Storytelling & Writingby jerry silfwer


Storytelling Books

Set your dra­mat­ic poten­tial free with this cur­ated selec­tion of storytelling books and resources to fuel your pas­sion for craft­ing enga­ging PR stories.

So, I Blogged for 10 Years to Improve My English

After 10 years of blog­ging to improve my English, I now declare this pro­ject to be over. Learn how and why I star­ted this pro­ject — and what I’ve learned so far.

William Faulkner on Writing From the Heart

This is what the geni­us nov­el writer William Faulkner said in his 1950 accept­ance speech for Nobel Prize in Literature on the mat­ters of the heart.

The Pixar Pitch

Test the Pixar Pitch, as illus­trated by Emma Coats and exem­pli­fied in Jay Connor’s take on Finding Nemo, offer­ing a fresh per­spect­ive on craft­ing narratives.

Slow Storytelling is Making a Comeback

Slow storytelling is not dead. Thanks to the inter­net, it’s more alive than ever before. The idea that the inter­net is only for fast-paced con­tent is a myth.

The Three-Act Structure of Greek Storytelling

From ancient Greek theatre to mod­ern cinema, the three-act struc­ture has endured, evolving along­side changes in artist­ic sens­ib­il­it­ies and audi­ence preferences. 

Twin Peaks Season 3 Finale Explained (Spoiler Alert)

Uncover the true mean­ing of the Twin Peaks Season 3 finale. Explore the pos­sib­il­ity of a pos­it­ive end­ing to the show that left fans feel­ing sad and empty.

The Mysterious Four-Dot Ellipsis in Star Wars

Why are there four dots end­ing the intros and open­ing crawls in Star Wars? And is there really such a thing as a ‘four dot ellipsis’?

The Platitude Sickness: The Trash of Corporate Writing

Have you come down with a ser­i­ous case of the plat­it­ude sick­ness? Avoid being a lazy cor­por­ate com­mu­nic­a­tions pro­fes­sion­al and become part of the solution.
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