Doctor SpinThe PR BlogManaging Social MediaWhy Subscriber Counts Matter Less

Why Subscriber Counts Matter Less

Single content performance trumps creator clout.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

Subscriber counts matter less and less. Earning trust over time gets the algorithmic backseat, while sensational pieces of content get the royal treatment.

Subscriber counts matยญter less and less.

If we know where to look, we can see it clearly:

Earning trust over time gets the algorithmic backยญseat, while senยญsaยญtionยญal pieces of conยญtent get the royยญal treatยญment. Why is this happening?

Here we go:

Why Subscriber Counts Matter Less

Like many othยญers interยญested in phoยญtoยญgraphy, I subยญscribe to Canadian conยญtent creยญatยญor and phoยญtoยญgraphยญer Peter McKinnon on YouTube. And Iโ€™m not alone; 5,55 milยญlion subยญscribers folยญlow McKinnon as I write this.

Peter McKinnon
Why wonโ€™t YouTube show all of Peter McKinnonโ€™s videos to โ€œhisโ€ subscribers?

5,55 milยญlion is a respectยญable audiยญence by any measure!

Still, itโ€™s not uncomยญmon for McKinnonโ€™s regยญuยญlar videos to acquire a few hunยญdred thouยญsand views. Donโ€™t get me wrong: Iโ€™m not sayยญing a) that a few hunยญdred thouยญsand views are nothยญing or b) that we should feel sorry for influencers.

Iโ€™m sayยญing: A few hunยญdred thouยญsand views is a lotโ€”but itโ€™s not 5,55 milยญlion.

Instead of basing algorithmic disยญtriยญbuยญtion on McKinnonโ€™s past perยญformยญance (e.g., subยญscriber count, total views earned, etc.), YouTube tests each new video using the single conยญtent algorithm.

Social Media Algorithms - Silent Shift - Doctor Spin - The PR Blog
How algorithms iterยญate to maxยญimยญise engageยญment and conยญtent quality.

If McKinnon almost always gets a few hunยญdred thouยญsand views, his videos typยญicยญally pass that many iterยญatยญive audiยญence tests before hitยญting the โ€œalgorithmic wall of bricksโ€ (i.e. IF=failure).

Itโ€™s the silent switch.

Now, I appreยญciยญate McKinnonโ€™s conยญtent. However, his struggle to earn more views isโ€ฆ his.

In the grander scheme of things, at the level where it affects us all as online media conยญsumers, the single conยญtent algorithm has one proยญfoundโ€‰โ€”โ€‰and rather serยญiยญous!โ€‰โ€”โ€‰implication:

Earning trust over time gets the algorithmic backยญseat, while senยญsaยญtionยญal pieces of conยญtent get the royยญal treatment.

Learn more: Why Subscriber Counts Matter Less

The Silent Switch

All social media algorithms are built difยญferยญently and are conยญstantly being developed. At the same time, social media usersโ€™ behaยญviours are evolving.

Still, there was a way that social media algorithms used to behaveโ€”and there is a way that social media algorithms behave now.

This has been a funยญdaยญmentยญal but silent switch.

How Social Media Algorithms Used To Behave

For more than a decยญade, social media algorithms would delivยญer organยญic reach accordยญing to a disยญtriยญbuยญtion that looked someยญthing like this:

The Silent Switch - Doctor Spin - The PR Blog.001
Social media algorithms before the silent switch.

This disยญtriยญbuยญtion of organยญic reach enabled organยญisaยญtions to use social media desยญpite not being โ€œmedia companies.โ€

How Social Media Algorithms Behave Today

Today, after the silent shift, social media algorithms delivยญer organยญic reach more like this:

The Silent Switch - Doctor Spin - The PR Blog.002
Social media algorithms after the silent switch (click to enlarge).

The increased comยญpetยญiยญtion and sophยญistยญicยญaยญtion among conยญtent creยญatยญors parยญtially explain this new type of disยญtriยญbuยญtion. However, going virยญal is still just as posยญsible for anyone.

How does this work?

The Single Content Algorithm

How can a social netยญwork preยญdict what users will like? 

Content from a trusยญted creยญatยญor trusยญted by a large comยญmunity of folยญlowยญers used to be the leadยญing indicยญatยญor of future perยญformยญance. But today, social netยญworks have found a betยญter way to preยญdict conยญtent success.

The single conยญtent algorithm = when social netยญworks demote conยญtent creยญatยญor authorยญity to proยญmote single conยญtent perยญformยญance to maxยญimยญise user engageยญment for ad revenue.

The single conยญtent algorithm presents newly pubยญlished conยญtent to a limยญited test audiยญence. Itโ€™s not the biggest fans but rather a statยญistยญicยญal subset.

If the newly pubยญlished conยญtent tests sucยญcessยญfully, the social media algorithm pushes that conยญtent to a slightly larยญger statยญistยญicยญal subยญset. And so on.

Social Media Algorithms - Silent Shift - Doctor Spin - The PR Blog
How single conยญtent algorithms iterยญate to maxยญimยญise user engagement.

This iterยญatยญive proยญcess means that single pieces of conยญtent worthy of going virยญal will go virยญal, a) even if it takes a longer time, and b) regardยญless of the conยญtent creยญatยญorโ€™s numยญber of followers.

Learn more: The Silent Switch

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Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Kaufmann, Whispr Group, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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