The surยญround mesยญsage PR strategy is one of my favourยญite PR strategies.
I was in Italy in the middle of summer.
I was meetยญing up with an Italian fashยญion brand. They had thought adding some โPR and digitยญal marยญketยญingโ would be great for their new colยญlecยญtion launch.
The probยญlem was that the launch was less than a week away. I wanted to help them get the word out, but how?
Letโs dive right in:
A PR Strategy for When Youโre Out of Options
The Italian-fashยญioned brand had brought me on board late in the proยญcess. The camยญpaign was less than two weeks away. No PR and no digitยญal activยญaยญtions were prepared.
The only thing that stuck with me was a single item in the colยญlecยญtionโโโan iconยญic handยญbag being re-launched.
Since there wasยญnโt enough time to creยญate fancy camยญpaigns, I decided to stick with the handbag.
So, I proยญposed anothยญer strategy:
โIn all digitยญal chanยญnels at your disยญposยญal, you wonโt talk about anyยญthing except for your iconยญic handยญbag for four conยญsecยญutยญive weeks. No talkยญing about the rest of the colยญlecยญtion, okay?โ
Not a single tweet, not a single post on Instagram, not a single press release, not a single interยญview with the media, not a single blog post, not a single Facebook update, not a single live event, not a single influยญenยญcer activยญaยญtion, not a single email list send-out, absoยญlutely nothยญing went live durยญing these four weeks unless it was about the product.
The regยญuยญlar marยญketยญing calยญenยญdar had to be wiped clean, and for four weeks, the marยญketยญing team had to come up with whateverโโโas long as it was only about the product. We even added product mesยญsaging to every employยญeeโs email signature.
We put all regยญuยญlar brand mesยญsages on hold, which took quite some conยญvinยญcing on my part, until the end of those four weeks.
The strategy worked like a charm. The mesยญsage got through to their comยญmunity without adding any speยญcifยญic online camยญpaign activยญitยญies, and people starยญted talkยญing and sharยญing about the brandโs iconยญic product again.
Iโve since tried this approach many times with much sucยญcess, callยญing it the surยญround mesยญsage PR strategy.
The Art of Relevant Variation
โBut wonโt people get sick and tired of repeatedly being exposed to the same mesยญsage? And in every chanยญnel, no less? I know I would be.โ
Yes and no.
Bombarding the email list with the same mesยญsage repeatedly (spray-and-pray) wouldยญnโt work.
However, the Italian fashยญion brand wasยญnโt sendยญing out the same tweet five times a day for four weeks; it always had difยญferยญent types of updates with difยญferยญent images, copy, and call-to-actions. The only thing these updates had in comยญmon was that they all disยญcussed re-launchยญing their iconยญic product.
Putting togethยญer many variยญations of the Surround PR Message can be a creยญatยญive chalยญlenge, espeยญcially if the brand hasยญnโt tried this strategy before. But Iโve also seen how adding these conยญstraints can spark creativity.
The Surround Message PR Strategy: A Tight Ship
Itโs not as if every perยญson in a brandโs online comยญmunity is exposed to every brand update. Most online camยญpaigns end before most of the comยญmunity has even seen them.
Only a tiny perยญcentยญage of a brandโs online comยญmunity is exposed to single updates.
As it turns out, most online camยญpaigns are too short:
Due to algorithms and social graphs, a brand comยญmunity often has zero chance to keep up before the brand decides to talk about someยญthing elseโโโor sevยญerยญal things at once.
The real chalยญlenge, thereยญfore, was to stop the brand from talkยญing about the things they, accordยญing to the strategy, shouldยญnโt be talkยญing about.
The probยญlemยญatยญic aspect of this strategy is being disยญcipยญlined enough to go dark on everything but the topยญic you want to push. Communicators like to comยญmuยญnicยญate, and someยญtimes over-comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion can be a problem.
The Surround Message PR Workshop
Iโve tried the surยญround PR strategy many times for difยญferยญent brands. To get starยญted, I like to run a surยญround mesยญsage PR workยญshop. It sounds fancy, but itโs a coรถrdinยญated brainยญstorm to find someยญthing speยญcial withยญin a more extensยญive campaign.
Itโs not helpยญful to think outยญside the box in comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtionโโโsomeยญtimes, you must make that box incredยญibly small instead.
Focusing on one surยญround mesยญsage for a set periยญod is closely related to using conยญtent themes in your conยญtent strategy. Getting everyยญone onboard with the surยญround mesยญsage PR strategy can be chalยญlenยญging, but the resยญults make it worth it.
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PR Resource: The 1โPage Strategy
The 1โPage PR Strategy
My inspirยญaยญtion for writยญing โno-bullยญshitโ strategies comes from the clasยญsic โGood Strategy, Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Mattersโ by Richard Rumelt. 1Rumelt, R. P. (2011). Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters. Crown Business.
โThe most basic idea of strategy is the applicยญaยญtion of strength against weakยญness. Or, if you prefer, strength applied to the most promยญising opporยญtunยญity.โ
Source: Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters 2Rumelt, R. P. (2011). Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters. Crown Business.
By applyยญing strength against weakยญness, the 1โpage PR strategy focuses on how to win.
The magicยญal PR quesยญtion: Do we know how to win and defeat our competitors?
Itโs asymยญmetยญric warfare.
Asymmetric warยญfare (menยญtal modยญel). This refers to conยญflict between parties of unequal strength, where the weakยญer party uses unconยญvenยญtionยญal tacยญtics to exploit the vulยญnerยญabยญilยญitยญies of the stronger opponยญent. Itโs often disยญcussed in milยญitยญary and busiยญness contexts.
How To Write a 1โPage PR Strategy
Hereโs how you can write a 1โpage PR strategy that fits one pageโโโusing the mythยญicยญal battle between David and Goliath as an analogy:
1. Diagnosis
2. Guiding Policy
3. Coherent Actions
If you write 1โโโ2 clear senยญtences per bulยญlet, your strategy should fit nicely on one page.
โIf you canยญโt explain it simply, you donโt underยญstand it well enough.โ
โ Albert Einstein
Learn more: The 1โPage PR Strategy
PR Resource: How To Identify a Good PR Strategy
The Magical PR Question
Your PR strategy should answer one simple question:
The magicยญal PR quesยญtion: Do we know how to win and defeat our competitors?
If your PR strategy fails to answer this quesยญtion in the affirmยญatยญive, it also fails to provide a roadmap to sucยญcess. Winning is a culยญture and a strucยญturยญal asset.
โCompetitiveness is derived from perยญmanยญent infraยญstrucยญturยญal charยญacยญterยญistยญics of organยญizยญaยญtionยญal design, rather than just relyยญing on temยญporยญary straยญtegic assets.โ
Source: Strategic Change 3Connor, T. (2007). A conยญsidยญerยญaยญtion of straยญtegic assets and the organยญizยญaยญtionยญal sources of comยญpetยญitยญiveยญness. Strategic Change, 16, 127โโโ136. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ1โ0โ0โ2โ/โJโSโCโ.โ789
Is winยญning that important?
Yes, in comยญpetยญitยญive envirยญonยญments and chanยญging sociยญetยญies, winยญning is someยญtimes the only way to keep up.
The Red Queen effect (menยญtal modยญel). This metaยญphor oriยญginยญates from Lewis Carrollโs Through the Looking-Glass. It describes a situยญation in which one must conยญtinuยญously adapt, evolve, and work to mainยญtain oneโs posยญiยญtion. In the story, the Red Queen is a charยญacยญter who explains to Alice that in their world, runยญning as fast as one can is necesยญsary just to stay in the same place. The metaยญphor is often used in the conยญtext of busiยญnesses that need to innovยญate conยญstantly to stay comยญpetยญitยญive, highยญlightยญing the relentยญless presยญsure to adapt in dynamยญic envirยญonยญments where stagยญnaยญtion can mean fallยญing behind. 4Red Queen hypoยญthesยญis. (2023, November 27). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โRโeโdโ_โQโuโeโeโnโ_โhโyโpโoโtโhโeโsis 5Carroll, L. (2006). Through the lookยญing-glass, and what Alice found there (R. D. Martin, Ed.). Penguin Classics. (Original work pubยญlished 1871.)
Learn more: The Magical PR Question
PR Resource: More PR Strategies
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1, 2 | Rumelt, R. P. (2011). Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters. Crown Business. |
3 | Connor, T. (2007). A conยญsidยญerยญaยญtion of straยญtegic assets and the organยญizยญaยญtionยญal sources of comยญpetยญitยญiveยญness. Strategic Change, 16, 127โโโ136. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ1โ0โ0โ2โ/โJโSโCโ.โ789 |
4 | Red Queen hypoยญthesยญis. (2023, November 27). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โRโeโdโ_โQโuโeโeโnโ_โhโyโpโoโtโhโeโsis |
5 | Carroll, L. (2006). Through the lookยญing-glass, and what Alice found there (R. D. Martin, Ed.). Penguin Classics. (Original work pubยญlished 1871.) |