Types of Bad Thinking Habits

Learn to avoid unwanted thinking habits.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

We are all vicยญtims of bad thinkยญing habits.

But by knowยญing (and underยญstandยญing) where we often make thinkยญing misยญtakes, we increase our chances of detectยญing misยญtakes before makยญing poor decisions.

Iโ€™ve lisยญted sevยญerยญal of these thinkยญing habits so that we all can be more mindยญful and hopeยญfully become betยญter thinkers.

Here we go:

Types of Bad Thinking Habits

Underpinning most of our thinkยญing misยญtakes, some psyยญchoยญloยญgicยญally induced thinkยญing habits seem to affect our abilยญity to think clearly. Understanding (and avoidยญing) these behaยญviยญourยญal patยญterns should allow for clear thinking.

  • Biased thinkยญing involves proยญcessing informยญaยญtion that aligns with preยญconยญceived notions or prefยญerยญences, often disยญregยญardยญing conยญtraยญdictยญory evidยญence. It can maniยญfest as conยญfirmยญaยญtion bias, favourยญing informยญaยญtion that conยญfirms existยญing beliefs.
  • Fallacious thinkยญing encomยญpasses logicยญally flawed reasยญonยญing. Fallacies are comยญmon errors in reasยญonยญing that underยญmine the logic of an argument.
  • Unfocused thinkยญing refers to a lack of conยญcenยญtraยญtion or dirยญecยญtion in thought proยญcesses. It can lead to difยญfiยญculties in probยญlem-solvยญing and decision-makยญing, as thoughts may wander without reachยญing a conยญcluยญsion or logicยญal endpoint.
  • Catastrophic thinkยญing is a cogยญnitยญive disยญtorยญtion in which one assumes the worst will hapยญpen. It often involves magยญniยญfyยญing the potenยญtial conยญsequences of an event, leadยญing to excessยญive worry or anxiety.
  • Wishful thinkยญing involves makยญing decisions or formยญing beliefs based on what is pleasยญing to imaยญgine rather than on evidยญence, rationยญalยญity, or realยญity. It often involves an optimยญism bias, where one overยญesยญtimยญates favourยญable outcomes.
  • Unsubstantiated thinkยญing involves formยญing opinยญions or beliefs without supยญportยญing evidยญence or rationale. It can resยญult from a lack of critยญicยญal thinkยญing, where asserยญtions are accepยญted without quesยญtionยญing the validยญity of the evidence.
  • Unfinalised thinkยญing isnโ€™t widely recogยญnized in cogยญnitยญive psyยญchoยญlogy, but it can be interยญpreted as thinkยญing proยญcesses that are not fully developed. It might involve jumpยญing to conยญcluยญsions without conยญsidยญerยญing all aspects or perยญspectยญives of an issue.
  • Heuristic thinkยญing uses menยญtal shortยญcuts or rules of thumb to make quick, effiยญcient judgยญments. While often useยญful, these shortยญcuts can lead to biases and errors in judgยญment. (Examples: overgenยญerยญalยญizยญaยญtion, overยญsimยญpliยญficยญaยญtion, over-steยญreoยญtypยญing, over-polarยญisaยญtion, etc.)
  • Groupthink occurs when a groupโ€™s desire for harยญmony or conยญformยญity resยญults in irraยญtionยญal or dysยญfuncยญtionยญal decision-makยญing. Individual group memยญbers supยญpress disยญsentยญing opinยญions, decreasยญing critยญicยญal evalยญuยญation of alternatives.

Understanding these difยญferยญent types of thinkยญing can help identiยญfy and address cogยญnitยญive falยญlaยญcies and biases in decision-makยญing and probยญlem-solvยญing processes.

Learn more: Types of Bad Thinking Habits
Learn more: Logical Fallacies and Cognitive Biases

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Renaissance proยญjects.

Improvement: Renaissance Projects

The Renaissance lasยญted from the 14th to the 17th cenยญtury and was a periยญod of sigยญniยญficยญant culยญturยญal, artistยญic, politยญicยญal, and sciยญentifยญic rebirth in Europe. 

Inspired by the Renaissance mindยญset, I strive to develยญop my creยญatยญive intelยญliยญgence, physยญicยญal strengths, and menยญtal well-being.

Better Identity
Better Thinking
Better Skills
Better Habits

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Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwerhttps://doctorspin.net/
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Whispr Group NYC, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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