I’m always on the lookout for an Easy Street PR Strategy.
I’ve been crafting PR strategies for organisations since 2005.
This blog post will share my favourite approach to finding that powerful strategy that will benefit a client for years.
Here we go:
The Mindset: Smooth Sailing is Sweet
When it comes to crafting powerful strategies for different types of organisations, here’s what I’ve noticed:
For whatever reason, many freshly created strategies are challenging to implement. Few new strategies are just “a breeze.”
But some new strategies work.
These breezy strategies are just smooth sailing from the start. They make everyone involved happier. All you hear in every meeting or conversation is “yes” and “of course.”
While there might be lots of work involved, these easy-to-implement strategies somehow attract good work as if they were magnets.
And when you finally encounter untested or unexpected territory, these strategies keep making sense.
What kind of sorcery is this?
I’ve come to call it the Easy Street PR Strategy.
How the Easy Street PR Strategy Works
I discovered the power of the Easy Street PR Strategy when I turned 40 years old. During some mid-life introspection, I thought much about spending my time better. Not just professionally but in my private life as well.
I realised I had operated on a naïve assumption that anything worthwhile must also be problematic.
I drew a diagram to illustrate this mind shift:
I realised that I had spent two decades in the immature zone by focusing much of my energy where it wasn’t possible to influence the outcome. My accomplishments were due to fixing quite a few tricky things to fix. But still.
I did waste quite a lot of energy on futile efforts.
Instead of taking the mature route, I could still fix the same hard-to-tackle challenges as before, but suddenly, I had a solid base of easy wins to back everything up.
Maybe there’s a reason why something comes easy to you or an organisation. Perhaps it’s easy because it aligns with your or the organisation’s natural strengths and true Ikigai.
Going Easy Does Not Equal Weakness
As an example, I like the example of Apple’s marketing philosophy as described below:
Apple’s marketing philosophy is very clean and simple, almost basic and obvious for Apple at first glance, but its clarity is a big part of what makes it so powerful.
How To Write an Easy Street PR Strategy
My insight about easy street strategies is that they tend to outperform other strategies that technically ought to be superior — but require lots of explaining, convincing, learning, testing, coaching, etc.
So, I’m always looking for an Easy Street PR Strategy.
Inspired by Richard Rumelt, here’s how to write your strategy on one single page:
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
— Albert Einstein
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How to Write a 1‑Page PR Strategy
My inspiration for writing “no-bullshit” strategies comes from the classic “Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters” by Richard Rumelt. The 1‑Page PR Strategy focuses on how to win. 1Rumelt, R. P. (2011). Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters. Crown Business.
“The most basic idea of strategy is the application of strength against weakness. Or, if you prefer, strength applied to the most promising opportunity.”
Source: Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters 2Rumelt, R. P. (2011). Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters. Crown Business.
Here’s how you can write a 1‑Page PR Strategy that fits one page — using the mythical battle between David and Goliath as an analogy:
1. Analysis
2. Guiding Principle
3. Coherent Actions
If you write 1 – 2 clear sentences per bullet, your strategy should fit nicely on one page.
Read also: The Easy Street PR Strategy: Keep It Simple To Win
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Put in another way:
Sometimes, a new strategy might work fine but must be constantly reinforced and encouraged. Whenever that situation occurs, it indicates that we’ve chosen the wrong strategy and should rethink our approach before we’re too deep in complexity.
Thanks for reading. Please support my blog by sharing articles with other communications and marketing professionals. You might also consider my PR services or speaking engagements.
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PR Resource: Checklist for Communicative Leadership
The Checklist for Communicative Leadership
Being a great leader can be daunting. However, with effort (and attention to detail), all leaders can practice expressive and precise communication.
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
— George Bernard Shaw
How can you ensure your leadership is expressive and precise in practical situations?
As a rule of thumb:
Make sure to pass these communicative leadership checks:
“Expressive and precise communication styles have a stronger link to leader outcomes than personality traits extraversion and conscientiousness.”
Source: Human Performance 3Bakker-Pieper, A., & Vries, R. (2013). The Incremental Validity of Communication Styles Over Personality Traits for Leader Outcomes. Human Performance, 26, 1 — … Continue reading
Communicative Leadership (Infographic)
Learn more: The Checklist for Communicative Leadership
1, 2 | Rumelt, R. P. (2011). Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters. Crown Business. |
3 | Bakker-Pieper, A., & Vries, R. (2013). The Incremental Validity of Communication Styles Over Personality Traits for Leader Outcomes. Human Performance, 26, 1 — 19. https://doi.org/10.1080/08959285.2012.736900 |