Corporate Mediocrity

When good enough isn't good enough.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

When corporate mediocrity turns out to be a wasteland for online marketing activities, it's time to revise your digital strategies and step up your game.

Can PR escape corยญporยญate mediocrity?

The digitยญal revoluยญtion has improved many things. However, it has done little to improve the averยญage qualยญity of corยญporยญate content.

Look, I get it:

Iโ€™ve been blogยญging since 2002 and pubยญlished my fair share of mediocre conยญtent. It happens.

But can we escape corยญporยญate mediocrity?

Here we go:

Corporate Mediocrity: The Epidemic

In the world of corยญporยญate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion, thereโ€™s an epidemic: 

Itโ€™s not a virยญus or a scanยญdal. Itโ€™s someยญthing far more insiยญdiยญous that seeps into every email, press release, and LinkedIn post. It seems to be a paraยญlysยญing, soul-crushยญing fear of sayยญing someยญthing truly meaningful.

Itโ€™s corยญporยญate mediocrity.

Vanna Bonta

โ€œMediocrity inspires neither great love nor hate.โ€

Welcome to the land of mediocrity, where blandยญness reigns supreme and boldยญness is reserved for multi-bilยญlionยญaires with god complexes.

But imaยญgine, just for a moment, a world where invisยญible chains didnโ€™t bind corยญporยญate communication

A world where corยญporยญate mesยญsaging sparkled with sophยญistยญicยญaยญtion and style, where words danced off the page and ignited imaginations. 

But that is perยญhaps a pipe dream. 

We may be waitยญing for AI to help organยญisaยญtions write betยญter. Most corยญporยญate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion crafยญted by humans today wouldยญnโ€™t even pass the Turing test.

Learn more: Corporate Mediocrity

The Comfort of Cowardice

The probยญlem starts with unwarยญranยญted cauยญtion. Thereโ€™s a perยญvasยญive fear of sayยญing someยญthing that evokes real emoยญtion in corยญporยญate halls, which drives talยญenยญted comยญmuยญnicยญatยญors to hide behind jarยญgon and corยญporยญate platitudes. 

Why say someยญthing bold when you can say someยญthing safe? 

But in comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion, safety is an illuยญsion. Playing it safe is a most danยญgerยญous game. It leads to comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion thatโ€™s not just borยญing but invisible.

LinkedIn, once a platยญform for genuยญine proยญfesยญsionยญal netยญworkยญing, has become a paraยญdise for corยญporยญate preยญtenยญtiousยญness. Scroll through your feed, and youโ€™ll see tirades of buzzwords, empty accolยญades, and holยญlow victories. 

LinkedIn has devolved into a digitยญal echo chamยญber where everyยญone talks, but no one is sayยญing anything.

The Perils of Platitudes

Jargon and corยญporยญate platยญitยญudes are the crutches of the unoriยญginยญal. They give the illuยญsion of sophยญistยญicยญaยญtion while sayยญing absoยญlutely nothing. 

Mark Ragan

โ€œEvery once in a while Iโ€™ll sit down with a jug of Jack Daniels and a bottle of Advil and dig through old press releases to see if PR agenยญcies have learned how to write.โ€

Terms like โ€œsynยญergy,โ€ โ€œinnovยญaยญtion,โ€ and โ€œthought leadยญerโ€ have been stripped of their meanยญing, leavยญing behind a shell of what could have been. 

Itโ€™s time to banยญish these empty words and replace them with lanยญguage that resยญonยญates with people, not just middle managers.

Sophistication isnโ€™t about big words or comยญplex senยญtences. Itโ€™s about clarยญity, brevยญity, and impact. Itโ€™s about craftยญing mesยญsages that speak to the heart and mind that linger long after the readยญer has moved on. 

Good comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion is an art form; like all art, it requires a touch of bravery and vision.

A Call to Bravery

So, how do we break free from the shackles of mediocrity? 

By being brave. By celยญebยญratยญing sophยญistยญicยญaยญtion and style over preยญtenยญtiousยญness and cowardice. 

Being brave is about takยญing risks and trustยญing that our audiยญence is intelยญliยญgent, disยญcernยญing, and hungry for authenticity.

Imagine a press release that reads like a story, with charยญacยญters, conยญflict, and resยญolยญuยญtion. Imagine an email that doesnโ€™t just inform but inspires. Imagine a LinkedIn post thatโ€™s not just a humblยญebยญrag but a genuยญine insight into your world. 

Maybe Iโ€™m naรฏve to think this could work.

The Road Ahead

Change wonโ€™t hapยญpen overnight. It requires a shift in mindยญset, a comยญmitยญment to excelยญlence, and a willยญingยญness to stand out. But the rewards could be immense. 

Letโ€™s engage in comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion that builds trust, fosters loyยญalty, and sets you apart in a crowded marketplace.

Martha Graham

โ€œThe only sin is mediocrity.โ€

In the end, the choice is yours. You can conยญtinยญue to swim in the sea of mediocrity, or you can rise above the noise and make a real impact. 

Be bold.
Be sophยญistยญicยญated.

Be the voice that cuts through the clutยญter and makes a lastยญing impression.

The world is waitยญing. Letโ€™s not settle for mediocrity when we can be extraordinยญary. Letโ€™s not be afraid to infuse our corยญporยญate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions with elegยญance and a dash of daring.

Weโ€™re All Media Companies

In many ways, weโ€™re all media comยญpanยญies now.
For betยญter or worse.

Itโ€™s grim irony that our most sucยญcessยญful media comยญpanยญies, like Google and Facebook, donโ€™t proยญduce any conยญtent in this informยญaยญtion age.

Therefore, editยญorยญiยญal conยญtent is a massive PR opporยญtunยญity. We must push beyยญond the honยญeytrap of checkยญing pubยญlishยญing off as โ€œdoneโ€ and then being indifยญferยญent to the fact that our conยญtent will nevยญer get noticed.

After years of struggle with online comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion and not getยญting good enough resยญults, many busiยญnesses are slowly conยญcludยญing that mediocrity is no longer good enough.

Wastelands of Mediocre Content

The sufยญfiยญcient conยญtent qualยญity resembles an invisยญible stone wall between two online terยญritยญorยญies. On one side of the wall, we find green pasยญtures, ferยญtile soil, and many people. On the othยญer side, thereโ€™s nothยญing but empty wastelands. 

Itโ€™s the desยญolยญate plains of corยญporยญate cringe.

When you find yourยญself on the wrong side of this stone wall, you can pubยญlish your corยญporยญate conยญtent howยญever often, but nothยญing seems to grow in these desยญolยญated long-tail plains. 

It would be best to get yourยญself over that stone wall and into the terยญritยญory on the othยญer side of that wall, where there are real people.

But what would that take?

What is Content Quality, Then?

To be allowed into the lush terยญritยญory inhabยญited by real people, proยญduยญcing and pubยญlishยญing great conยญtent seems like a passport.

People will gathยญer to watch in hoards if you proยญduce and pubยญlish Game of Thrones. But weโ€™re not HBO. Weโ€™re organยญisaยญtions that have and sell anyยญthing from toothยญpaste to medยญicยญal equipยญment. We provide products and serยญvices. Whether for profit or not, weโ€™re organยญisaยญtions that make sociยญety work. 

A new line of servยญer appliยญances or havยญing the best avoยญcaยญdos on the marยญket will nevยญer be as interยญestยญing as the bloody struggles of the Seven Kingdoms. 

The harsh realยญity is that the algorithms have conยญsidยญerยญably raised the bar for conยญtent qualยญity. We can readยญily appreยญciยญate that the algorithms will sort out lousy and bad conยญtent, but we must also get used to them elimยญinยญatยญing averยญage and good content.

Level 5 communication - 2
That โ€œgreat conยญtentโ€ works in conยญtent marยญketยญing isnโ€™t the real story; the real story is that โ€œgood conยญtentโ€ is every bit as wasted as โ€œlousy contentโ€.

Corporate Cringe

Many corยญporยญate texts are writยญten in poor taste. Unlike many othยญer creยญatยญive proยญfesยญsions, corยญporยญate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions have someยญhow forยญgotยญten that havยญing great taste is an actuยญal skill.

I someยญtimes wonยญder if corยญporยญate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions sufยญfer from an industry-wide shortยญage of good taste.

Here are some typยญicยญal examples of corยญporยญate cringe:

  • Over-exagยญgerยญaยญtion. Corporate mesยญsages are often tone-deaf due to excessยญive emphasยญis or embelยญlishยญment. โ€œNo, people arenโ€™t that excited on account of your new piece of news.โ€
  • Implausible claims. Communications that present dubiยญous asserยญtions can erode credยญibยญilยญity and genยญerยญate unneยญcesยญsary scepยญtiยญcism. โ€œNo, youโ€™re not a leadingโ€‘, revolutionaryโ€‘, innovativeโ€‘, or game-chanยญging company.โ€
  • Unintended awkยญwardยญness. Corporate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion will often inadยญvertยญently appear clumsy or out of touch, creยญatยญing a disยญconยญnect with the intenยญded audiยญence. โ€œNo, itโ€™s not coolโ€‰โ€”โ€‰and nevยญer will beโ€‰โ€”โ€‰to say youโ€™re cool. Thatโ€™s not the way that works.โ€
  • Excessive self-glorยญiยญficยญaยญtion. Communications that overly focus on an organยญizยญaยญtionโ€™s achieveยญments or virยญtues can be perยญceived as insinยญcere or self-conยญgratยญuยญlatยญory. โ€œNo, you didnโ€™t just save the planยญet, so please stop patยญting yourยญself on the back so furiously.โ€
  • Prescriptive mesยญsaging. Corporate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion that dicยญtates opinยญions or beliefs can be perยญceived as overly conยญtrolling and may aliยญenยญate audiยญences. โ€œNo, everyoneโ€™s not lovยญing your new products or services.โ€
  • Overzealous efforts. Striving too hard to impress or engage can resยญult in comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion that feels inauยญthentยญic or conยญtrived. โ€œNo, screamยญing louder and makยญing stronger and stronger claims wonโ€™t make anyยญone care more about what youโ€™re saying.โ€
  • Monotonous tonยญalยญity. Corporate mesยญsages that lack disยญtinctยญiveยญness or perยญsonยญalยญity can fail to resยญonยญate with audiยญences, limยญitยญing their overยญall impact. โ€œNo, your conยญtent reads as if it was writยญten by uninยญspired middle manยญagers who lost their pasยญsion someยญwhere along the way.โ€

By being aware of these pitยญfalls, organยญisaยญtions can refine comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion strategies to ensure more authenยญtยญic and effectยญive engageยญment with their stakeยญholdยญers, influยญenยญcers, and pubยญlics.

More examples: https://โ€‹wwwโ€‹.redโ€‹ditโ€‹.com/โ€‹rโ€‹/โ€‹cโ€‹oโ€‹rโ€‹pโ€‹oโ€‹rโ€‹aโ€‹tโ€‹eโ€‹cโ€‹rโ€‹iโ€‹nโ€‹ge/

A Difficult Conversation

Perhaps weโ€™re drownยญing ourselves in corยญporยญate cringe since weโ€™ve nevยญer had this conversation.

Having worked as a corยญporยญate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions adviser since 2005, Iโ€™ve told CEOs that their strategies are plain wrong. Iโ€™ve told marยญketers that theyโ€™re hurtยญing their brand from short-sightedยญness. Iโ€™ve told comยญmuยญnicยญatยญors that theyโ€™ve spent huge budgets on unneยญcesยญsary activities. 

Why? Because cliยญents pay me to be a truth-sayยญer.
Writing, howยญever, isโ€ฆ a touchy subject.

Tell a head of comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions that their corยญporยญate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion is cringe, and youโ€™re out faster than their minยญions can slam the door behind you.

Telling anyยญone their writยญing sounds borยญing is roughโ€‰โ€”โ€‰even for meโ€‰โ€”โ€‰but it must be done.

If you drench corยญporยญate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion with platยญitยญudes and uninยญspired, stale, and corny hyperยญboles, it does make a difference.

We might adequately plan, execute, and measยญure our activยญitยญies, but that wonโ€™t matยญter if our comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion activยญitยญies sound corny.

Good Taste is a Rareโ€‰โ€”โ€‰But Importantโ€‰โ€”โ€‰Skill

Unlike many othยญer creยญatยญive proยญfesยญsions, corยญporยญate comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions often seem obliยญviยญous to the importยญance of being โ€ฆ tasteยญful. Our industryโ€™s ignorยญance of what conยญstiยญtutes good taste is pecuยญliยญar because we ought to know better. 

We are comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion proยญfesยญsionยญals, after all. 

Tonality isnโ€™t just for copyยญwriters.
Look and feel isnโ€™t just for art dirยญectยญors.
Great taste is a PR skill, too.

But thereโ€™s a way out of this poorly lit tunยญnel of mediocrity. Weโ€™re in a posยญiยญtion to mitยญigยญate cringe-worthy corยญporยญate messaging:

If youโ€™re blessed with a colยญleague with a sense of taste, let them have their say. Donโ€™t allow ego and hierยญarchy to get in the way of good communication.

Never settle, nevยญer give up.

Join the fight against corยญporยญate cringe.

Learn more: Corporate Cringe

Platitude Sickness: Trigger List

I hate corยญporยญate platยญitยญudes everyยญwhere I see them. I swear, a kitยญten dies every time. 

โ€œA platยญitยญude is a trite, meanยญingยญless, or proยญsaยญic stateยญment, genยญerยญally dirยญecยญted at quelling social, emoยญtionยญal, or cogยญnitยญive unease. The word derives from plat, the French word for โ€œflat.โ€ Platitudes are geared towards presentยญing a shalยญlow, uniยญfyยญing wisยญdom over a difยญfiยญcult topยญic. However, they are too overยญused and genยญerยญal to be anyยญthing more than undirยญecยญted stateยญments with an ultiยญmately little meanยญingยญful conยญtriยญbuยญtion towards a soluยญtion.โ€
Source: Wikipedia 1Platitude. (2023, December 9). In Wikipedia. https://โ€‹enโ€‹.wikiโ€‹peโ€‹diaโ€‹.org/โ€‹wโ€‹iโ€‹kโ€‹iโ€‹/โ€‹Pโ€‹lโ€‹aโ€‹tโ€‹iโ€‹tโ€‹ude

Hereโ€™s my โ€œtrigยญger listโ€ of platitudes:

  • โ€œSynergyโ€ = Overused to the point of becomยญing meanยญingยญless, it refers to the coรถperยญaยญtion of two entitยญies to proยญduce a comยญbined effect more sigยญniยญficยญant than the sum of their sepยญarยญate effects.
  • โ€œLeverageโ€ = In a busiยญness conยญtext, this is often used to mean using someยญthing, such as a resource or an advantage.
  • โ€œDisruptiveโ€ = Refers to techยญnoยญloยญgies or innovยญaยญtions that disยญturb estabยญlished marยญkets or processes.
  • โ€œPivotโ€ = A funยญdaยญmentยญal shift in strategy or approach is often used for minor changes.
  • โ€œValue-addโ€ = A term that refers to an eleยญment someยญthing gives that someยญhow enhances it, but itโ€™s often unclear what value is being added.
  • โ€œBleeding-edgeโ€ = Refers to the absoยญlute latest or most advanced techยญnoยญlogy or innovation.
  • โ€œActionableโ€ = Generally refers to strategies or insights that can be acted upon, but are often used loosely.
  • โ€œHolistic approachโ€ = An approach that conยญsiders the whole situยญation or sysยญtem rather than focusยญing on indiยญviduยญal parts.
  • โ€œScalabilityโ€ The abilยญity of a sysยญtem or a modยญel to handle growth is often overused.
  • โ€œGame changerโ€ = An event, idea, or proยญcedยญure that affects a sigยญniยญficยญant shift in the curยญrent way of doing or thinkยญing about something.
  • โ€œParadigm shiftโ€ = A funยญdaยญmentยญal change in approach or underยญlyยญing assumptions.
  • โ€œCutting-edgeโ€ = Like bleedยญing-edge, it refers to the latest or most advanced techยญnoยญlogy or innovation.
  • โ€œThought leadยญer.โ€ = An indiยญviduยญal or firm recogยญnized as an authorยญity in a speยญcialยญized field.
  • โ€œEmpowerโ€ = To give power or authorยญity, but is often overยญused without conยญcrete meaning.
  • โ€œInnovateโ€ = A buzzword for makยญing changes in someยญthing estabยญlished, espeยญcially by introยญduยญcing new methยญods, ideas, or products.
  • โ€œLow-hanging fruitโ€ = The easy tasks or probยญlems to tackle first, but can be seen as a clichรฉ in busiยญness language.
  • โ€œOutside the boxโ€ = Used to refer to creยญatยญive thinkยญing, but has become a clichรฉ.
  • โ€œStreamlineโ€ = Simplify or make someยญthing more efficient.
  • โ€œStrategic alignยญmentโ€ = Ensuring that the plans or activยญitยญies of a comยญpany are coรถrdinยญated and conยญsistยญent with its objectives.
  • โ€œCustomer-centยญricโ€ = Placing the cusยญtomยญer at the centre of a comยญpanyโ€™s philoยญsophy, operยญaยญtions or ideas.
  • โ€œRobustโ€ = The overยญused term implies that a product, serยญvice, or strategy is strong, durยญable, and able to withยญstand demands or difficulties.
  • โ€œEnd-to-end soluยญtionโ€ = A serยญvice or product that solves a probยญlem from beginยญning to end, but is often seen as a buzzword due to vague definitions.
  • โ€œUnprecedentedโ€ = Overused to describe anyยญthing thatโ€™s nevยญer happened before, often loses its impact due to freยญquency of use.
  • โ€œBreakthroughโ€ = A sudยญden, draยญmatยญic, and importยญant disยญcovยญery or develยญopยญment, but is often overยญused to describe minor advancements.
  • โ€œOptimiseโ€ = To make the best or most effectยญive use of a situยญation or resource, but it is often overยญused and can lead to ambiguity.
  • โ€œBandwidthโ€ = Originally a techยญnicยญal term, itโ€™s now used metaยญphorยญicยญally to refer to someoneโ€™s capaยญcity to handle tasks or issues.
  • โ€œEcosystemโ€ = Refers to a comยญplex netยญwork or interยญconยญnecยญted sysยญtem, espeยญcially in the conยญtext of busiยญness envirยญonยญments or technologies.
  • โ€œAlignmentโ€ = Frequently used to describe the proยญcess of bringยญing difยญferยญent aspects or departยญments of a busiยญness into harยญmony or agreement.
  • โ€œAgileโ€ = Originating in softยญware develยญopยญment, itโ€™s broadly applied to describe flexยญibยญilยญity and adaptยญabยญilยญity in variยญous busiยญness processes.
  • โ€œDeep Diveโ€ = Used to describe a thorยญough anaยญlysยญis or examยญinยญaยญtion, but often overยญused to mean any detailed look.
  • โ€œTouch Baseโ€ = A casยญuยญal way to refer to checkยญing in or folยญlowยญing up with someone, but it can be seen as a clichรฉ.
  • โ€œGranularโ€ = Describes lookยญing at someยญthing with a high level of detail, but it is often used unneยญcesยญsarยญily instead of simply sayยญing โ€œin detail.โ€

Getting rid of corยญporยญate platยญitยญudes is an uphill battle. They are such a waste of editยญorยญiยญal space and only lead straight to mediocrity.

Join the resistance!

Learn more: The Platitude Sickness: The Trash of Corporate Writing

โ€œDo Betterโ€ Is Not Helpful Advice

โ€œDo betยญterโ€ isnโ€™t helpยญful advice. Itโ€™s the equiยญvalยญent of telling a lost soul dying of thirst in the scorchยญing desert to โ€œdrink some waterโ€.

However, โ€œdo less of what isnโ€™t workยญingโ€ is helpful.

If youโ€™re investยญing valuยญable resources into proยญduยญcing mediocre conยญtent today, you can allocยญate those efforts difยญferยญently tomorยญrow. Remember that thereโ€™s no genยญerยญal conยญtent shortยญage online; you could focus your efforts on improvยญing quality.

Yes, this means putยญting out less conยญtent. Yes, less conยญtent will mean takยญing a hit in the short term. Taking a hit in reach will mean fewยญer conยญverยญsionsโ€‰โ€”โ€‰temporarily.

But putยญting out high-qualยญity everยญgreen conยญtent at a lower freยญquency will gain momentum and proยญpel patient and conยญsistยญent brands over that stone wall. Raising the bar for conยญtent qualยญity will instil new and valuยญable proยญcesses in your organisations.

No more corยญporยญate platยญitยญudes.
No more corยญporยญate cringe.

When you finally push past critยญicยญal mass, your conยญtent marยญketยญing will soar, and you will start to touch peopleโ€™s hearts and minds.

How To Escape Corporate Mediocrity

What should you do if you find yourยญself stuck in the non-ferยญtile and rugged online wasteยญland where nothยญing your organยญisaยญtion says or does ever gets traction?

Vanna Bonta

โ€œMediocrity inspires neither great love nor hate.โ€

Get your conยญtent strategy in order and, then, nevยญer settle for mediocre conยญtent again.

Jerry Silfwer - Doctor Spin - Spin Factory - Public Relations

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Signature - Jerry Silfwer - Doctor Spin

What should you study next?

Spin Academy | Online PR Courses
Free Introduction PR Course - Doctor Spin - Public Relations Blog
Free corยญporยญate PR course.

Spinโ€™s PR School: Free Corporate PR Course

Explore this Free Corporate PR Course to learn straยญtegic comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion insights and techยญniques and stay ahead in the comยญpetยญitยญive pubยญlic relaยญtions industry.

Corporate Communications
Agency Collaboration
Corporate Messaging
Corporate Challenges

Learn more: All Free PR Courses

๐Ÿ’ก Subscribe and get a free ebook on how to get betยญter PR.

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Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Whispr Group NYC, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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