Surprisingly, social media algorithms are basic.
With so many excitยญing new techยญnoยญloยญgies and social netยญworks being R&Dโdriven tech giants, itโs easy to assume that social media algorithms are comยญplex works of wonder.
Well, they arenโt.
Here we go:
Why Social Media Algorithms Are Basic
Earning many subยญscribers, fans, and folยญlowยญers used to matยญter a lot, but since the silent switch, it has mattered less. The old trust-based sysยญtem has givยญen way to the single conยญtent algorithm, which favours sensationalism.
But, wait!
Why must it be this way? With such proยญfound advanceยญments in digitยญal techยญnoยญloยญgies (artiยญfiยญcial intelยญliยญgence, machine learnยญing, big data anaยญlysยญis, etc.), shouldยญnโt social media algorithms be more sophยญistยญicยญated?
In an era of promยญinยญent social media issues (fake news, disยญinยญformยญaยญtion, electยญorยญal tamยญperยญing, etc.), shouldยญnโt social netยญworks like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and many othยญers be more interยญested in favourยญing trust?
Instead, social media algorithms are basic. There are a few reasยญons as to why:
So, social media algorithms arenโt as sophยญistยญicยญated as they could be. Theyโre basic. For now, the single conยญtent algorithm reigns supreme.
The single conยญtent algorithm = when social netยญworks demote conยญtent creยญatยญor authorยญity to proยญmote single conยญtent perยญformยญance to maxยญimยญise user engageยญment for ad revenue.
Learn more: Why Social Media Algorithms Are Basic
The Silent Switch
All social media algorithms are built difยญferยญently and are conยญstantly being developed. At the same time, social media usersโ behaยญviours are evolving.
Still, there was a way that social media algorithms used to behaveโand there is a way that social media algorithms behave now.
This has been a funยญdaยญmentยญal but silent switch.
How Social Media Algorithms Used To Behave
For more than a decยญade, social media algorithms would delivยญer organยญic reach accordยญing to a disยญtriยญbuยญtion that looked someยญthing like this:
This disยญtriยญbuยญtion of organยญic reach enabled organยญisaยญtions to use social media desยญpite not being โmedia companies.โ
How Social Media Algorithms Behave Today
Today, after the silent shift, social media algorithms delivยญer organยญic reach more like this:
The increased comยญpetยญiยญtion and sophยญistยญicยญaยญtion among conยญtent creยญatยญors parยญtially explain this new type of disยญtriยญbuยญtion. However, going virยญal is still just as posยญsible for anyone.
How does this work?
The Single Content Algorithm
How can a social netยญwork preยญdict what users will like?
Content from a trusยญted creยญatยญor trusยญted by a large comยญmunity of folยญlowยญers used to be the leadยญing indicยญatยญor of future perยญformยญance. But today, social netยญworks have found a betยญter way to preยญdict conยญtent success.
The single conยญtent algorithm = when social netยญworks demote conยญtent creยญatยญor authorยญity to proยญmote single conยญtent perยญformยญance to maxยญimยญise user engageยญment for ad revenue.
The single conยญtent algorithm presents newly pubยญlished conยญtent to a limยญited audiยญence sample size:
If the newly pubยญlished conยญtent tests sucยญcessยญfully, the social media algorithm pushes that conยญtent to a slightly larยญger statยญistยญicยญal subยญset. And so on.
This iterยญatยญive proยญcess means that single pieces of conยญtent worthy of going virยญal will go virยญal, a) even if it takes a longer time, and b) regardยญless of the conยญtent creยญatยญorโs numยญber of followers.
Learn more: The Silent Switch
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