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Wisdom Whisperer PR Strategy: Educate Your Industry

The educator must remain humble in the service of others.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

The Wisdom Whisperer is a power­ful PR strategy. 

Giving advice is a form of art.

Whether you’re a lead­er giv­ing orders, an industry expert provid­ing advice to cli­ents, or a blog­ger offer­ing insights, there’s more to giv­ing people dir­ec­tion than just telling them what they need to hear.

It’s about advising in the spir­it of ser­vitude.
And that is what edu­ca­tion is all about.

Of course, edu­cat­ing your industry is also a great PR strategy — espe­cially for B2B.

Here we go:

Step 1: The Foundation

Some might think that edu­ca­tion is about hand­ing out good advice left and right. But giv­ing good advice and offer­ing guid­ance is difficult.

The will­ing­ness and abil­ity to serve will trans­form someone who gives good advice into a Wisdom Whisperer.

Why is ser­vitude so important?

Existentialism: Thought Leadership, Advisory, and Education

Regarding thought lead­er­ship, advis­ory, and edu­ca­tion, I often remind myself of the beau­ti­ful words of the Danish exist­en­tial­ist Søren Kierkegaard (1813 – 1855): 1Søren Kierkegaard. (2023, November 27). In Wikipedia.

Soren Kierkegaard.
Fotografi efter bly­ant­stegn­ing ca. 1840 af Søren Kierkegaard. (Credit: Wikipedia)

According to Kierkegaard, ser­vitude is the found­a­tion for suc­cess for all aspir­ing thought lead­ers, advisers, salespeople, and educators:

If one is truly to suc­ceed in lead­ing a per­son to a spe­cif­ic place, one must first and fore­most take care to find him where he is and begin there.

This is the secret in the entire art of help­ing.

Anyone who can­not do this is him­self under a delu­sion if he thinks he is able to help someone else. In order truly to help someone else, I must under­stand more than he — but cer­tainly first and fore­most under­stand what he under­stands.

If I do not do that, my great­er under­stand­ing does not help him. If I nev­er­the­less want to assert my great­er under­stand­ing, then it is because I am vain or proud, then basic­ally instead of bene­fit­ing him I really want to be admired by him.

But all true help­ing begins with a hum­bling.

The help­er must first humble him­self under the per­son he wants to help and thereby under­stand that to help is not to dom­in­ate but to serve, that to help is a not to be the most dom­in­at­ing but the most patient, that to help is a will­ing­ness for the time being to put up with being in the wrong and not under­stand­ing what the oth­er under­stands.”
— Søren Kierkegaard (1813 – 1855)

Learn more: Existentialism for PR Advisers

Step 2: The Message

Every Wisdom Whisperer must, like an organ­isa­tion, have a Core Message and a Promise Filter. 2Early in my PR career, my per­son­al Core Message as a thought lead­er in the PR industry was that we must adapt to digit­al-first. That core mes­sage was present in everything I said and did.

By divid­ing the Core Message and the Promise Filter into Content Themes, the Wisdom Whisperer can cov­er sev­er­al top­ics without los­ing focus:

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Content Themes

Let’s use a fic­ti­tious example of an IT com­pany. First, they decide on a core mes­sage for their con­tent strategy:

Core mes­sage: We make IT easy to understand.

Then, the IT com­pany breaks their core mes­sage down into four busi­ness-crit­ic­al con­tent themes:

Q1 Content Theme: We make people under­stand the Internet of Things (IoT).

Q2 Content Theme: We make people under­stand busi­ness auto­ma­tion.

Q3 Content Theme: We make people under­stand cloud com­put­ing.

Q4 Content Theme: We make people under­stand man­aged services.

For easy plan­ning and boost­ing SEO with con­tent sky­scrapers, you can cre­ate con­tent pack­ages for each theme.

Using con­tent themes comes with sev­er­al upsides:

  • Planning. Using con­tent themes makes it easi­er to plan your mes­saging for the year.
  • Visibility. Search engines love it when you pro­duce and pub­lish related content.
  • Growth. You’re provid­ing valu­able and ever­green con­tent on a niche topic.

Learn more: The Content Themes PR Strategy

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Step 3: The Structure

Every Wisdom Whisperer needs an online base­camp, wheth­er that is a brand web­site or a per­son­al web­site. To get any edu­ca­tion­al PR activ­it­ies across, the con­tent must be wisely pub­lished and dis­trib­uted for inbound success.

How can you share your insights in a struc­tured manner?

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Deep Content

Above is an example of an online con­tent struc­ture that’s five levels deep. In the example above, five lay­ers of ever­green con­tent are stacked:

  • Level 1: Articles
  • Level 2: Content Upgrade
  • Level 3: Resource/​Lead Magnet
  • Level 4: Ebook
  • Level 5: Online Course

Deep con­tent is centred around provid­ing increas­ingly high­er qual­ity to engaged users. ideally, the user­’s engage­ment should determ­ine when the inform­a­tion need has been ful­filled, not the lim­it­a­tions of the web­site’s avail­able content.

  • The few who reach your content’s call to action (con­tent diver = click­ing ver­tic­ally) are more valu­able than those who only scan its first head­line (con­tent surfer = click­ing horizontally).

As for the import­ance of struc­ture and depth, the logic is the same as that of ice­berg pub­lish­ing and con­tent themes.

Learn more: The Deep Content PR Strategy: Win By Going Deeper

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Step 4: The Narrative

For any­one in a pos­i­tion of superi­or­ity, be it a lead­er or an expert or both, accept­ing the role of a ser­vant is the true chal­lenge in every edu­ca­tion­al enter­prise. The Wisdom Whisperer must be ready to take the high road and seek the path with the most obstacles.

How can you achieve such a PR tonality?

Stoic Philosophy for Public Relations

I’m inspired by Stoicism — and intrigued by the idea of trans­lat­ing clas­sic­al Stoic vir­tues (wis­dom, cour­age, justice, tem­per­ance) and apply­ing them to pub­lic relations:

The Wisdom Pitch

A Stoic is someone who trans­forms fear into prudence, pain into trans­form­a­tion, mis­takes into ini­ti­ation, and desires into under­tak­ing.”
— Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Tell PR stor­ies of how organ­isa­tions can be wise and over­come obstacles that have stopped oth­ers in their tracks. Convey PR mes­sages on how to apply wis­dom, know­ledge, and experience.

The Courage Pitch

We can­not choose our cir­cum­stances, but we can always choose how we respond to them.”
— Epictetus

Tell PR stor­ies of brands that nev­er back down in the face of hard­ships that would des­troy oth­er organ­isa­tions. Convey PR mes­sages of how an organ­isa­tion can be right­eous even when storms are raging.

The Justice Pitch

Concentrate every minute on doing what’s in front of you with pre­cise and genu­ine ser­i­ous­ness, ten­derly, will­ingly, with justice.”
— Marcus Aurelius

Tell PR stor­ies of how organ­isa­tions relent­lessly can strive for hon­esty and trans­par­ency — even when uncom­fort­able. Convey PR mes­sages about how all brands, without excep­tion, can rid them­selves of dis­hon­esty and incompetence.

The Temperance Pitch

It’s not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, who is poor.”
— Seneca

Tell PR stor­ies of organ­isa­tions that strive for high­er val­ues in a world where all oth­er organ­isa­tions suf­fer short­sighted­ness. Convey PR mes­sages of organ­isa­tions pre­pared to abstain from short-term gains to make the world bet­ter for all.

Learn more: Stoic Philosophy for PR Professionals

Step 5: The Resilience

Establishing and main­tain­ing rela­tion­ships takes time.

  • Despite the swift cur­rent of mod­ern tech­no­logy, the cul­tiv­a­tion of human rela­tion­ships remains anchored in the unhur­ried pas­sage of time.

No one will become a Wisdom Whisperer overnight. Long-term resi­li­ence is crit­ic­al for any online edu­cat­or who wants people to listen. 

The secret to suc­cess is to stay con­sist­ent and offer valu­able insights repeatedly.

The Wisdom Whisperer

Being regarded and revered as a key industry edu­cat­or is first and fore­most a respons­ib­il­ity. Any pos­it­ive out­comes in terms of PR must be sec­ond­ary con­sid­er­a­tions. Teaching might not be your call­ing if serving a com­munity with your insights and know­ledge isn’t your Ikigai.

For the Wisdom Whisperer PR strategy to work, all shar­ing must always begin from a pure pas­sion for edu­ca­tion and servitude.

Signature - Jerry Silfwer - Doctor Spin

Thanks for read­ing. Please sup­port my blog by shar­ing art­icles with oth­er com­mu­nic­a­tions and mar­ket­ing pro­fes­sion­als. You might also con­sider my PR ser­vices or speak­ing engage­ments.

PR Resource: More PR Strategies

PR Resource: How To Identify a Good PR Strategy

How To Create a PR Strategy - Spinning Top - Doctor Spin - The PR Blog
Spin for the win. (Photo: Jerry Silfwer)
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The Magical PR Strategy Question

Your PR strategy should answer one simple question:

  • Does this strategy provide a guid­ing prin­ciple for how your organ­isa­tion should defeat com­pet­it­ors in the battle for atten­tion, trust, and support?

Whenever your PR strategy fails to answer this ques­tion, it also fails to provide a roadmap to success.

Competitiveness is derived from per­man­ent infra­struc­tur­al char­ac­ter­ist­ics of organ­iz­a­tion­al design, rather than just rely­ing on tem­por­ary stra­tegic assets.”
Source: Strategic Change 3Connor, T. (2007). A con­sid­er­a­tion of stra­tegic assets and the organ­iz­a­tion­al sources of com­pet­it­ive­ness. Strategic Change, 16, 127 – 136. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​0​0​2​/​J​S​C​.​789

Learn more: The Magical PR Strategy Question

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1 Søren Kierkegaard. (2023, November 27). In Wikipedia.
2 Early in my PR career, my per­son­al Core Message as a thought lead­er in the PR industry was that we must adapt to digit­al-first. That core mes­sage was present in everything I said and did.
3 Connor, T. (2007). A con­sid­er­a­tion of stra­tegic assets and the organ­iz­a­tion­al sources of com­pet­it­ive­ness. Strategic Change, 16, 127 – 136. https://​doi​.org/​1​0​.​1​0​0​2​/​J​S​C​.​789
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Kaufmann, Whispr Group, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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