Have you tried the Pixar Pitch?
You can try the Pixar Pitch, as illusÂtrated by Emma Coats and exemÂpliÂfied in Jay Connor’s take on Finding Nemo, offerÂing a fresh perÂspectÂive on craftÂing narÂratÂives for businesses.
Here we go:
The Pixar Pitch
Spin Academy | Online PR Courses
Storytelling Technique: The Pixar Pitch
The Pixar Pitch, made famÂous by Dan Pink in his book To Sell Is Human, is an excelÂlent way to find a narÂratÂive in your business.
Emma Coats, a story artist at Pixar, has broken down the key eleÂments of great storytelling in an elegÂant way that cerÂtainly could help improve your storytelling.
Here’s the Pixar Pitch script for you to try:
Once upon a time there was _​_​_​_​_​_​_​_​_​. Every day _​_​_​_​_​_​_​_​_​. One day _​_​_​_​_​_​_​_​_​. Because of that _​_​_​_​_​_​_​_​_​. Because of that _​_​_​_​_​_​_​_​_​. Until finally _________.
Jay Connor gives this example of a plot for Finding Nemo:
Once upon a time, there was a widÂowed fish named Marlin, who was highly proÂtectÂive of his only son, Nemo.
Every day Marlin warned Nemo of the ocean’s dangers and implored him not to swim far away.
One day in an act of defiÂance, Nemo ignores his father’s warnÂings and swims into the open water.
Because of that, he is capÂtured by a diver and ends up in the fish tank of a dentÂist in Sydney.
Because of that Marlin sets off on a jourÂney to recovÂer Nemo, enlistÂing the help of othÂer sea creatures along the way.
Until finally Marvin and Nemo find each othÂer, reunite and learn that love depends on trust.
As I tried this for my own freelÂance busiÂness, Spin Factory, here’s what I came up with:
Once upon a time, there was no interÂnet.
Every day, comÂpanÂies had to rely on a few powerÂful mass media disÂtribÂutÂors to marÂket to their conÂsumers.
One day, the advanceÂments in informÂaÂtion techÂnoÂlogy exploded, and all comÂpanÂies had to change their way of reachÂing out, but few knew how to do this.
Because of that, “social media experts” emerged and starÂted makÂing money from comÂpanÂies by advising them to polÂlute the digitÂal uniÂverse with clutÂter and comÂplexÂity.
Because of that, Jerry struggled with the idea that comÂpanÂies should strive to be clearÂer instead of relyÂing on the same old spray-and-pray strategy.
Until finally, he decided to take a leap of faith togethÂer with a small group of cliÂents, all tired of pushÂing one mesÂsage after the othÂer with no effect, and so the agency Spin Factory was born.
Learn more: The Pixar Pitch
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PR Resource: Free Storytelling PR Course
Spin Academy | Online PR Courses
Doctor Spin’s PR School: Free Storytelling PR Course
Elevate your pubÂlic relaÂtions game with this free Storytelling PR Course. Learn essenÂtial and timeÂless storytelling techÂniques for effectÂive communication.
Learn more: All Free PR Courses
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