What if Napoleon nevยญer existed?
Most of us are conยญvinced that Napoleon Bonaparte was an actuยญal hisยญtorยญicยญal figure.
Well, what if Napoleon nevยญer existed?
Here we go:
What If Napoleon Never Existed?
Ponder this:
1. Napoleon is just a variยญation of Apoleon or Apollo, and as God of the Sun, he was named Bonaparte, which means โthe good part of the dayโ (when the sun shines).
2. Just as Apollo was born on the Mediterranean island of Delos, Napoleon was born on the Mediterranean island of Corsica.
3. Napoleonโs mothยญer, Letitia, can be idenยญtiยญfied as Leto, Apolloโs mothยญer. Both names mean joy and hapยญpiยญness, sigยญnalling the sun keepยญing the night at bay.
4. Letitia had three daughยญtersโโโas did Leto, Apolloโs mothยญer.
5. Napoleonโs four brothยญers repยญresยญent the four seaยญsons. Three brothยญers became kings, except for one brothยญer who became Prince of Canino (derived from โcani,โ white, winter, ageยญing).
6. Napoleon was drivยญen out of France by Northern armies, as Appolo, the Sun God, was drivยญen away by the North Wind.
7. Napoleon had two wives, as did Apollo. They repยญresยญent the Earth and the Moon. Apollo nevยญer had any chilยญdren with the Moon, but the Earth gave him a son, repยญresยญentยญing the ferยญtilยญizยญaยญtion of all green plants on Earth. Napoleonโs son was allegedly born on the 21st of March, the equiยญnox in which the plane of Earthโs equatยญor passes through the Sunโs centre (the Summer Solstice).
8. Apollo saved Greece from the dragon Python, and Napoleon saved France from the horยญrors of revoluยญtion (derived from โrevolvo,โ someยญthing that crawls).
9. Napoleonโs twelve genยญerยญals symยญbolยญise the twelve creatures of the zodiยญac, and his four genยญerยญals repยญresยญent North, West, South, and East.
10. Napoleon, the Sun Myth, always conquered the South but was always defeated by the cold winds of the North. Like the Sun, Napoleon rose in the Eastโโโhe was born in Corsica)โโโand dawned in the Westโโโhe died on St. Helena.โ
Above is how the British writer Rupert Furneaux demonยญstrates how to cast doubt on the existยญence of Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the most famยญous charยญacยญters in hisยญtory. 1Rupert Furneaux. (2023, April 8). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โRโuโpโeโrโtโ_โFโuโrโnโeโaux
Is there a serยญiยญous case for the non-existยญence of Napoleon, one of the most promยญinยญent figยญures in hisยญtory? This conยญspirยญacy theยญory demonยญstrates how easยญily it is to cast doubt over the existยญence of one of historyโs most well-docยญuยญmented figures.
With just a few cherry-picked arguยญments, itโs posยญsible to make people believe that Napoleon wasnโt a real man but a myth, a Sun god.
The Makings of a Conspiracy Theory
Studies have shown that we are susยญceptยญible to informยญaยญtion presenยญted in fragยญments that supยญport one speยญcifยญic posยญiยญtion while simยญulยญtanยญeously leavยญing out conยญtraยญdictยญory evidยญence. Itโs cherry-pickยญing. 2Cherry pickยญing. (2023, September 24). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โCโhโeโrโrโyโ_โpโiโcโkโing
We shouldnโt be surยญprised. We live in a time where a growยญing numยญber of conยญspirยญacy theยญorยญists are actยญively conยญvinยญcing themยญselves that the Earth is flat. Thatโs how low the bar is set.
The point is that we seem to have an endยญless capaยญcity for belief in the absence of evidยญence. It doesnโt matยญter if itโs the media, govยญernยญments, reliยญgion, interest groups, or two friends in a bar.
Bullshit is a natยญurยญal human expresยญsion.
Try not to step into it.
List of Logical Fallacies and Biases
We easยญily fall prey to the tricks our psyยญchoยญlogy plays on us. These โthinkยญing errorsโ exist because theyโve often aided our surยญvivยญal. However, knowยญing and underยญstandยญing variยญous types of comยญmon falยญlaยญcies and biases is helpยญful in everyยญday life.
Here are a few examples of logicยญal falยญlaยญcies and biases that Iโve come across while studyยญing pubยญlic relaยญtions and linguistics:
Learn more: 58 Logical Fallacies and Biases
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1 | Rupert Furneaux. (2023, April 8). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โRโuโpโeโrโtโ_โFโuโrโnโeโaux |
2 | Cherry pickยญing. (2023, September 24). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โCโhโeโrโrโyโ_โpโiโcโkโing |