Solarpunk is the way.
Likely first menยญtioned in 2008, solยญarpunk is a utoยญpiยญan expresยญsion of a susยญtainยญable and envirยญonยญmentยญally friendly future.
The trend highยญlights a future where we use solยญar power to creยญate a more equitยญable and resiยญliยญent world. 1Williams, R. (2019). โThis Shining Confluence of Magic and Technologyโ: Solarpunk, Energy Imaginaries, and the Infrastructures of Solarity. Open Library of Humanities. โฆ Continue readยญing
But the trend goes way beyยญond just solยญar power.
Here goes:
What is Solarpunk?
Solarpunk is a moveยญment that imaยญgines a future where renewยญable energy sources are the norm and comยญmunity-based soluยญtions are used to creยญate a more susยญtainยญable and equitยญable world.
โSolarpunk is a moveยญment in specยญuยญlatยญive ficยญtion, art, fashยญion and actยญivยญism that seeks to answer and embody the quesยญtion โwhat does a susยญtainยญable civilยญisaยญtion look like, and how can we get there?โ The aesยญthetยญics of solยญarpunk merge the pracยญticยญal with the beauยญtiยญful, the well-designed with the green and wild, the bright and colยญorยญful with the earthy and solยญid. Solarpunk can be utoยญpiยญan, just optimยญistยญic, or conยญcerned with the struggles en route to a betยญter worldโโโbut nevยญer dystoยญpiยญan. As our world roils with calamยญity, we need soluยญtions, not warnยญings. Solutions to live comยญfortยญably without fossil fuels, to equitยญably manยญage scarcity and share abundยญance, to be kinder to each othยญer and to the planยญet we share. At once a visยญion of the future, a thoughtยญful proยญvocaยญtion, and an achievยญable lifeยญstyle.โ
Source: Medium; Solarpunks 2Springett, J. (2017, February 26). SOLARPUNK: A REFERENCE GUIDE. Medium; Solarpunks. https://โmediโumโ.com/โsโoโlโaโrโpโuโnโkโsโ/โsโoโlโaโrโpโuโnโkโ-โaโ-โrโeโfโeโrโeโnโcโeโ-โgโuโiโdโeโ-โ8โbโcโfโ1โ8โ8โ7โ1โ965
Solarpunk: A Summary
Solarpunk is a fasยญcinยญatยญing and forยญward-thinkยญing trend that has recently gained conยญsidยญerยญable attenยญtion. Here are 20 interยญestยญing facts about Solarpunk:
Solarpunkโs blend of techยญnoยญlogy, envirยญonยญmentยญalยญism, and optimยญism offers a comยญpelยญling visยญion of our future if we comยญmit to susยญtainยญable pracยญtices and technologies.
Solarpunk in Marketing and PR
โDear Aliceโ is a solยญarpunk-inspired Yoghurt comยญmerยญcial with social media acclaim due to its beauยญtiยญful and posยญitยญive outยญlook on our future.
Solarpunk might offer inspirยญaยญtion for othยญer brands thinkยญing about comยญmuยญnicยญatยญing a visยญion of a future world that isnโt scary.
In conยญtrast to dystoยญpiยญan sci-fi ideas about the future, many pubยญlics might long for less bleak visions.
Decentralised and Community-Based
Another essenยญtial aspect of solยญarpunk is that it focuses on creยญatยญing a more equitยญable and just sociยญety. This means it addresses poverty, access to eduยญcaยญtion and healthยญcare, and inequality.
For example, a solยญarpunk comยญmunity might work to creยญate a comยญmunity garden that provides fresh proยญduce to people in need or to creยญate a locยญal renewยญable energy coรถperยญatยญive owned and conยญtrolled by the community.
One of the critยญicยญal prinยญciples is that it is a comยญmunity-based moveยญment rather than one dependยญent on large corยญporยญaยญtions or govยญernยญments. This means that people are encourยญaged to work togethยญer to creยญate small-scale soluยญtions that can have a sigยญniยญficยญant impact.
For example, a comยญmunity might come togethยญer to install solยญar panยญels on their homes or to creยญate a small-scale wind farm to power their neighbourhood.
Solarpunk Aesthetic
Ultimately, Solarpunk is about creยญatยญing a future that is not only susยญtainยญable but also beauยญtiยญful and enjoyยญable to live in. It comยญbines a focus on renewยญable energy, susยญtainยญable techยญnoยญloยญgies, and comยญmunity-based soluยญtions to creยญate a greenยญer, more equitยญable world for all.
Solarpunk is not only a moveยญment focused on using renewยญable energy sources and creยญatยญing a more susยญtainยญable future, but it also has its unique aesthetic.
The solยญarpunk aesยญthetยญic is charยญacยญterยญised by a blend of futurยญistยญic and retro eleยญments, often incorยญporยญatยญing techยญnoยญlogy such as solยญar panยญels and wind turยญbines with a disยญtinct rusยญtic or handยญmade feel.
The aesยญthetยญic often draws inspirยญaยญtion from the natยญurยญal world and incorยญporยญates eleยญments such as greenยญery and natยญurยญal materยญiยญals into designs. Bright, vibrant colยญours and incorยญporยญatยญing comยญmunity-based and DIY eleยญments are typical.
Overall, the Solarpunk aesยญthetยญic creยญates a harยญmoยญniยญous balยญance between techยญnoยญlogy and nature and proยญmotes a sense of comยญmunity and self-sufยญfiยญciency. It is about imaยญginยญing a future that is not only susยญtainยญable but also beauยญtiยญful and enjoyยญable to live in.
Examples of Solarpunk Architecture
The moveยญment draws inspirยญaยญtion from variยญous sources, includยญing Art Nouveau, a popยญuยญlar archiยญtecยญturยญal and design moveยญment in the late 19th and early 20th cenยญturยญies that emphasยญised organยญic forms and natยญurยญal materยญiยญals. 4Art Nouveau. (2023, January 14). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โAโrโtโ_โNโoโuโvโeau
While there arenโt many buildยญings or urbยญan plans that have been expliยญcitly labelled as โsolยญarpunk,โ sevยญerยญal proยญjects embrace prinยญciples and ideas that align with the movement:
Solarpunk in Culture
In litยญerยญatยญure, the novยญel Ecotopia by Ernest Callenbach is a clasยญsic example of solยญarpunk ficยญtion. It describes a green and susยญtainยญable sociยญety that is imaยญgined as an alternยญatยญive to our curยญrent way of livยญing. It incorยญporยญates decentยญralยญised techยญnoยญloยญgies, renewยญable energy, and susยญtainยญable gardenยญing pracยญtices. 5Ecotopia. (2022, September 4). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โEโcโoโtโoโpia
Two othยญer notยญable works are Sunvault: Stories of Solarpunk and Eco-Speculation, a colยญlecยญtion of short storยญies by sevยญerยญal award-winยญning authors, and Ecopunk!: Speculative Tales of Radical Futures, an Australian anthoยญlogy of short stories.
Black Pantherโs Wakanda is a prime example of a solยญarpunk utoยญpia where nature and tech coexยญist harยญmoยญniยญously. The comยญmunity praised the film for depictยญing a future where proยญgress is made, not just disยญcussed. 6Wakanda. (2023, January 10). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โWโaโkโaโnda
In fashยญion, solยญarpunk clothยญing often incorยญporยญates susยญtainยญable materials.
An Unclear Political Alignment
The decentยญralยญised comยญmunity aspect of solยญarpunk bears the hallยญmarks of anarchy where the govยญernยญing and all-powerยญful state or nation seems nonexยญistยญent. 7Keenan, P. (2022). SOLARPUNK CONTRA CAPITALIST REALISM. ะะะะะจะะะ ะะ ะกะะฆะะะะะะะะฃ. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ4โ6โ6โ3โ0โ/โgโsโoโcโ.โ2โ9โ.โ2โ0โ2โ2โ.06
The utoยญpiยญan solidยญarยญity withยญin comยญmunitยญies sigยญnals a futurยญistยญic verยญsion of Marxist socialยญism, but the presยญence of advanced techยญnoยญlogy hints at a future dependยญent on susยญtainยญable capยญitยญalยญism and sciยญentifยญic progress.
Solarpunk ideas seem to span the politยญicยญal specยญtrum from left to rightโโโall at once.
Hardcore cliยญmate actยญivยญists should celยญebยญrate the focus on renewยญable energy and its escape from short-term capยญitยญalยญism and mindยญless conยญsumpยญtion. Still, the focus on sciยญence and techยญnoยญlogy opens the door for a humanยญistยญic outยญlook on sociยญetยญal proยญgress and ecoยญnomยญic growth. 8As a comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion trend, the solยญarpunk mesยญsage offers a rare tightrope walk in todayโs canยญcel culยญture.
A Smart Minority: The Sustainable Future
Maybe visยญions of our future mustnโt be depressยญing.
There are many beneยญfits to solยญarpunk, but perยญhaps the most importยญant is that it offers a real soluยญtion to the pressยญing issue of cliยญmate change.
With the world on the brink of a cliยญmate cataยญstrophe, it is more importยญant than ever to take action to reduce our carยญbon footยญprint and creยญate a more susยญtainยญable future. Optimists might be a smart minorยญity that is genuยญinely worth getยญting behind.
If youโre lookยญing for a brightยญer future, explore todayโs solยญarpunk trend and enviยญsion a brightยญer future.
Thank you. Please supยญport my blog by sharยญing artยญicles with othยญer comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions- and marยญketยญing proยญfesยญsionยญals. Please also conยญsider my PR serยญvices or speakยญing engageยญments.
1 | Williams, R. (2019). โThis Shining Confluence of Magic and Technologyโ: Solarpunk, Energy Imaginaries, and the Infrastructures of Solarity. Open Library of Humanities. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ1โ6โ9โ9โ5โ/โOโLโHโ.โ329 |
2 | Springett, J. (2017, February 26). SOLARPUNK: A REFERENCE GUIDE. Medium; Solarpunks. https://โmediโumโ.com/โsโoโlโaโrโpโuโnโkโsโ/โsโoโlโaโrโpโuโnโkโ-โaโ-โrโeโfโeโrโeโnโcโeโ-โgโuโiโdโeโ-โ8โbโcโfโ1โ8โ8โ7โ1โ965 |
3 | Wiฤckowska, K. (2022). Appositions: The Future in Solarpunk and Post-Apocalyptic Fiction. Text Matters: A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ1โ8โ7โ7โ8โ/โ2โ083โโโ2931.12.21 |
4 | Art Nouveau. (2023, January 14). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โAโrโtโ_โNโoโuโvโeau |
5 | Ecotopia. (2022, September 4). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โEโcโoโtโoโpia |
6 | Wakanda. (2023, January 10). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โWโaโkโaโnda |
7 | Keenan, P. (2022). SOLARPUNK CONTRA CAPITALIST REALISM. ะะะะะจะะะ ะะ ะกะะฆะะะะะะะะฃ. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ4โ6โ6โ3โ0โ/โgโsโoโcโ.โ2โ9โ.โ2โ0โ2โ2โ.06 |
8 | As a comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion trend, the solยญarpunk mesยญsage offers a rare tightrope walk in todayโs canยญcel culture. |