Weโre seeยญing an epiยญdemยญic of corยญporยญaยญtionยญal determinism.
Despite not demonยญstratยญing subยญstanยญtial advanceยญments, many Big Tech comยญpanยญies are staยญging massive PR events. Without subยญstance, theyโre doing hour-long shows telling everyยญone how revoluยญtionยญary they are.
For now, this strategy of corยญporยญaยญtionยญal determยญinยญism is workยญing. But will audiยญences tire of these self-glorยญiยญfyยญing proclamations?
I think they might.
Here we go:
Corporational Determinism
A recent research paper proยญposes a new theยญorยญetยญicยญal concept for PR mesยญsagingโโโcorยญporยญaยญtionยญal determinism.
โThis paper proยญposes a new theยญorยญetยญicยญal concept, corยญporยญaยญtionยญal determยญinยญism, to describe narยญratยญives by which digitยญal media corยญporยญaยญtions are presenยญted as the main or only agency informยญing socio-techยญnicยญal change. It aims to unveil how digitยญal media corยญporยญaยญtions employ such narยญratยญives to reinยญterยญpret the past of digitยญal media, to underยญline their leadยญing role in present sociยญetยญies, and to show their abilยญity in preยญdictยญing and shapยญing the future.โ
Source: Critical Studies in Media Communication 1Natale, S., Bory, P., & Balbi, G. (2019). The rise of corยญporยญaยญtionยญal determยญinยญism: digitยญal media corยญporยญaยญtions and narยญratยญives of media change. Critical Studies in Media Communication. โฆ Continue readยญing
Iโm sure many of us would agree that Big Tech have a flair for wantยญing to rewrite hisยญtory and name themยญselves as lead domยญiยญnยญos in chanยญging the world.
Itโs also fair to assume that Big Tech is pushยญing this narยญratยญive past the point of being that corยญporยญate cringe type at a social event who canยญโt stop talkยญing about how magยญniยญfiยญcent they are.
Itโs corยญporยญate humblยญebยญragยญging.
Without humilยญity.
Grandiose Ideas of Self-Importance
Taking pride in actuยญal accomยญplishยญments is sensยญible. Revising hisยญtory to fit with granยญdiยญose exagยญgerยญaยญtions is โฆ corยญporยญate cringe?
โBelieving that one single device brought about a digitยญal revoluยญtion is like seeยญing a crowd of people in Times Square and assumยญing they turned up because you broadยญcast on WhatsApp that everyยญone should go there. It is, howยญever, a conยญveniยญent point of view for huge corยญporยญaยญtions such as Apple or Google. To keep their posยญiยญtion in the digitยญal marยญket, these comยญpanยญies not only need to design sophยญistยญicยญated hardยญware and softยญware, they also need to nurยญture the myth that we live in a state of incessยญant revoluยญtion of which they are the key engine.โ
Source: Fast Company 2Nataly, S., Balby, G., & Bory, P. (2019, October 16). The real reasยญon Apple and Google still hold big launch events. Fast Company. โฆ Continue readยญing
Examples of Corporational Determinism
Big Tech PR events are increasยญingly perยญformยญatยญive, often as self-glorยญiยญfyยญing specยญtacles rather than platยญforms for subยญstanยญtial product innovation.
Here are five examples of Big Techโs most self-conยญgratยญuยญlatยญory PR events, where the specยญtacle often overยญshadยญowed the actuยญal substance:
Appleโs โCourageโ Moment /โ iPhone 7 Keynote (2016)
Appleโs 2016 iPhone 7 event was a masยญterยญclass in corยญporยญate self-praise. For a sigยญniยญficยญant porยญtion of the presentยญaยญtion , Apple rationยญalยญised why removยญing a beloved feaยญture was a bold act of innovยญaยญtion. They posiยญtioned the lack of a headยญphone jack as an act of โcourยญageโ rather than a cost-cutยญting, accessยญory-pushยญing decision.
Apple then sold a sepยญarยญate $159 pair of AirPods to solve the probยญlem they created.
Googleโs AI-Powered Call That Was Too Human /โ Google Duplex (2018)
At Google I/โO 2018, Sundar Pichai demoed Google Duplex, an AI-powered assistยญant that could make calls on your behalf and sound disยญturbยญingly human. The demoโโโa seemยญingly perยญfect conยญverยญsaยญtion between AI and real peopleโโโwas hailed as groundยญbreakยญing, but it felt more like a tech magic show than an actuยญal product announcement.
Five years later, Duplex still isnโt widely availยญable, provยญing it was more hype than substance.
Facebookโs โMetaverse Revolutionโ /โ Connect 2021
Mark Zuckerbergโs Meta rebrand and Connect 2021 event was an endยญless self-indulยญgent pitch for a future that didnโt exist. He promยญised an immersยญive, world-chanยญging โmetaยญverseโ, but the actuยญal demonยญstraยญtion was a bunch of floatยญing legยญless avatars in an empty digitยญal space. Zuckerberg spent an hour conยญvinยญcing people that Meta was revoluยญtionยญising the world, desยญpite havยญing nothยญing funcยญtionยญal to show.
The โmetaยญverseโ quickly became a finยญanยญcial disยญaster, leadยญing to massive layยญoffs and Meta pivotยญing back to AI in 2023.
Teslaโs Cybertruck Reveal /โ Elonโs Window Shattering Fail (2019)
Elon Muskโs Tesla Cybertruck event in 2019 was meant to redefine the pickup truck marยญket, but it quickly turned into a meme-worthy PR disยญaster. Tesla hyped up its โshatยญterยญproofโ armored winยญdows, only for Musk himยญself to acciยญdentยญally smash them on stage with a metยญal ball.
Despite the over-the-top specยญtacle, Cybertruck proยญducยญtion was delayed for years, and the final product looks almost nothยญing like the oriยญginยญal concept.
Microsoftโs AI Hype Event /โ Bing AI โRevolutionโ (2023)
When Microsoft launched AI-powered Bing (2023), they acted like they had crushed Google overnight. Nadella called it โthe biggest innovยญaยญtion in search in decยญades.โ What happened next? The AI halยญluยญcinยญated fake resยญults and gave bizarre responses (e.g., Bingโs chatยญbot told a user to leave his wife).
The event hyped AI as a โGoogle killerโ but didnโt funยญdaยญmentยญally shift search trends. Despite the massive PR push, Bing AI didnโt change search behaยญviยญor, and Google still domยญinยญates 91% of the market.
Finding the Right Messaging Balance
The PR strategy of corยญporยญaยญtionยญal determยญinยญism is showยญing signs of audiยญence fatigue. Tech journยญalยญists are getยญting more skepยญticยญal of granยญdiยญose proclamations.
The probยญlem with these events is that they treat proยญgress as inevยญitยญable, inflate minor updates into revoluยญtions, and promยญise the world before they even delivยญer a street.
Instead of makยญing it all about the new products, focusยญing the core mesยญsage on how the brand fits withยญin a larยญger story could also make sense outยญside Big Tech.
The chalยญlenge? We must balยญance a conยญfidยญent brand narยญratยญive to avoid obnoxยญious corยญporยญate cringe.
Learn more: Corporational Determinism
Corporate Cringe
Many corยญporยญate texts are writยญten in poor taste. Unlike many othยญer creยญatยญive proยญfesยญsions, corยญporยญate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions have someยญhow forยญgotยญten that havยญing great taste is an actuยญal skill.
I someยญtimes wonยญder if corยญporยญate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions sufยญfer from an industry-wide shortยญage of good taste.
Here are some typยญicยญal examples of corยญporยญate cringe:
By being aware of these pitยญfalls, organยญisaยญtions can refine comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion strategies to ensure more authenยญtยญic and effectยญive engageยญment with their stakeยญholdยญers, influยญenยญcers, and pubยญlics.
More examples: https://โwwwโ.redโditโ.com/โrโ/โcโoโrโpโoโrโaโtโeโcโrโiโnโge/
A Difficult Conversation
Perhaps weโre drownยญing ourselves in corยญporยญate cringe since weโve nevยญer had this conversation.
Having worked as a corยญporยญate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions adviser since 2005, Iโve told CEOs that their strategies are plain wrong. Iโve told marยญketers that theyโre hurtยญing their brand from short-sightedยญness. Iโve told comยญmuยญnicยญatยญors that theyโve spent huge budgets on unneยญcesยญsary activities.
Why? Because cliยญents pay me to be a truth-sayยญer.
Writing, howยญever, isโฆ a touchy subject.
Tell a head of comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions that their corยญporยญate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion is cringe, and youโre out faster than their minยญions can slam the door behind you.
Telling anyยญone their writยญing sounds borยญing is roughโโโeven for meโโโbut it must be done.
If you drench corยญporยญate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion with platยญitยญudes and uninยญspired, stale, and corny hyperยญboles, it does make a difference.
We might adequately plan, execute, and measยญure our activยญitยญies, but that wonโt matยญter if our comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion activยญitยญies sound corny.
Good Taste is a RareโโโBut ImportantโโโSkill
Unlike many othยญer creยญatยญive proยญfesยญsions, corยญporยญate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions often seem obliยญviยญous to the importยญance of being โฆ tasteยญful. Our industryโs ignorยญance of what conยญstiยญtutes good taste is pecuยญliยญar because we ought to know better.
We are comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion proยญfesยญsionยญals, after all.
Tonality isnโt just for copyยญwriters.
Look and feel isnโt just for art dirยญectยญors.
Great taste is a PR skill, too.
But thereโs a way out of this poorly lit tunยญnel of mediocrity. Weโre in a posยญiยญtion to mitยญigยญate cringe-worthy corยญporยญate messaging:
If youโre blessed with a colยญleague with a sense of taste, let them have their say. Donโt allow ego and hierยญarchy to get in the way of good communication.
Never settle, nevยญer give up.
Join the fight against corยญporยญate cringe.
Learn more: Corporate Cringe
Classic Media Logic: Beware the News
Classic media logic can be regarded as a rhetยญorยญicยญal approach to PR theยญory.
โThe posยญiยญtion and size of artยญicles on the front page is determยญined by interest and importยญance, not conยญtent. Unrelated reports [โฆ] are juxยญtaยญposed; time and space are desยญtroyed and the here and now are presenยญted as a single Gestalt. [โฆ] Such a format lends itself to simยญulยญtanยญeity, not chroยญnoยญlogy or linยญealยญity. Items abstracยญted from a total situยญation are not arranged in causยญal sequence, but presenยญted in assoยญciยญation, as raw experยญiยญence.โ
Source: The new lanยญguages (1956) 3Carpenter, E. & McLuhan, M. (1956) The new lanยญguages. Chicago Review. 10(1) pp. 46โโโ52.
Contrary to popยญuยญlar belief, clasยญsic media logic is not one single theยญory. Instead, itโs a colยญlecยญtion of theยญorยญies about how the mediยญum and its conยญtext influยญence mediยญated messages.
โ[โฆ] each comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion chanยญnel codiยญfies realยญity difยญferยญently and thereby influยญences, to a surยญprisยญing degree, the conยญtent of the mesยญsage comยญmuยญnicยญated.โ
Source: The new lanยญguages (1956) 4Carpenter, E. & McLuhan, M. (1956) The new lanยญguages. Chicago Review. 10(1) pp. 46โโโ52.
Classic Media Logic Effects
Classic media logic is hypoยญthesยญised to influยญence the news media in the folยญlowยญing ways: 5Nord, L., & Strรถmbรคck, J. (2002, January). Tio dagar som skakade vรคrlden. En studยญie av mediยญernas beskrivningar av terยญrorยญatยญtackยญerna mot USA och kriยญget i Afghanistan hรถsten 2001. โฆ Continue readยญing
โThe domยญinยญant proยญcesses, estabยญlished routines, and standยญardยญized formats which frame and shape the proยญducยญtion of mass-media conยญtent, espeยญcially its repยญresยญentยญaยญtion or conยญstrucยญtion of realยญity, and its manยญuยญfacยญture of news. Media logic interยญsects with comยญmerยญcial logic and politยญicยญal logicโโโconยญfluยญences assoยญciยญated with such pheยญnomยญena as tabloidยญizยญaยญtion and the mediยญatยญizยญaยญtion of politยญics. Media logic exists wherever mediยญation exists. It conยญtribยญutes to the shapยญing of social order in modยญern post-indusยญtriยญal culยญtures.โ
Source: Oxford Reference 6Media Logic. (2023). Oxford Reference. https://โwwwโ.oxfordreferโenceโ.com/โdโiโsโpโlโaโyโ/โ1โ0โ.โ1โ0โ9โ3โ/โoโiโ/โaโuโtโhโoโrโiโtโyโ.โ2โ0โ1โ1โ0โ8โ1โ0โ1โ0โ5โ3โ5โ7โ611
Learn more: Media Logic is Dead, Long Live Media Logic
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