So, I decided to learn photography.
I know you nevยญer asked, but hereโs my proยญgress (in chroยญnoยญloยญgicยญal order):
And here we are. Work in proยญgress, mind you.
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Improvement: Renaissance Projects
The Renaissance lasยญted from the 14th to the 17th cenยญtury and was a periยญod of sigยญniยญficยญant culยญturยญal, artistยญic, politยญicยญal, and sciยญentifยญic rebirth in Europe.
Inspired by the Renaissance mindยญset, I strive to develยญop my creยญatยญive intelยญliยญgence, physยญicยญal strengths, and menยญtal well-being.
Better Identity
Better Thinking
Better Skills
Better Habits
Learn more: Creativity
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