Try this simple Ikigai test.
I am (like many others, I’m sure) partial to the concept of Ikigai (生き甲斐). Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means “reason for being.”
How can you use the Ikigai test for self-development?
Here we go:
The Ikigai Test
Spin Academy | Online PR Courses
The Ikigai Test
Here’s the first step of my Ikigai Test for the intersecting middle layer, where I would say that:
Then, here’s the second step of my Ikigai Test for the outer layer (based on my middle layer answers):
1. That which I love (Passion & Mission): Communication & Teaching
2. That which the world needs (Mission + Vocation): Teaching + Learning and Sharing
3. That which I can get paid for (Profession + Vocation): Public Relations + Learning and Sharing
4. That which I’m good at (Passion + Profession): Communication + Public Relations
All good. My answers seem to work well with the outer layer of the Ikigai diagram.
So, for the third step, and based on my answers, what can I place in the centre (the Ikigai) that works?
Whohoo! That works!
Can you make it work, too?
Learn more: The Ikigai Test
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Concluding Thoughts
While doing this little exercise, I was surprised that teaching came to me without hesitation. I was surprised since there’s a distinct difference between doing things for others (like a consultant) instead of showing people to do them for themselves (like a teacher).
Moving forward, I will try to be mindful of this difference to ensure that my Ikigai becomes a reality — for myself and everyone around me.
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PR Resource: Renaissance Projects
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My Renaissance Projects
The Renaissance was a period of significant cultural, artistic, political, and scientific rebirth in Europe, lasting from the 14th to the 17th century, marked by a renewed interest in the classical art and ideas of ancient Greece and Rome.
Inspired by lifelong artists and learners, I strive to always develop my creative intelligence, physical strengths, and mental well-being.
This is a list of my “Renaissance Projects”:
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