Social Media Myths in PR

The most common flaws in our social media analysis.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

Some social media myths can wreak havยญoc in PR.

Many comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion departยญments get their social media anaยญlysยญis wrong. The reasยญon is simple: We often go for the obviยญous answer.

We might think the answer is starยญing us right in the face. But recogยญnising the conยญtrariยญan nature of social media is a difยญferยญent ball game altogether.

Here we go:

The Social Media Myths in PR

Common Social Media Myths in PR

Social media has become a cruยญcial part of brand strategy, but there are sevยญerยญal myths and misยญconยญcepยญtions about its usage for brands. 

Here are 10 comยญmon myths:

Social media is free and easy. While setยญting up proยญfiles is free, manยญaging social media requires time, effort, and often paid proยญmoยญtions to engage and grow an audience.

All social media platยญforms suit every brand. Each platยญform has a unique audiยญence and style. What works on Instagram might not be effectยญive on LinkedIn. Brands must choose platยญforms that align with their tarยญget audiยญence and brand image.

Read also: Corporate Cringe

More folยญlowยญers equals more sucยญcess. The numยญber of folยญlowยญers is a vanยญity metยญric. Engagement rates, conยญverยญsions, and how folยญlowยญers interยญact with conยญtent are more importยญant indicยญatยญors of success.

Read also: Critical Mass: How Many Followers Does Your Brand Need?

Negative comยญments should be deleted or ignored. Negative feedยญback is inevยญitยญable. How a brand responds to criยญtiยญcism can sigยญniยญficยญantly impact its repuยญtaยญtion. Addressing conยญcerns transยญparยญently can improve brand credibility.

Posting more often leads to more engageยญment. Overposting can lead to audiยญence fatigue. Itโ€™s more effectยญive to focus on the qualยญity of conยญtent rather than just quantity.

Social media is only for young people. While youngยญer demoยญgraphยญics are actยญive on social media, older genยญerยญaยญtions increasยญingly use these platยญforms. Brands shouldยญnโ€™t overยญlook the diversity of the social media audience.

Viral conยญtent is the key to sucยญcess. While virยญal conยญtent can boost visยญibยญilยญity, itโ€™s not a susยญtainยญable or preยญdictยญable strategy. Consistent and relยญevยญant conยญtent is more effectยญive for long-term engagement.

Read also: Group Sizes (From Support Cliques To Tribes)

Any conยญtent will do. Content needs to be tailored to the brandโ€™s audiยญence. What resยญonยญates with one group might not work for another.

Read also: โ€œFor Content!โ€

Immediate sales should be the primary focus. While sales are importยญant, social media is also about buildยญing relaยญtionยญships, brand awareยญness, and comยญmunity engagement.

Read also: No Brand Community For You

Social media resยญults are instant. Building a strong social media presยญence takes time. Patience and perยญsistยญence are key to seeยญing the beneยญfits of social media marยญketยญing efforts.

Read also: The Publics in Public Relations

Learn more: Social Media Myths in PR

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PR Resource: PR Issues in Social Media

Social media issues.
Social media issues.
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List of Social Media Issues

Social media isnโ€™t just sunยญshine and rainยญbows. With massive change come new social media issues we must deal with.

Here are a few examples of social media issues:

Read also: Social Media: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

๐Ÿ’ก Subscribe and get a free ebook on how to get betยญter PR.

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Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Kaufmann, Whispr Group, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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