Time for my 2020 annuยญal review.
In this post, Iโll do my best to answer these three quesยญtions: 1This format is inspired by James Clearโs annuยญal reviews.
What went well this year?
What didยญnโt go so well this year?
What am I workยญing toward?
Here we go:
1. What went well this year?
52 blog posts. I wanted to give my blog some extra attenยญtion this year, and I manยญaged to pubยญlish weekly blog posts.
I learned Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. Iโve always been comยญfortยญable with writยญing, so develยญopยญing new visuยญal skills has felt like explorยญing a new world of creยญatยญive expresยญsion. I aim to reach a proยญfesยญsionยญal level as a web designยญer and a photographer.
Married for 10 years. Besides celยญebยญratยญing our 10th wedยญding anniversary this year, I have been a supยญportยญive husยญband. My wifeโs career as a news anchor is demandยญing. Iโve taken on most of the responsยญibยญilยญitยญies at homeโโโand by always priยญorยญitยญising listenยญing, givยญing advice, and encouraging.
My son starยญted school. Starting school is a sigยญniยญficยญant event in any perยญsonโs life. I think the transยญition has worked out well, and Iโm proud of my son for takยญing on so many new chalยญlenges with a posยญitยญive and curiยญous mind.
CEO for KIX Communications Index. Learn more here.
I learned my way around a kitยญchen. My second year of learnยญing how to cook. Iโve been explorยญing taste comยญbinยญaยญtions, food chemยญistry, more advanced cookยญing techยญniques, mise en place, and knife skills. The aim is to express myself creยญatยญively using essenยญtial food ingredients.
No alcoยญhol this year, either. Life without alcoยญhol is workยญing out perยญfectly. Alcohol-free beers go great with cerยญtain types of food, and I often replace red wine with 100% blueยญberry juice, and I go for smoothยญies and elabยญorยญate fruit juices instead of cockยญtails. I quit drinkยญing because I felt terยญrible for days after drinkยญing, and Iโm still pleased about this decision. The aim is nevยญer again to conยญsume alcoยญhol, ever.
I learned to solve masยญter-level Sudoku puzzles. Learn more here.
2. What didnโt go so well this year?
Covid-19. From a proยญfesยญsionยญal perยญspectยญive, I lost about half of my typยญicยญal workยญload as a freelยญanยญcer. But whatever impact this impact has had on my career, the importยญant thing is that my friends and famยญily come out of this panยญdemยญic with their health intact. Thatโs all that matยญtersโโโI can fix everything else.
Terrible sleepยญing habits. This whole sleep-for-five-or-six-hours-each-night has got to stop. Iโm 41 now and canยญโt get away with it anymore.
Not an Epic Year. I love to teach, and I love to write. Given the panยญdemยญic, I had the opporยญtunยญity to launch a PR course or write a PR book. Going into this year, even without knowยญing about the panยญdemยญic, I had such ambiยญtionsโโโbut I nevยญer made it across the finยญish line desยญpite serยญiยญous attempts at both endeavours.
Better English. It dawned on me that Iโve been writยญing weekly in English for a decยญade now. While this is an accomยญplishยญment, I should be a betยญter English writer by now. I know my way around proยญfesยญsionยญal busiยญness English, but I aim to get my writยญten English on par with my writยญten Swedish.
3. What am I working toward?
Explore a more outยญdoorsy lifeยญstyle. I know a bit about wilยญderยญness surยญvivยญal and bushยญcraft from milยญitยญary trainยญing and sevยญerยญal books. Maybe 2021 is an excelยญlent year to explore a more pracยญticยญal approach. At least, I want to teach my son how to build a makeยญshift shelยญter and make a fire in a few difยญferยญent ways.
Push my deadยญlift from 160% to 200% of my body weight. The aim here is simple: I want to improve my strength.
Thank you. Please supยญport my blog by sharยญing artยญicles with othยญer comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions- and marยญketยญing proยญfesยญsionยญals. Please also conยญsider my PR serยญvices or speakยญing engageยญments.
1 | This format is inspired by James Clearโs annuยญal reviews. |