Social Media Managementby jerry silfwer

Social Media Logic: The Amplification of Media Effects

Social media logic shapes con­tent and com­mu­nic­a­tion beha­viours on social media plat­forms, sim­il­ar to clas­sic media logic but with amp­li­fied effects.

Social Media Myths in PR

Many brands and cor­por­ate com­mu­nic­a­tions pro­fes­sion­als get their social media ana­lys­is com­pletely wrong. We need to debunk these com­mon social media myths.

How Ghost Followers Destroy Your Social Accounts

How do you beat social media algorithms? A small, but highly engaged, com­munity is way bet­ter than attract­ing huge bulks of ghost followers.

Critical Mass: How Many Social Media Followers Do You Need?

It’s import­ant to invest in aggress­ive social media strategies to reach crit­ic­al mass. And lead­ers must be made aware of the crit­ic­al mass challenge.

Online House Rules (Social Media Policy Statements)

It’s quick and easy to estab­lish online house rules. Each example of a social media state­ment aims to foster pos­it­ive inter­ac­tions and an inclus­ive community.

A Community Manager’s Job Description

What does a Community Manager do all day? I’ve out­lined a typ­ic­al job descrip­tion for this grow­ing specialization.

Facebook Zero: Your First Fix Was Free

Those Facebook fans you paid once to acquire, you must now pay twice to reach. Time to adapt to “Facebook Zero.”

Social Media Naturals

Identifying an empower­ing social media nat­ur­als with­in an organ­isa­tion is often more straight­for­ward than one might think.

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