The fireยญhose of falseยญhood is a danยญgerยญous proยญpaยญganda tool.
The fireยญhose of falseยญhood proยญpaยญganda modยญel is not merely a comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions tacยญtic; it is a straยญtegic assaultโan enginยญeered colยญlapse of shared realยญity, executed at scale and speed.
It does not aim to perยญsuade in the traยญdiยญtionยญal sense. Instead, it overยญwhelms, disยญorยญiยญents, and corrodes.
When conยญnecยญted with pheยญnomยญena like fake news, alternยญatยญive facts, and media polarยญisaยญtion, the full horยญror of this modยญel emerges: a form of informยญaยญtion warยญfare whose tarยญget is not merely truth, but the very idea that truth matยญters.
Here we go:
The Firehose of Falsehood
The fireยญhose of falseยญhood is a modยญern proยญpaยญganda modยญel idenยญtiยญfied and named in a 2016 RAND Corporation report by Christopher Paul and Miriam Matthews. 1Paul, C., & Matthews, M. (2016). The Russian โfireยญhose of falseยญhoodโ proยญpaยญganda modยญel: Why it might work and options to counter it (PE-198-OSD). RAND Corporation. โฆ Continue readยญing
The modยญel describes a Russian-style disยญinยญformยญaยญtion strategy marked by:
In conยญtrast to clasยญsicยญal proยญpaยญgandaโโโfocused, disยญcipยญlined, ideoยญloยญgicยญally coherยญent, the fireยญhose methยญod abanยญdons coherยญence in favour of chaos. It does not seek to conยญvert. It seeks to conยญfuse and conยญtamยญinยญate.
Different disยญinยญformยญaยญtion narยญratยญives tarยญget difยญferยญent ideoยญloยญgicยญal groups. The resยญult is that people no longer disยญagree on interยญpretยญaยญtionsโโโthey disยญagree on facts. This underยญmines social coheยญsion and demoยญcratยญic delibยญerยญaยญtion, fragยญmentยญing sociยญety into isolยญated epiยญstemยญic tribes.
Infamously coined by Kellyanne Conway, the Orwellian concept โalternยญatยญive factsโ reflects the epiยญstemยญic fragยญmentยญaยญtion that resยญults from fireยญhose tacยญtics. In the fireยญhose paradigm, there is no need for conยญsensus factsโโโeveryยญone gets their own realยญity. 2Silfwer, J. (2017, April 27). โAlternative Factsโ is Newspeak. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โaโlโtโeโrโnโaโtโiโvโeโ-โfโaโcโts/
Once the modยญel has sucยญcessยญfully polยญluted the informยญaยญtion space, conยญcepts like Lรผgenpresse (โlying pressโ) or โfake newsโ can preeยญmptยญively disยญcredยญit any fact-based journยญalยญism. Audiences are inocuยญlated against corยญrecยญtionโโโโIf the press says it, itโs false by definยญiยญtion.โ 3Silfwer, J. (2025, March 25). From Lรผgenpresse to Fake News. Doctor Spin | the PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โfโaโkโeโ-โnโeโws/
The strategy is not to conยญvince you that one thing is true. Itโs to make you doubt that anyยญthing is true.
Characteristics of the Firehose of Falsehood
Letโs examยญine the eleยญments of the fireยญhose of falseยญhood proยญpaยญganda model:
And yes, this Russia-inspired proยญpaยญganda approach shares many charยญacยญterยญistยญics with the muzzle veloยญcity PR strategy forยญmuยญlated by Steve Bannon as one of Donald Trumpโs closest advisers. 4Silfwer, J. (2025, February 8). The Muzzle Velocity PR Strategy. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โmโuโzโzโlโeโ-โvโeโlโoโcโiโtโyโ-โpโrโ-โsโtโrโaโtโeโgy/
The Goals of the Propaganda Model
The fireยญhose modยญel proยญduces and thrives on โfake news,โ but unlike clasยญsicยญal misยญinยญformยญaยญtion, the sheer veloยญcity and mulยญtiยญpliยญcity make refutยญaยญtion futile.
The modยญel has four main goals:
The fireยญhose of falseยญhood proยญpaยญganda modยญel doveยญtails danยญgerยญously with Daniel Kahnemanโs System 1 thinkยญing: fast, emoยญtionยญal, and lazy. The modยญel overยญwhelms System 2โโโslow, logicยญal, effortยญful thinkยญing. 5Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Algorithmic Accelerants in the Electronic Age
As misยญinยญformยญaยญtion domยญinยญates disยญcourse, disยญsentยญers fear social excluยญsion and self-cenยญsorยญship, reinยญforยญcing false majorยญitยญies. Firehose proยญpaยญganda inflates perยญceived conยญsensusโyou feel outยญnumbered even when youโre not.
Platforms like Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and X (Twitter) can, thereยญfore, be used as effiยญcient delivยญery sysยญtems for the fireยญhose model:
What we have here is not merely a comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion probยญlemโโโitโs an attenยญtion ecoยญnomy weaponยญised where lies are fast and truths are throttled.
Marshall McLuhan foresaw much of this chaos. The boundยญary between sender and receivยญer colยญlapses. Truth becomes perยญformยญatยญive, virยญal, and emotive, not delibยญerยญatยญive or empirยญicยญal. 6McLuhan, M. (1962). The Gutenberg galaxy: The makยญing of typoยญgraphยญic man. University of Toronto Press. 7McLuhan, M. (1964). Understanding media: The extenยญsions of man. McGraw-Hill.
McLuhan warned of a globยญal vilยญlage where retribยญalยญisaยญtion occursโโโnot through conยญsensus, but through echo chamยญbers that deepยญen group identity.
Falsehoods as a Self-Replicating Virus
The fireยญhose of falseยญhood is not just a Kremlin tool or a relยญic of 20th-cenยญtury proยญpaยญganda. It is the informยญaยญtionยญal weapon of our timeโโโa way to make the pubยญlicโs sense of realยญity implode.
But the modยญelโs โbrilยญlianceโ lies not in conยญvinยญcing people of falseยญhoods. It is in conยญvinยญcing people that truth itself is obsolยญete. In this way, it becomes a self-repยญlicยญatยญing virus:
To fight it, we must not merely debunk indiยญviduยญal falseยญhoods; we must reafยญfirm the virยญtue of truth-seekยญing as a social good, or surยญrender to a world where realยญity is no longer a shared terยญrain but a shattered mirror.
Learn more: The Firehose of Falsehood Propaganda Model
The Muzzle Velocity PR Strategy
Steve Bannon is a far-right politยญicยญal strategist, media execยญutยญive, and former chief strategist to Donald Trump. A key archiยญtect of Trumpโs 2016 presยญidยญenยญtial vicยญtory, Bannon leverยญaged popยญuยญlist, nationยญalยญist, and anti-estabยญlishยญment rhetยญorยญic to mobilยญise disยญafยญfected voters.
Hereโs what Steve Bannon told PBS โFrontlineโ in 2019:
Steve Bannon: The opposยญiยญtion party is the media. And the media can only, because theyโre dumb and theyโre lazy, they can only focus on one thing at a timeโฆ
All we have to do is flood the zone. Every day we hit them with three things. Theyโll bite on one, and weโll get all of our stuff done. Bang, bang, bang. These guys will nevยญerโโโwill nevยญer be able to recovยญer. But weโve got to start with muzzle veloยญcity. So itโs got to start, and itโs got to hamยญmer, and itโs got to โ
Michael Kirk: What was the word?
Bannon: Muzzle veloยญcity.
As the execยญutยญive chairยญman of Breitbart News, Bannon helped shape the alt-rightโs influยญence on Republican politยญics. In the White House, Bannon pushed โAmerica Firstโ policies, clashed with estabยญlishยญment Republicans, and was instruยญmentยญal in Trumpโs hardยญline immigยญraยญtion stance and ecoยญnomยญic nationalism.
However, Bannonโs tenยญure was short-livedโโโhe was ousยญted in August 2017 folยญlowยญing internยญal power struggles.
Despite fallยญing out with Trump (who later called him โSloppy Steveโ), Bannon remained an influยญenยญtial voice in right-wing politยญics, backยญing nationยญalยญist moveยญments globยญally and facing legยญal trouble, includยญing an indictยญment for fraud related to a borยญder wall funยญdraisยญing campaign.
Donald Trump: Flood the Zone
According to Ezra Klein, a New York Times columยญnist and host of The Ezra Klein Show podยญcast, Bannonโs muzzle veloยญcity PR strategy is in full effect for the first two weeks of Donald Trumpโs second term.
โMuzzle veloยญcity. Bannonโs insight here is real. Focus is the funยญdaยญmentยญal subยญstance of demoยญcracy. It is parยญticยญuยญlarly the subยญstance of opposยญiยญtion. People largely learn of what the govยญernยญment is doing through the mediaโโโbe it mainยญstream media or social media. If you overยญwhelm the mediaโโโif you give it too many places it needs to look, all at once, if you keep it movยญing from one thing to the nextโโโno coherยญent opposยญiยญtion can emerge. It is hard to even think coherยญently.
Donald Trumpโs first two weeks in the White House folยญlowed Bannonโs strategy like a script. The flood is the point. The overยญwhelm is the point. The mesยญsage wasnโt in any one execยญutยญive order or announceยญment. It was in the cumuยญlatยญive effect of all of them. The sense that this is Trumpโs counยญtry now. This is his govยญernยญment now.โ
Source: Inside Story 8Klein, E. (2025, February 7). Donโt believe him. Inside Story. https://โinsidestoryโ.orgโ.au/โdโoโnโtโ-โbโeโlโiโeโvโeโ-โhโim/
An old pubยญlishยญer adage goes:
โIf it bleeds, it leads.โ
What, then, if everything bleeds?
According to Clay Shirky, an American writer, conยญsultยญant, and teachยญer on the social and ecoยญnomยญic effects of Internet techยญnoยญloยญgies and journยญalยญism, there is no informยญaยญtion overยญloadโonly filยญter failยญure. 9Asay, M. (2025). Shirky: Problem is filยญter failยญure, not info overยญload. CNET. https://โwwwโ.cnetโ.com/โcโuโlโtโuโrโeโ/โsโhโiโrโkโyโ-โpโrโoโbโlโeโmโ-โiโsโ-โfโiโlโtโeโrโ-โfโaโiโlโuโrโeโ-โnโoโtโ-โiโnโfโoโ-โoโvโeโrโlโoโad/
Can estabยญlished media get flooded to the point of failure?
Media Logic and Filter Failure
Classic media logic is hypoยญthesยญised to influยญence the news media in the folยญlowยญing ways: 10Nord, L., & Strรถmbรคck, J. (2002, January). Tio dagar som skakade vรคrlden. En studยญie av mediยญernas beskrivningar av terยญrorยญatยญtackยญerna mot USA och kriยญget i Afghanistan hรถsten 2001. โฆ Continue readยญing
In Steve Bannonโs muzzle veloยญcity PR strategy, floodยญing the news means havยญing the news media choke on its media logic.
The Triangulation PR Strategy
Donald Trumpโs presยญidยญency is an extraordinยญary case study. Few organยญisaยญtions could flood the media the way a sitยญting presยญidยญent can. Striving to influยญence the mediยญaโs agenda is a well-known PR strategy, but torยญpedoยญing the entirety of the traยญdiยญtionยญal news media must be seen as a fringe case.
A serยญiยญous fringe case, but fringe nonetheless.
As a seasoned PR proยญfesยญsionยญal, I am familยญiยญar with simยญilยญar pubยญlic affairs strategies, albeit on smalยญler scales. One such strategy is the triยญanยญguยญlaยญtion PR strategy.
The triยญanยญguยญlaยญtion PR strategy = while the news media and the opposยญiยญtion are pushยญing their agenยญdas, a politยญicยญal interest could change the narยญratยญive by intenยญtionยญally leakยญing a โsavedโ story that will either overยญshadยญow comยญpetยญing agenยญdasโโโor drown out negยญatยญive pubยญliยญcity, even.
However, as with the muzzle veloยญcity PR strategy, I would nevยญer conยญdone the triยญanยญguยญlaยญtion PR strategy. Both are card-stackยญing, grey-hat techยญniques used to obfusยญcate and confuse.
Steve Bannon, already infamยญous for his role in the Cambridge Analytica scanยญdal, still influยญences the news climate.
If โfake newsโ was part one, muzzle veloยญcity is part two.
Learn more: The Muzzle Velocity PR Strategy
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