Woke journยญalยญism is bad news.
No one could have missed the ongoยญing culยญture war.
In the spirยญit of canยญcel culยญture, anyยญone who disยญagrees should be silenced by semi-organยญised online slacktivists.
But what hapยญpens if we allow extremes to domยญinยญate the news agenda? To conยญsider woke journยญalยญism to be bad news might be a gross underestimation.
Here we go:
When News Narratives Become Online Activism
The curยญrent landยญscape of journยญalยญism, often labelled as โwokeโ by its detractยญors, presents a comยญplex media ecosystem.
The perยญvasยญive culยญture war, a term that has become a mainยญstay in conยญtemยญporยญary disยญcourse, is an omniยญpresent narยญratยญive impossible to overlook.
There exists a notion, perยญhaps in line with the ideals of what is popยญularly known as โcanยญcel culยญture,โ posยญitยญing that those who diverge from virยญtue sigยญnalยญing find themยญselves at risk of being ostraยญcised by a vocal cadre of online activists.
However, one must ponยญder the implicยญaยญtions of allowยญing such online actยญivยญism to steer the dirยญecยญtion of our news narยญratยญive. Describing the potenยญtial outยญcome as merely โbad newsโ might be a gross underยญstateยญment, hintยญing at a more proยญfound, nuanced dilemma.
Left-Leaning Journalism? Fine By Me!
In journยญalยญism, the preยญdisยญposยญiยญtion towards left-leanยญing perยญspectยญives emerges more as a statยญistยญicยญal tendยญency than a steadยญfast principle.
Contrary to the stance often adopยญted by many in pubยญlic relaยญtions, I harยญbour no qualms about this leftยญward inclinยญaยญtion among journalists.
Thereโs a cerยญtain comยญfort in knowยญing that journยญalยญists tireยญlessly endeavยญour to bring to light the actions of variยญous elites.
While posยญsessยญing power and influยญence doesnโt inherยญently corยญrupt, it undeniยญably magยญniยญfies the reperยญcusยญsions of detยญriยญmentยญal actions. Given the conยญstraints on journยญalยญistยญic resources, itโs pragยญmatยญic to focus where the impact is most significant.
Itโs not necesยญsarยญily that the left excels in narยญratยญive craft; statยญistยญicยญally, their storยญies often hold more weight.
For me, the preยญvalยญence of journยญalยญists with a left-leanยญing bias is a cirยญcumยญstance I find quite acceptable.
Political Correctness in Journalism
But there are also extremยญist variยญetยญies. From a news media perยญspectยญive, one parยญticยญuยญlarly hazยญardยญous perยญsuaยญsion is where journยญalยญism abanยญdons storยญies about indiยญviduยญals on behalf of sweepยญing genยญerยญalยญisaยญtions based on demoยญgraphยญic affinity.
Iโm talkยญing about woke journalism:
โWith an increase in social conยญsciousยญness and a rise in the milยญlenยญniยญal culยญture of being โwokeโ, there has come an increase demand of politยญicยญal corยญrectยญness espeยญcially in journยญalยญism. On one hand lies the decency of a report that gives journยญalยญists an authorยญity to phrase their storยญies in an ethยญicยญal way using politยญicยญal corยญrectยญness. On the othยญer hand, it does hinder honยญesty or true freeยญdom of speech.โ
Source: Political corยญrectยญness: An obstacle for media?
When we filยญter news storยญies through ethยญniยญcity, group beliefs, sexuยญal oriยญentยญaยญtion, and ancient injustices, we get journยญalยญists proยญmotยญing a manยญdatยญory disยญregยญard of objectivยญity on behalf of subยญjectยญive interests.
Read also: How To Fight Populism
This blatant disยญregยญard for the truth unites the alt-leftยญist woke moveยญment with their ideoยญloยญgicยญal counยญterยญpartsโโโthe fasยญcists and the populists.
Should journยญalยญism take sides here?
Woke Journalism in the Post-Triage Era
Imagine being a medยญic arrivยญing at the scene of a massive acciยญdent with lots of wounded people all around you.
Triage, the pracยญtice of medยญicยญal priยญorยญity, means that you wonโt tend to those screamยญing the loudest first; they have enough energy and life spark to shout and make noise.
If savยญing lives is the medicโs priยญorยญity, they should priยญorยญitยญise those who canโt even make noise to proยญtect themselves.
If the medยญic, howยญever well-intenยญtioned or rightยญeous, takes it upon themยญself to save people based on group idenยญtity, the whole medยญicยญal sysยญtem will quickly start to break down from within.
โWeโve been here beforeโโโon colยญlege camยญpuses in the late 1960s, when stuยญdent proยญtestยญers occuยญpied buildยญings, makยญing demands for curยญricular and othยญer changes, and adminยญisยญtratยญors and promยญinยญent facยญulty memยญbers gave in across the board. The stuยญdents at Columbia and Cornell were leadยญing a revoluยญtion from the left, and the authorยญitยญies who surยญrendered to them were libยญerยญals. The libยญerยญals folยญded because they were terยญriยญfied of bad pubยญliยญcity, but also because they felt shamed by the morยญal purยญity, clarยญity, pasยญsion, and cerยญtainty of the young rebels. In all those respects, our newsยญroom revoluยญtions are folยญlowยญing the same script.โ
Source: The woke revoluยญtion in American journยญalยญism has begun
Team Woke vs Team Resentful
โOn social media, the counยญtry seems to divide into two neat camps: Call them the woke and the resentยญful. Team Resentment is mannedโโโpun very much intenยญdedโโโby people who are preยญdomยญinยญantly old and almost exclusยญively white. Team Woke is young, likely to be female, and preยญdomยญinยญantly black, brown, or Asian (though white โalliesโ do their dutiยญful part). These teams are roughly equal in numยญber, and they disยญagree most veheยญmently, as well as most routinely about the catchall known as politยญicยญal corยญrectยญness. Reality is nothยญing like this. As scholยญars Stephen Hawkins, Daniel Yudkin, Miriam Juan-Torres, and Tim Dixon argue in a report pubยญlished Wednesday, โHidden Tribes: A Study of Americaโs Polarised Landscape,โ most Americans donโt fit into either of these camps.โ
Source: Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture
Where have all balยญanced voices gone if most people donโt fit into these loud, self-proยญclaimed, self-rightยญeous coalitions?
Where are all those people who donโt have a pubยญlic voice?
Platform Amplifiers Instead of Platform Providers
Suppose we allow the news media to become platยญform ampยญliยญfiยญers instead of platยญform proยญviders. In doing so, we pave the way for cenยญsorยญship, canยญcel culยญture, proยญpaยญganda, and damยญaging idenยญtity politยญics on both the far left and the far right of the politยญicยญal spectrum.
Itโs not a journalistโs job to proยญtect and proยญmote those who already have a voice and a platยญform. But woke journยญalยญism will empower already strong voices over uncomยญfortยญable ones.
How does this work?
There are three psyยญchoยญloยญgicยญal explanยญaยญtion modยญels worth considering:
Model 1: The Spiral of Silence
The Spiral of Silence
Elisabeth Noelle-Neumannโs (1916โโโ2010) well-docยญuยญmented theยญory on the spirยญal of silence (1974) explains why the fear of isolยญaยญtion due to peer excluยญsion will presยญsure pubยญlics to silence their opinions.
The theยญory was developed in the late 1970s in West Germany, partly in response to Noelle-Neumannโs obserยญvaยญtions of how pubยญlic opinยญion seemed to shift durยญing the Nazi rรฉgime and post-war Germany.
The spirยญal of silence theยญory is based on the idea that people fear social isolยญaยญtion. This fear influยญences their willยญingยญness to express their opinยญions, espeยญcially if they believe these opinยญions are in the minority.
Rather than riskยญing social isolยญaยญtion, many choose silence over expressยญing their opinions.
As the domยญinยญant coaliยญtion stands unopยญposed, they push the conยญfines of whatโs acceptยญable down a narยญrowยญer and narยญrowยญer funยญnel, the so-called opinยญion corยญridor). 1Opinion corยญridor. (2023, April 8). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โOโpโiโnโiโoโnโ_โcโoโrโrโiโdor
Noelle-Neumann emphasยญised the mediยญaโs role in shapยญing pubยญlic perยญcepยญtion of what opinยญions are domยญinยญant or popยญuยญlar, thus influยญenยญcing the spirยญal of silence.
Populism and Cancel Culture
The mechยญanยญisms behind Elisabeth Noelle Neumannโs spirยญal of silence theยญory could fuel destructยญive sociยญetยญal pheยญnomยญena like popยญuยญlism and canยญcel culture:
In both cases, the spirยญal of silence conยญtribยญutes to a polarยญised envirยญonยญment. Views become domยญinยญant not necesยญsarยญily because they are more popยญuยญlar but because opposยญing views are not expressed due to fear of social isolยญaยญtion or repercussion.
Learn more: The Spiral of Silence
Model 2: The Conversion Theory
The Conversion Theory
The social psyยญchoยญloยญgist Serge Moscovici found that we become more engaged if we belong to a misยญrepยญresยญenยญted minorยญity.
The disยญproยญporยญtionยญal power of minorยญitยญies is known as the conยญverยญsion theยญory. 4Conversion theยญory of minorยญity influยญence. (2021, February 12). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โCโoโnโvโeโrโsโiโoโnโ_โtโhโeโoโrโyโ_โoโfโ_โmโiโnโoโrโiโtโyโ_โiโnโfโlโuโeโnce
โIn groups, the minorยญity can have a disยญproยญporยญtionยญate effect, conยญvertยญing many โmajorยญityโ memยญbers to their own cause. This is because many majorยญity group memยญbers are not strong believยญers in its cause. They may be simply going along because it seems easiยญer or that there is no real alternยญatยญive. They may also have become disยญilยญluยญsioned with the group purยญpose, proยญcess, or leadยญerยญship and are seekยญing a viable alternยญatยญive.โ
Source: Changingmindsโ.org 5Conversion Theory. (2023). Changingmindsโ.org. https://โchanโgingโmindsโ.org/โeโxโpโlโaโnโaโtโiโoโnโsโ/โtโhโeโoโrโiโeโsโ/โcโoโnโvโeโrโsโiโoโnโ_โtโhโeโoโrโyโ.โhtm
How does it work?
The social cost of holdยญing a difยญferยญent view than the majorยญity is high. This increased cost explains why minorยญitยญies often hold their opinยญions more firmly. It takes determยญinยญaยญtion to go against the norm. 6Moscovici, S. (1980). Toward a theยญory of conยญverยญsion behaยญviour. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 13, 209โโโ239. New York: Academic Press
In conยญtrast, many majorยญity memยญbers donโt hold their opinยญions so firmly. They might belong to the majorยญity for no othยญer reasยญon than that everyยญone else seems to be. 7Chryssochoou, X. and Volpato, C. (2004). Social Influence and the Power of Minorities: An Analysis of the Communist Manifesto, Social Justice Research, 17, 4, 357โโโ388
According to conยญverยญsion theยญory, while majorยญitยญies often claim normยญatยญive social influยญence, minorยญitยญies strive for ethยญicยญal high ground.
Conversion Theory Examples
Given the power of normยญatยญive social influยญence, minorยญitยญies typยญicยญally form tight-knit groups that can gathยญer around a comยญmon core message.
Most big shifts usuยญally start with a small group of dedยญicยญated people:
Minority Influence: A PR Approach
Organisations with CSR aspirยญaยญtions can culยญtivยญate a sense of purยญpose and accomยญplishยญment among parยญtiยญcipants by alignยญing with a moveยญment that chalยญlenges a stuยญpid majority.
Since we tend to favour underยญdogs, liaisยญing with a careยญfully selecยญted minorยญity can serve as a game-chanยญging PR strategy.
Minority spokesยญperยญsons with solยญid conยญvicยญtions often posยญsess valuยญable knowยญledge and authorยญity, enhanยญcing their perยญsuasยญive abilยญitยญies and influence.
Disproportionately, minorยญitยญies can conยญvert numerยญous majorยญity memยญbers to their cause, as many in the majorยญity may have merely folยญlowed the path of least resยญistยญance, made decisions without much conยญsidยญerยญaยญtion, or lacked viable alternatives.
Additionally, a sigยญniยญficยญant segยญment of the majorยญity might be disยญilยญluยญsioned with their groupโs purยญpose, proยญcess, or leadยญerยญship, renยญderยญing them more receptยญive to alternยญatยญive proposals.
Proceed With Caution, Please
As PR proยญfesยญsionยญals, we must be cauยญtious when impleยญmentยญing the conยญverยญsion theory.
Minorities arenโt always right, and majorยญitยญies arenโt always wrong. Minorities can hold futile views while still exerยญcising a disยญproยญporยญtionยญate amount of power.
Learn more: Conversion Theory: The Disproportionate Influence of Minorities
Model 3: The Amplification Hypothesis
The Amplification Hypothesis
Itโs comยญmon to find that counยญterยญarยญguยญments strengthen existยญing beliefs instead of weakยญenยญing them.
The harder you attack someone verbally, the more you conยญvince them of their belief, not yours.
The pheยญnomenยญon is known as the ampยญliยญficยญaยญtion hypoยญthesยญis, where disยญplayยญing cerยญtainty about an attiยญtude when talkยญing with anothยญer perยญson increases and hardens that attitude.
โAcross experยญiยญments, it is demonยญstrated that increasยญing attiยญtude cerยญtainty strengthens attiยญtudes (e.g., increases their resยญistยญance to perยญsuaยญsion) when attiยญtudes are uniยญvalent but weakยญens attiยญtudes (e.g., decreases their resยญistยญance to perยญsuaยญsion) when attiยญtudes are ambiยญvalยญent. These resยญults are conยญsistยญent with the ampยญliยญficยญaยญtion hypoยญthesยญis.โ
Source: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 8Clarkson, J. J., Tormala, Z. L., & Rucker, D. D. (2008). A new look at the conยญsequences of attiยญtude cerยญtainty: The ampยญliยญficยญaยญtion hypoยญthesยญis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, โฆ Continue readยญing
How does the ampยญliยญficยญaยญtion hypoยญthesยญis work?
In a threatยญenยญing situยญation or emerยญgency, we resort to the primยญal (fastยญest) part of the brain and surยญvivยญal instincts (fight, flight and freeze). 9Surviving the Storm: Understanding the Nature of Attacks held at Animal Care Expo, 2011 in Orlando, FL.
Establishing comยญmon ground and exhibยญitยญing empathy demonยญstrates a genuยญine underยญstandยญing of their perยญspectยญive, fosยญterยญing trust and openยญness to your ideas. Conversely, a straยญtegic misยญmatch of attiยญtudes can serve as a powerยญful counยญterยญmeasยญure if your objectยญive is to deflect perยญsuasยญive attempts.
To perยญsuade, align your attiยญtude with the tarยญget. Otherwise, you will only act to creยญate resistance.
To put off a perยญsuader, misยญmatch their attiยญtudes. When they are logicยญal, be emoยญtionยญal, and vice versa.
Learn more: The Amplification Hypothesis: How To Counter Extreme Positions
How To Navigate Cancel Culture
How To Navigate Cancel Culture
โCancel culยญture or call-out culยญture is a phrase conยญtemยญporยญary to the late 2010s and early 2020s used to refer to a form of ostraยญcism in which someone is thrust out of social or proยญfesยญsionยญal circlesโโโwhethยญer it be online, on social media, or in perยญson. Those subยญject to this ostraยญcism are said to have been โcanยญcelledโ.โ
Source: Wikipedia 13Cancel culยญture. (2023, January 4). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โCโaโnโcโeโlโ_โcโuโlโtโure
The culยญture war with de-platยญformยญing, canยญcel culยญture, online lynch mobs, woke journยญalยญism, popยญuยญlism, fake news, and morยญal slacktยญivยญism are fast becomยญing our biggest chalยญlenges as PR professionals.
โCancel culยญture on social media is a form of pubยญlic shamยญing that aims to difยญfuse pubยญlic disยญcourse and proยญmote tolยญerยญance, but can also be viewed as a form of intolยญerยญance against opposยญing views.โ
Source: Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 14Velasco, J. (2020). You are Cancelled: Virtual Collective Consciousness and the Emergence of Cancel Culture as Ideological Purging. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 12. โฆ Continue readยญing
How To Navigate Cancel Culture
Hereโs how to navยญigยญate canยญcel culยญture as an organisation:
Learn more: Cancel Culture is Evil
The Political Left Should Beware of Woke Journalism, Too
I firmly believe we need journยญalยญism of the clasยญsicยญal left, where the indiยญviduยญal without a voice is givยญen a platยญform to speak truth to power.
We need objectยญive and brave reportยญing in the face of severe reperยญcusยญsions from organยญised, estabยญlished, and instiยญtuยญtionยญalยญised elites. We need journยญalยญists who care more about the truth than politยญicยญal correctness.
It makes sense for journยญalยญism to lean mainly toward the left.
But if that left goes woke, journยญalยญism ceases and becomes activism.
โIt is undeniยญable, howยญever, that the propagaยญtion of politยญicยญal corยญrectยญness exerts presยญsure on journยญalยญism and that politยญicยญal corยญrectยญness in its difยญferยญent facetsโโโinformยญaยญtion bans, topยญic bans, and govยญernยญmentยญal lanยญguage regยญuยญlaยญtion as well as a trend towards intolยญerยญanceโโโposes a threat to indeยญpendยญent and self-conยญfidยญent journยญalยญism.โ
Source: Journalism Research, Edition 1, 2021: Political corยญrectยญnessโโโa threat to journalism?
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1 | Opinion corยญridor. (2023, April 8). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โOโpโiโnโiโoโnโ_โcโoโrโrโiโdor |
2 | Silfwer, J. (2018, August 6). How To Fight Populism. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โhโoโwโ-โtโoโ-โfโiโgโhโtโ-โpโoโpโuโlโiโsm/ |
3 | Silfwer, J. (2020, August 24). Cancel Culture is Evil. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โcโaโnโcโeโlโ-โcโuโlโtโuโre/ |
4 | Conversion theยญory of minorยญity influยญence. (2021, February 12). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โCโoโnโvโeโrโsโiโoโnโ_โtโhโeโoโrโyโ_โoโfโ_โmโiโnโoโrโiโtโyโ_โiโnโfโlโuโeโnce |
5 | Conversion Theory. (2023). Changingmindsโ.org. https://โchanโgingโmindsโ.org/โeโxโpโlโaโnโaโtโiโoโnโsโ/โtโhโeโoโrโiโeโsโ/โcโoโnโvโeโrโsโiโoโnโ_โtโhโeโoโrโyโ.โhtm |
6 | Moscovici, S. (1980). Toward a theยญory of conยญverยญsion behaยญviour. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 13, 209โโโ239. New York: Academic Press |
7 | Chryssochoou, X. and Volpato, C. (2004). Social Influence and the Power of Minorities: An Analysis of the Communist Manifesto, Social Justice Research, 17, 4, 357โโโ388 |
8 | Clarkson, J. J., Tormala, Z. L., & Rucker, D. D. (2008). A new look at the conยญsequences of attiยญtude cerยญtainty: The ampยญliยญficยญaยญtion hypoยญthesยญis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95(4), 810โโโ825. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ1โ0โ3โ7โ/โaโ0โ0โ1โ3โ192 |
9 | Surviving the Storm: Understanding the Nature of Attacks held at Animal Care Expo, 2011 in Orlando, FL. |
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