Try this simple ikiยญgai test.
I am (like many othยญers, Iโm sure) parยญtial to the concept of ikiยญgai (็ใ็ฒๆ). Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means โreasยญon for being.โ
How can you use the ikiยญgai test for self-development?
Here we go:
The Ikigai Test
Have you been ponยญderยญing your raisยญon dโรชtre? The term ikiยญgai comes from two Japanese words:
While the Western adaptยญaยญtion often treats ikiยญgai like a proยญductivยญity hack or a purยญpose-findยญing workยญshop, itโs less rigid in its oriยญginยญal Japanese conยญtext. It doesnโt require you to monยญetยญise your pasยญsion or save the worldโโโit can simply mean appreยญciยญatยญing small joys, like sipยญping tea on a quiet mornยญing or tendยญing to a bonยญsai tree.
Itโs more about proยญcess than outยญcome.
Ikigai is often described as the interยญsecยญtion of what you love, what youโre good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid forโโโa harยญmoยญniยญous conยญverยญgence that supยญposedly leads to a fulยญfilling life.
Hereโs the first step of the ikiยญgai test for the interยญsectยญing middle layยญer, where I would say that:
Then, hereโs the second step of my ikiยญgai test for the outยญer layยญer (based on my middle layยญer answers):
1. That which I love (Passion & Mission): Communication & Teaching
2. That which the world needs (Mission + Vocation): Teaching + Learning and Sharing
3. That which I can get paid for (Profession + Vocation): Public Relations + Learning and Sharing
4. That which Iโm good at (Passion + Profession): Communication + Public Relations
All good. My answers seem to work well with the outยญer layยญer of the Ikigai diagram.
So, for the third step, and based on my answers, what can I place in the centre (the Ikigai) that works?
Whohoo! That works!
Can you make it work, too?
Nota bene:
I underยญstand that turnยญing ikiยญgai into โfind your dream job!โ is like using medยญitยญaยญtion to increase proยญductivยญityโโโmissยญing the point entirely.
Life doesnโt have to be perยญpetuยญally meanยญingยญful or joyยญous. Striving for conยญstant alignยญment of these circles can someยญtimes add unneยญcesยญsary pressure.
Learn more: The Ikigai Test
Concluding Thoughts
While doing this little exerยญcise, I was surยญprised that teachยญing came to me without hesยญitยญaยญtion. Thereโs a disยญtinct difยญferยญence between doing things for othยญers (like a conยญsultยญant) and showยญing people how to do them for themยญselves (like a teacher).
Moving forยญward, I will try to be mindยญful of this difยญferยญence to ensure that my ikiยญgai becomes a realยญityโโโfor myself and everyยญone around me.
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