Welcome to the social media comยญplaint department.
Oh, havenโt you heard?
Social media algorithms are divisยญive and make us hate ourselvesโโโand each other.
Oh, and excessยญive screen time is desยญtroyยญing our youth. Itโs all a globยญal Pavlovian experยญiยญment on our online brains.
Donโt forยญget that Mark Zuckerberg is a robot.
Meanwhile, theyโre all spyยญing on us.
Sure, I get it. Iโm not disยญputยญing that some criยญtiยญcisms are highly relยญevยญant. (Except perยญhaps for that part about The Zuck. Itโs not evidยญent that he is a mighty AI overยญlordโโโyet.)
For betยญter or worseโโโwelยญcome to the internet.
When I starยญted my PR career in 2005, I resยญisted my introยญverยญted nature. I proยญclaimed my mesยญsage from the barยญriยญcades to anyยญone willยญing to listen: our sociยญetyโs digitยญalยญisaยญtion isnโt someยญthing the PR industry can ignore.
The days of the hipยญpie web are long gone, but there was a time when digitยญal-first was not apparยญent to everyone.
As a resยญult, many of my busiยญness acquaintยญances are surยญprised when they hear me disยญcuss social media from a critยญicยญal perยญspectยญive. โWait, Jerry, I thought you loved everything digital?!โ
To be clear, Iโm not blamยญing anyยญone but myself for maniยญfestยญing this genยญerยญal perยญcepยญtion. I did tell hunยญdreds of organยญisaยญtions to adapt to digitยญal-first. My mesยญsage wasยญnโt gentle; I gave them an ultiยญmatยญumโโโadapt or die.
Does this mean that I love everything about social media? Does this mean that I love algorithms and filยญter bubbles? Does this mean that I love โฆ the Zuck-bot?
Iโm still a PR proยญfesยญsionยญal, goddammit.
My job is to help organยญisaยญtions negoยญtiยญate variยญous media chanยญnels and to proยญtect them when the media gets things wrong (which still hapยญpens all the time, by the way).
Case in point: I think journยญalยญism is essenยญtial for demoยญcracy, but that doesยญnโt mean journยญalยญists always get things right. They donโt.
Itโs not rationยญal to conยญvince yourยญself that journยญalยญists are either saints or sinยญners. Clinging to such simplistยญic dichoยญtomยญies is a poor busiยญness mindset.
So, why conยญvince yourยญself that social media must be altruยญistยญic or maliยญcious? That, too, is a poor busiยญness mindยญset. Itโs just your perยญsonยญal bias on the matยญter getยญting in the way.
Do social media algorithms make you feel bad about yourยญself? Does most of the conยญtent youโre exposed to seem pointยญless or dumb? Is no one interยญested in the conยญtent you share?
Donโt get mad.
Get smarter.
And skip the drama, please.
I donโt love it when journยญalยญists get things wrong.
I donโt love it when social media gets things wrong.
Iโm only advising organยญisaยญtions to stop comยญplainยญing and deal with whatever is in front of them. I was back then, and I am now.
Iโm advocยญatยญing a balยญanced view. Because the interยญnet isnโt going anywhere.
I think of Jan Stenbeck (1942โโโ2002), the legendary Swedish entreยญprenยญeur. His busiยญness philoยญsophy, as described by bioยญgraphy author Per Andersson, can be summed up: 1Jan Stenbeck. (2023, December 26). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โJโaโnโ_โSโtโeโnโbโeck 2Per Andersson (journยญalยญist). (2024, January 10). In Wikipedia. https://โsvโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โPโeโrโ_โAโnโdโeโrโsโsโoโnโ_โ(โjโoโuโrโnโaโlโist)
Because guess what?
The playยญing field is the same for everyยญone. There are going to be winยญners and losers. Some will figยญure things out, and some wonโt. Information techยญnoยญlogy is a rising tide, and while itโs not a law of nature, itโs a law of modยญern civilisation.
Contrary to popยญuยญlar belief, itโs not evidยญent that Facebook, TikTok, or any social netยญwork is tryยญing to enslave our minds or mould us into passยญive, mindยญless consumers.
Mostly, theyโre just tryยญing to show us ads.
Old-school politiยญcians struggle to grasp social media. I can still hear the echo of Mark Zuckerbergโs words, โSenator, we run ads.โ
So, the probยญlem isnโt that these social netยญworks are evil. A conยญtrariยญan anaยญlysยญis would sugยญgest that social netยญworks are highly effiยญcient serยญvice proยญviders. The probยญlem is that theyโre too good at what they do.
This is also what I tell friends and famยญily who feel like โalgorithm vicยญtims.โ And what I tell parยญents who hate their chilยญdrenโs smartยญphones, pads, and gamยญing stations.
Stop comยญplainยญing and get busy winยญning instead.
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1 | Jan Stenbeck. (2023, December 26). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โJโaโnโ_โSโtโeโnโbโeck |
2 | Per Andersson (journยญalยญist). (2024, January 10). In Wikipedia. https://โsvโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โPโeโrโ_โAโnโdโeโrโsโsโoโnโ_โ(โjโoโuโrโnโaโlโist) |
Social Media Mechanics