PR is stressยญfulโโโtake your menยญtal health seriously.
This post will provide sevยญerยญal powerยญful mindยญsets and techยญniques to help comยญmuยญnicยญatยญors- and PR proยญfesยญsionยญals avoid stress and menยญtal illness.
According to a recent study, 41% of all sick leaves in the Swedish comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions industry are menยญtal illnesses.
During my 17 years in the PR industry, I know of countยญless former industry colยญleagues who suffered periยญods of stress-related menยญtal health problems.
And Iโm no excepยญtion; in 2016 (the same year I was awarยญded Cision Scandinaviaโs PR Influencer of the Year Award), I had to turn the volume down on my career to get my head back straight.
It took me three whole years to get back into menยญtal shape.
Here we go:
PR is a Stressful Job, But โฆ
Public Relations is one of the most stressยญful jobs in the world. Slowing down in a world where everything is instantยญanยญeous can be chalยญlenยญging. We work long hours and rarely get paid what we deserve.
โOur annuยญal State of the Profession report (2019) revealed that 21% of pubยญlic relaยญtions pracยญtiยญtionยญers live with, or have preยญviยญously lived with, a diaยญgnosed menยญtal health conยญdiยญtion reflectยญing nationยญal data. Over half of those respondยญents said their work conยญtribยญutes highly to their diaยญgnosยญis. Around a quarter (23%) of PR proยญfesยญsionยญals say they have taken sickยญness absence from work on the grounds of stress, anxiยญety or depresยญsion. This is an issue that has far reachยญing conยญsequences for employยญees and busiยญnesses. Organisations have a responsยญibยญilยญity to take steps to proยญtect the wellยญbeing of all their staff.โ
Source: Chartered Institute of Public Relations 1Chartered Institute of Public Relations. (2019). Mental Health. Ciprโ.coโ.uk. https://โciprโ.coโ.uk/โCโIโPโRโ/โOโuโrโ_โwโoโrโkโ/โPโoโlโiโcโyโ/โMโeโnโtโaโlโ_โHโeโaโlโtโhโ.โaโspx
PR proยญfesยญsionยญals often face the menยญtal stress of workยญing in a high-presยญsure envirยญonยญment. This can lead to more severe menยญtal health probยญlems like depresยญsion or anxiety.
Mental illยญness is an epiยญdemยญic, with 1 in 5 Americans sufยญferยญing. This is not only a menยญtal health issue but also a social probยญlem. And the PR- and comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions industry seems espeยญcially afflicted.
Why are PR jobs so stressยญful?
Are we โฆ weak?
Doctors and nurses save lives. Construction workยญers and enginยญeers build homes, hosยญpitยญals, and roads. In conยญtrast, we might brainยญstorm names for a corยญporยญate insurยญance podยญcast that will likely be forยญgotยญten in six months.
What right do PR proยญfesยญsionยญals have to comยญplain about our corยญporยญate jobs? Was the cofยญfee machine broken this morning?
Low Professional Self-Esteem
We all comยญmuยญnicยญate all the time. Still, no one knows what the heck is going on. When comยญmuยญnicยญatยญing, we know more about quantum mechยญanยญics than whatโs hapยญpenยญing inside our brains.
We donโt know how our brains grew to conยญsume 20% of all our energy. Did we develยญop large brains because we strived for comยญplex forms of comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtionโโโor was it the othยญer way around? Why have we evolved to think and comยญmuยญnicยญate with such comยญplexยญity when it was unneยญcesยญsary for early hunter-gatherยญers? 2If youโre curiยญous about how little we know about the oriยญgins of lanยญguages, Noam Chomsky has plenty to say on the subยญject. 3Thereโs also sciยญentifยญic evidยญence that our brains are shrinkยญing and that weโve lost a chunk the size of a tenยญnis ball in the last 20,000 years. Iโll save that nugยญget of informยญaยญtion for anothยญer โฆ Continue readยญing
Most people work at jobs where they know things. We donโt.
We selยญdom know anyยญthing for sure. Although I have been workยญing with PR every day since 2005 (and studยญied it at the uniยญverยญsity between 2000 and 2005), I rarely know if the press release I wrote will take off.
I donโt know if the pitch will resยญult in a full-page artยญicle. I donโt know if the webยญsite copy will conยญvert at 0,5% or 3%. I donโt know how many subยญscribers will forยญward that last newsยญletยญter. Will our brilยญliant PR strategy work? I mean, I hope so. 4There are no standยญards when it comes to conยญverยญsion rates. To find benchยญmarks for your websiteโs niche, you should expect that online numยญbers might be exagยญgerยญated for effect. Still, conยญverยญsion rates โฆ Continue readยญing
What if someยญthing in our proยญfesยญsionยญal life worked once before? We can almost always be sure that it wonโt work preยญcisely the same way ever again. The gist is that we donโt knowโโโbut we have to delivยญer tanยญgible resยญults repeatedly.
If youโre PR- and comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions, and you donโt have a touch of low proยญfesยญsionยญal self-esteem, please let the rest of us know how you do it.
Theory of Mind: A Blessing and a Curse
A โPR superยญpowerโ is imaยญginยญing oneยญself in anothยญer personโs situยญation and reasยญonยญing from their perspective.
The term โtheยญory of mindโ was first coined by Premack and Woodruff (1978) and referred to peopleโs thoughts and reasยญonยญing about their minds and those of othยญers. The assumpยญtion that we need a theยญory for our thoughts is called introยญspecยญtion. 5Theory of mind. (2023, December 4). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โTโhโeโoโrโyโ_โoโfโ_โmโind 6Schwitzgebel, E. (2019). Introspection (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Stanfordโ.edu. https://โplaโtoโ.stanโfordโ.edu/โeโnโtโrโiโeโsโ/โiโnโtโrโoโsโpโeโcโtโiโon/
The theยญory of mind is the abilยญity to attribยญute menยญtal statesโโโthoughts, intents, desires, preยญtenยญsions, and world-viewsโโโto oneยญself and othยญers and to underยญstand how those menยญtal states influยญence behaviour.
This form of empathy is a critยญicยญal develยญopยญmentยญal skill that helps chilยญdren experยญiยญence empathy and underยญstand othยญer peopleโs feelยญings and intentions.
However, a strong theยญory of mind can also be a stressor.
Despite our best or worst efforts, PR work involves a delยญicยญate balยญance between sucยญcess and failure.
As PR and comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions proยญfesยญsionยญals, we must always conยญsider what othยญers think and feel. Our emphatยญic comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion skills might make us more susยญceptยญible to emoยญtionยญal stress.
If emphatยญic presยญsure is allowed to build for long periยญods of time, variยญous menยญtal health probยญlems might follow.
โI always thought burnout happened when you work too much. Now I get it. Itโs investยญing emoยญtionยญally and not getยญting a return on that investยญment.โ
โ @spamap
Read also: Theory of Mind: A Superpower for PR Professionals
How To Avoid Stress in PR
Public relaยญtions proยญfesยญsionยญals often report feelยญing overยญworked, stressed, and anxious. In 2019, PR ranked eight out of the 10 most stressยญful jobs in the US. 7Blagojeviฤ, I. (2023, May 19). PR Statistics 2023. 99firmsโ.com. https://โ99firmsโ.com/โbโlโoโgโ/โpโrโ-โsโtโaโtโiโsโtโiโcs/
However, many are not aware of the stressors present in their everyยญday work. These stressors can be related to the job or perยญsonยญal struggles affectยญing work perยญformยญance. When these stressors are allowed to pile up, stress can negยญatยญively impact menยญtal health.
I knowโโโIโve been there myself.
The Covid-19 panยญdemยญic isnโt doing us any favours, either. In a recent newsยญletยญter, PR blogยญger Arik Hanson writes:
โIn my conยญverยญsaยญtions with folks the last couple of weeks, one theme is comยญing through loud and clear: People are at their witโs end. Burnt to a crisp. FRIED.โ
Iโm not a medยญicยญal proยญfesยญsionยญal, but the five strategies below have helped me improve and stay menยญtally healthy. Here are some ways to reduce stress levels while makยญing an impactยญful career.
1. Stop Moving the Goalposts
One of the many things Iโve learned as a PR conยญsultยญant is that cliยญents are nevยญer satยญisยญfied for long. If you delivยญer top-notch resยญults, cliยญents will reward your efforts by expectยญing the same outยญput level (or highยญer) at the same comยญpensยญaยญtion level the next time.
If I delivยญer way above what Iโm being comยญpensated for, itโs probยญably because I got lucky that time. One could wish that cliยญents would rememยญber this if Iโm not so forยญtuยญnate at some point. But no, thatโs not the way the busiยญness world works.
And itโs no difยญferยญent workยญing in-house, either. Thereโs always someone walkยญing around with unreasยญonยญable expectยญaยญtions, which also outยญrank you in the workplace.
But itโs still up to you to conยญstantly manยญage such expectยญaยญtions. Today, Iโm always reasยญonยญably explainยญing to everyยญone around me what to expect.
Iโm describยญing when we got lucky due to unforeยญseen cirยญcumยญstances.
Iโm explainยญing before, durยญing, and after streaks of bad luck.
2. Itโs โHell Yeahโ or โNoโ
Inspired by Derek Siversโs book โHell Yeah or No,โ Iโve realยญised I used to be too quick to say yes. 8Sivers, D. (2020, July 12). Hell Yeah or No. Siveโ.rs. https://โsiveโ.rs/n
Today, if I say, โHell yeah,โ itโs a yes. If Iโm not too enthuยญsiยญastยญic but canโt say no, I start disยญcussยญing what to remove from my to-do list. If I can trade doing someยญthing thatโs โFine, I guess,โ and get rid of someยญthing thatโs โOh god, thatโs pointยญless,โ then Iโm still betยญter off than when I had my cofยญfee that morning.
Itโs Pavlovian conยญdiยญtionยญing. If you take on everything, co-workยญers will quickly learn to send delivยญerยญables your way.
If you punยญish bad sugยญgesยญtions by forยญcing tough decisions, you will increase your co-workยญersโ cogยญnitยญive load. This type of negยญatยญive reinยญforceยญment will lessen their unwanted behaviours.
The basic rule of behaยญviยญourยญal psyยญchoยญlogy is that you get more of what you reinforce.
3. Hug Lots of Trees Weekly
Many vicยญtims of work-related stress often say the same thing: nature heals.
And I agree. Nothing healed me more than spendยญing time in nature. In my case, I took an interest in nature phoยญtoยญgraphy (which is why every blog post on Doctor Spin has a covยญer photo taken from some tree-hugยญging excursion).
Today, whenevยญer I feel the slightยญest stress creepยญing up on me, I grab my camยญera and head off into the woods.
4. Force Positive Change by Removing Friction
One idea to comยญbat stress is to add activยญitยญies to your lifeโโโand thatโs fine. But adding too many non-work-related hobยญbies to help you relax and have fun can become a stressor. This is probยญlemยญatยญic because if your life is causยญing you menยญtal health probยญlems, you must change your life.
Life change is easiยญer said than done. Adding more to your life might not be the corยญrect answer. At least, it wasnโt for me.
I found that removยญing minor daily frusยญtraยญtions had the most sigยญniยญficยญant impact. In 2016, when I was in my worst state, I was irritยญated at someยญthing every ten minutes of every wakยญing hour. If I feel irritยญated over anyยญthing small or insigยญniยญficยญant, I immeยญdiยญately remove that fricยญtion from my life.
I used to be irritยญated about comยญing up with what to cook for dinยญner, so I autoยญmated weekly groยญcery delivยญerยญies. I used to be annoyed over havยญing a slow comยญputer, so I bought a fast laptop and built an even speediยญer desktop. I used to be irritยญated over being interยญrupยญted by pointยญless teleยญphone calls and voice mesยญsages, so I creยญated a perยญsonยญal phone policy.
You can change your life by removยญing one frusยญtraยญtion at a time.
5. Liberate Your Inner Weirdo
I know youโre a little bit weird; we all are.
Yes, Iโm a total weirdo. And I think that youโre probยญably pretty weird, too.
My best advice is to allow yourยญself to be youโโโfor your menยญtal healthโs sake. Itโs libยญerยญatยญing. And people are, at least in my experยญiยญence, surยญprisยญingly forยญgivยญing as long as youโre authenยญtยญic to yourself.
In the words of Steve Jobs, โHereโs to the crazy ones.โ
Take Your Mental Health Seriously
Stress is a part of life. It comes in many forms and can be caused by many factors. Public relaยญtions proยญfesยญsionยญals are often expecยญted to take on many difยญferยญent tasks. Juggling variยญous responsยญibยญilยญitยญies can quickly pile up and lead to menยญtal illยญness if not dealt with propยญerly. 9According to a recent study, mulยญtiยญtaskยญing will resยญult in a 40% loss of effiยญciency.
Individuals experยญiยญenยญcing these issues should seek help and not be afraid to speak up about their probยญlems to loved ones. Or to seek help from a medยญicยญal professional.
Stress leadยญing to burnout and menยญtal illยญness is real. Youโre not weak, but rather too strong for your good. Our industry is losยญing too many proยญfesยญsionยญals to this silent panยญdemยญic. 10PR blogยญger Jessica Pardoe points to a UK surยญvey 2020, in which 58% of over 2,000 employยญees reporยญted some form of stress at work, and almost 70% had experยญiยญenced it in genยญerยญal. Over 60% claimed they โฆ Continue readยญing
I found my path to wellยญness. It didnโt include yoga, group therยญapy, or green tea. But maybe your path will?
If I can leave you with just one insight: Take your stress sympยญtoms serยญiยญously. The longer you wait to take action, the longer your path to recovยญery will be.
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1 | Chartered Institute of Public Relations. (2019). Mental Health. Ciprโ.coโ.uk. https://โciprโ.coโ.uk/โCโIโPโRโ/โOโuโrโ_โwโoโrโkโ/โPโoโlโiโcโyโ/โMโeโnโtโaโlโ_โHโeโaโlโtโhโ.โaโspx |
2 | If youโre curiยญous about how little we know about the oriยญgins of lanยญguages, Noam Chomsky has plenty to say on the subยญject. |
3 | Thereโs also sciยญentifยญic evidยญence that our brains are shrinkยญing and that weโve lost a chunk the size of a tenยญnis ball in the last 20,000 years. Iโll save that nugยญget of informยญaยญtion for anothยญer blog article. |
4 | There are no standยญards when it comes to conยญverยญsion rates. To find benchยญmarks for your websiteโs niche, you should expect that online numยญbers might be exagยญgerยญated for effect. Still, conยญverยญsion rates seem to adhere to the engageยญment pyrยญamยญid in which approxยญimยญately 1% are actยญively engaged. Interestingly, few disยญcuss what hapยญpens with the 99% that donโt convert. |
5 | Theory of mind. (2023, December 4). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โTโhโeโoโrโyโ_โoโfโ_โmโind |
6 | Schwitzgebel, E. (2019). Introspection (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Stanfordโ.edu. https://โplaโtoโ.stanโfordโ.edu/โeโnโtโrโiโeโsโ/โiโnโtโrโoโsโpโeโcโtโiโon/ |
7 | Blagojeviฤ, I. (2023, May 19). PR Statistics 2023. 99firmsโ.com. https://โ99firmsโ.com/โbโlโoโgโ/โpโrโ-โsโtโaโtโiโsโtโiโcs/ |
8 | Sivers, D. (2020, July 12). Hell Yeah or No. Siveโ.rs. https://โsiveโ.rs/n |
9 | According to a recent study, mulยญtiยญtaskยญing will resยญult in a 40% loss of efficiency. |
10 | PR blogยญger Jessica Pardoe points to a UK surยญvey 2020, in which 58% of over 2,000 employยญees reporยญted some form of stress at work, and almost 70% had experยญiยญenced it in genยญerยญal. Over 60% claimed they had experยญiยญenced at least mild anxiยญety sympยญtoms, and 58% said the same for depresยญsion. In Pardoeโs blog post on menยญtal health, she argues for the importยญance of openly disยญcussยญing these issues in the PR industry. |