Time for my 2014 annuยญal review.
Iโll do my best to answer three quesยญtions in this post: 1This format is inspired by James Clearโs annuยญal reviews.
What went well this year?
What didยญnโt go so well this year?
What am I workยญing toward?
Here we go:
1. What Went Well This Year?
Jack. On September 14, Jack was born. As a first time fathยญer, Iโm still not quite sure how to describe this feelยญing; itโs more than just love; itโs more than just an immense sense of responsยญibยญilยญity and purยญpose. Itโs โฆ magic.
New apartยญment. We needed more space and found an apartยญment in Hammarby Sjรถstad, Stockholm. It wasยญnโt perยญfect to move while my wife was pregยญnant in her third triยญmester (it took us longer than expecยญted to find the right place), but I shipped her off to her parยญents while I moved our stuff and cleaned out our old place. Now we both love it here.
Marketing. I write down my thoughts online, and thatโs all the marยญketยญing I do for my busiยญness. And it works; I get more high-qualยญity leads every week than an averยญage mid-sized agency. Iโm not lookยญing to hire, so for now, Iโm happy with referยญring most of those leads to others.
Family supยญport. Iโve enjoyed workยญing closely with my youngยญest brothยญer, Pontus, for a year. Heโs a proยญfesยญsionยญal socยญcer playยญer, but he has helped me semi-regยญuยญlarly throughยญout the year.
2. What Didnโt Go So Well This Year?
Office space. After workยญing out of my apartยญment for most of 2013, I moved into a centยญrally locยญated office in 2014. But in 2015 I gave up the lease, even though I enjoyed the office. I love workยญing from home, and thatโs what I didโโโwhenevยญer I had the chance. I donโt even want to think about how much money I spent on rent for those 18 months!
The proยญject from hell. Took on a risky proยญject in 2013, which just went on and on, well into 2014. After 300+ hours, I still hadยญnโt made a dime. Once the proยญject finally launched, everything changed for the worse, and even though we marยญketed the task well, sales werยญenโt boomยญing. And when I was finally about to get paid in late 2014, the comยญpany told me they had already spent that money.
Agency plans. Iโve always had some visยญion to grow my busiยญness into an agency. But now Iโm not so sure. I do know that I enjoy being a freelยญanยญcer, though. Can I run a solo busiยญness forever and be happy?
3. What Am I Working Toward?
Clearer busiยญness focus. Today, Iโm takยญing on proยญjects with no parยญticยญuยญlar selecยญtion criยญterยญia or filยญter. But Iโve noticed an interยญestยญing trend; the assignยญments I enjoy the most are the same types and the most profยญitยญable. I plan to develยญop a clearยญer dirยญecยญtion on what proยญjects to take on next year.
Paternity leave. Whatever it takes, Iโm determยญined to spend as much time with Jack as posยญsible in the comยญing year. My boss is great, so that shouldยญnโt be a probยญlem. [note]Iโm the boss.[/note]
Thank you. Please supยญport my blog by sharยญing artยญicles with othยญer comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions- and marยญketยญing proยญfesยญsionยญals. Please also conยญsider my PR serยญvices or speakยญing engageยญments.
1 | This format is inspired by James Clearโs annuยญal reviews. |