­ive intel­li­gence, phys­ic­al strengths, and men­tal well-being. 

This is a list of my “Renaissance Projects”:

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PR Resource: Productivity

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Jerry’s Life Design Ideas

In addi­tion to being a PR pro­fes­sion­al, I’m inter­ested in find­ing ways to live a bet­ter life — and I some­times stumble upon ideas worth writ­ing down when think­ing about such things.

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Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Kaufmann, Whispr Group, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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