The Deep Content PR Strategy

Win by going deeper.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

I often sugยญgest the deep conยญtent PR strategy.

Deep conยญtent isnโ€™t comยญplicยญatedโ€‰โ€”โ€‰and the resยญults are predictable.

The downยญside: You have to put in the work and creยญate helpยญful conยญtentโ€‰โ€”โ€‰lots of it. Also, growth is usuยญally a slow burn. Still, slow and steady wins the (SEO) race!

Here we go:

Deep Content

Deep conยญtent is focused on providยญing increasยญingly highยญer-qualยญity informยญaยญtion to conยญtent divers (as opposed to conยญtent surfers).

In the example, five layยญers of everยญgreen conยญtent are stacked verยญticยญally on a quarterly timeline:

Example of a five-layยญer deep conยญtent structure:

  • Level 1: Articles
  • Level 2: Content Upgrade
  • Level 3: Resource/โ€‹Lead Magnet
  • Level 4: Ebook
  • Level 5: Online Course

This inbound logic is simยญilยญar to iceยญberg pubยญlishยญing and conยญtent themes regardยญing strucยญture and depth.

Learn more: The Deep Content PR Strategy

Content Surfers and Content Divers

If a user has shown interest in your surยญface-level conยญtent and wants to explore and learn more, your brand must have someยญthing to offer at those deepยญer levels.

When users are satยญisยญfied, they decide when not to go any deepยญer. Your comยญmitยญment to this strategy is to ensure that users nevยญer leave because the option to go deepยญer doesnโ€™t exist.

As a rule of thumb:

A userยญโ€™s webยญsite jourยญney should nevยญer end due to the brandโ€™s failยญure to provide relยญevยญant information.

Since all relยญevยญant informยญaยญtion canยญโ€™t be easยญily presenยญted simยญulยญtanยญeously, organยญisaยญtions must provide online informยญaยญtion sevยญerยญal layยญers deep. They must provide deep content.

Why is webยญsite depth so important?

Content surfers (movยญing horiยญzontยญally) look around, turnยญing over stones here and there. Content divers (movยญing verยญticยญally), on the othยญer hand, immerse themยญselvesโ€‰โ€”โ€‰which is extremely valuยญable from a brandโ€™s perspective.

The minorยญity who click your contentโ€™s call to action (conยญtent diver = movยญing verยญticยญally) is expoยญnenยญtially more valuยญable than the majorยญity who scan and move along (conยญtent surfer = movยญing horizontally).

Content divers have a more narยญrow and focused intent. According to most webยญsite metยญrics, they donโ€™t mind scrolling verยญticยญally and clickยญingโ€‰โ€”โ€‰as long as the conยญtent becomes increasยญingly more relยญevยญant to their needs.

Placing your brandโ€™s most valuยญable and in-depth conยญtent at the โ€œbotยญtomโ€ might seem counter-intuitive:

Content divers will quickly abanยญdon ship if they notice that your conยญtent is getยญting worse and worse the deepยญer they go.

Learn more: Content Surfers and Content Divers

The Press Release Paradox

Think of a regยญuยญlar press release:
How do most press releases end?

โ€œFor more informยญaยญtion, please conยญtact:โ€

Thatโ€™s not a clear, preยญcise, or entiยญcing call to action.

Most press release writers try to make the headยญline more comยญpelยญling than the actuยญal press release. Then, they make the first two senยญtences more interยญestยญing than the rest of the text.

The longer you read, the less attractยญive the conยญtent becomes. So, the deepยญer into the press release you go, the less youโ€™re being โ€œrewarยญdedโ€ for donatยญing your valuยญable attention.

If someone is interยญested enough in your press release to read it to the end, shouldยญnโ€™t they be treated with a little more respect?


Press releases are designed to become duller the furยญther down the page you read. The same can be said for how traยญdiยญtionยญal news artยญicles are strucยญtured. But this old-school approach isnโ€™t a good fit for a digitยญal-first world.

Learn more: The Press Release Paradox (to be published)

Strategic Prerequisites and Fit

The deep conยญtent PR strategy isnโ€™t necesยญsarยญily the right fit for all brands:

Deep conยญtent is SEO-friendly and caters to online audiยญences lookยญing to dive deepยญer into speยญcifยญic niches. Itโ€™s a good fit for busiยญness-to-busiยญness venยญtures. Itโ€™s a good fit for thought leadยญerยญship PR strategies. 

However, the deep conยญtent PR strategy also goes beyยญond conยญvenยญtionยญal white-colยญlar industries:

Users are also lookยญing to go deep in the most creยญatยญive of spaces. It can be anyยญthing from music to art, from gamยญing to colยญlectยญables. Many online pubยญlics are interยญested in diving into the most remote online deepยญsea trenches imaginable.

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Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Whispr Group NYC, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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