What are influยญenยญcers in pubยญlic relations?
Quantifying is often chalยญlenยญging, espeยญcially when makยญing sense of human behaยญviour. But most of us are faced with catยญegorยญising influยญenยญcers in social media anyway.
While you can find difยญferยญent types of online influยญenยญcers on variยญous platยญforms, Iโve chosen to look more closely at the media comยญmonly tarยญgeted by businesses.
Here we go:
The Influencers in Public Relations
In pubยญlic relaยญtions, influยญenยญcers are indiยญviduยญals who have manยญaged to grow a subยญstanยญtial audiยญence, which has the potenยญtial to affect a speยญcifยญic organยญisaยญtion either posยญitยญively or negatively.
Influencers = indeยญpendยญent conยญtent creยญatยญors with influยญenยญtial platยญforms and folยญlowยญings of potenยญtial importยญance to a brand. 1Silfwer, J. (2020, January 15). The Influencers in Public Relations. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โiโnโfโlโuโeโnโcโeโrโsโ-โiโnโ-โpโuโbโlโiโcโ-โrโeโlโaโtโiโoโns/
Establishing and mainยญtainยญing good relaยญtionยญships with straยญtegicยญally chosen influยญenยญcers for the organยญisaยญtion is often critยญicยญally important.
โInfluencers in pubยญlic relaยญtions are emerยญging stakeยญholdยญers who genยญerยญate a state of opinยญion in the digitยญal comยญmunity that surยญpasses traยญdiยญtionยญal pubยญlic opinยญion.โ
Source: The Role of Prosumers in the Interactive and Digital Processes of Public Relations 2Polo, M. (2020). The Role of Prosumers in the Interactive and Digital Processes of Public Relations. 161โโโ174. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ4โ0โ1โ8โ/โ978โโโ1โ7998โโโ3119โ8.ch012
How To Categorise Influencers
There arenโt standยญardยญised terยญminยญoยญloยญgies for influยญenยญcer marยญketยญing and influยญenยญcer relaยญtions, and no genยญerยญal folยญlowยญing sizes or engageยญment ratios exist. However, itโs posยญsible to make approxยญimยญate distinctions.
I recomยญmend using the folยญlowยญing tiers and namยญing conยญvenยญtions for catยญegorยญising difยญferยญent types of influencers:
Learn more: The Influencers in Public Relations
Influencer Size Variations per Platform
To account for how difยญferยญent types of creยญatยญor-based platยญforms work, I use this matยญrix to catยญegorยญise social media influencers:
A few conยญsidยญerยญaยญtions for this matrix:
On varyยญing creยญatยญor-platยญform influence:
โOur research showed how trust is earned over time, with conยญsumers tendยญing to trust influยญenยญcers on legยญacy platยญforms such as YouTube more (28%) than those on newยญer platยญforms such as Instagram (22%) and TikTok (15%).
However, influยญenยญcers on both YouTube and TikTok fared well when comยญpared to more traยญdiยญtionยญal brand endorseยญments. 37% of 16โโโ44-year olds trust a YouTube influยญenยญcer more than a high-proยญfile figยญure or celebrity. Meanwhile on TikTok, almost a quarter (23%) of the same age group agreed they trust a TikTok influencerโs recomยญmendยญaยญtion over a friend.
And the surยญvey shows how trust is conยญvertยญing into sales for brands. Over a quarter (27%) of conยญsumers have been influยญenced to purยญchase a product or serยญvice by creยญatยญors on YouTube in the past six months, folยญlowed by 24% of conยญsumers on Instagram and 15% on TikTok. This increases to almost a quarter (23%) of 16โโโ44 year-olds on the platยญform, showยญing how difยญferยญent demoยญgraphยญics interยญact difยญferยญently with each platยญform.โ
Source: Influenceonlineโ.coโ.uk 3Keane-Dawson, M. (2020, June 9). How will influยญenยญcer marยญketยญing proยญgress in 2020? Influenceonlineโ.coโ.uk. https://โinfluโenceonโlineโ.coโ.uk/โ2โ0โ2โ0โ/โ0โ6โ/โ0โ9โ/โhโoโwโ-โwโiโlโlโ-โiโnโfโlโuโeโnโcโeโrโ-โmโaโrโkโeโtโiโnโgโ-โpโrโoโgโrโeโsโsโ-โiโnโ-โ2โ0โ20/
Influencer Marketing vs Influencer Relations
There are three main types of influยญenยญcer marยญketยญing (digitยญal marยญketยญing) and one primary type of influยญenยญcer relaยญtions (digitยญal PR):
Influencer Relations (Part of Digital PR)
Influencer outยญreach (earned media) = the influยญenยญcer receives invitยญaยญtions, demos, or exclusยญive materยญiยญal without strings attached.
Influencer Marketing (Part of Digital Marketing)
Influencer advertยญising (paid media) = the influยญenยญcer will pubยญlish the brandโs pre-made conยญtent in their channels.
Influencer sponยญsorยญship (paid media) = the influยญenยญcer will read a script to conยญvey an offerยญing folยญlowยญing the brandโs instructions.
Influencer colยญlabยญorยญaยญtion (paid media) = the influยญenยญcer showยญcases the brandโs offerยญing by creยญatยญing conยญtent simยญilยญar to the influยญenยญcerยญโs regยญuยญlar content.
Advertising, sponยญsorยญships, and colยญlabยญorยญaยญtions are typยญicยญally referred to as influยญenยญcer marยญketยญing, and outยญreach is typยญicยญally referred to as influยญenยญcer relaยญtions.
Organisations lookยญing to utilยญise the potenยญtial reach of relยญevยญant influยญenยญcers will be wise to pay attenยญtion to these disยญtincยญtions. 4Silfwer, J. (2020, January 15). The Influencers in Public Relations. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โiโnโfโlโuโeโnโcโeโrโsโ-โiโnโ-โpโuโbโlโiโcโ-โrโeโlโaโtโiโoโns/
Learn more: Influencer Relations vs Influencer Marketing
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