The media kit is a foundยญaยญtionยญal PR tool.
But what exactly is a media kit, and why is it a foundยญaยญtionยญal eleยญment in your comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion arsenal?
This blog post delves into the anaยญtomy of media kits, explorยญing their raisยญon dโรชtre, comยญponยญents, and how they can be crafยญted to capยญture attenยญtion, tell your story, and estabยญlish relaยญtionยญships with the news media.
Here we go:
The Media Kit
A media kit, a press kit, or a PR packยญage is a colยญlecยญtion of preยญpared docยญuยญments and images for journยญalยญists and potenยญtially for blogยญgers, influยญenยญcers, partยญners, investors, etc.
The main rationale for creยญatยญing a media kit is to make it easiยญer for the news media to covยญer an organisationโs proยญmoยญtionยญal iniยญtiยญatยญives. The preยญsumpยญtion is, of course, that any such pubยญliยญcity should be valuยญable to the organisation.
Media kits are typยญicยญally glossy, hyperยญbole, and one-sided in nature. The best pracยญtice would be to provide the news media with perยญfectly balยญanced informยญaยญtion. Still, many organยญisaยญtions simply canโt resยญist the temptaยญtion to porยญtray themยญselves in the most flatยญterยญing way posยญsible. 1Silfwer, J. (2019, October 19). Corporational DeterminismโโโThe New Paradigm for Product Launching. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โcโoโrโpโoโrโaโtโiโoโnโaโlโ-โdโeโtโeโrโmโiโnโiโsm/
There are typยญicยญally two types of media kits: the main standยญardยญised verยญsion that is always availยญable and othยญers that are speยญcificยญally preยญpared for a speยญcifยญic event, product launch, news release, etc.
What To Include in a Media Kit
Media kits typยญicยญally include:
How To Structure a Media Kit
Media kits today are disยญtribยญuted digitยญallyโโโfor good reasยญon. Journalists today prefer to pick and choose whatever informยญaยญtion they need from a webยญsite. Websites also allow the sharยญing of audio, video, and interยญactยญive elements.
Journalists typยญicยญally just want to find the speยญcifยญic informยญaยญtion they needโโโfast. And a majorยญity of the conยญtent in your media kit will likely be irrelยญevยญant to most journยญalยญists most of the time itโs being used.
In terms of strucยญture, make sure everything is easy to find (and downยญload) with a few clicks.
Pro tip: The rule of thumb would be to omit anyยญthing that could double as an ad for the organisation.
The Best Format for a Media Kit
Publish your media kit on the organisationโs website.
Avoid putยญting your whole media kit into a single PDF docยญuยญment. PDF docยญuยญments are reasยญonยญable formats for texts, but most journยญalยญists would prefer to copy texts from a web page instead of downยญloadยญing a PDF, openยญing it, and then copyยญing and pasting.
Even though modยญern PDF formats allow for high-resยญolยญuยญtion images, audio, and video, journยญalยญists often require highly speยญcialยญised softยญware to extract mulยญtiยญmeยญdia eleยญments from PDF docยญuยญments without sigยญniยญficยญant resยญolยญuยญtion loss.
I would also advise against handยญing out USB drives (memory sticks) at press conยญferยญences and events. Organisations that are conยญscious of IT safety should know that insertยญing unknown USB drives anyยญwhere is unwise. If you want to give the journยญalยญist anyยญthing physยญicยญal, give them a piece of paper with the URL to your organisationโs media kit.
If the media kit is preยญpared for a speยญcial news event and the conยญtent of the media kit is embarยญgoed, while the journยญalยญists are attendยญing a physยญicยญal event and you donโt have the email addresses of the journยญalยญists, give them a piece of paper with the URL and a passยญword to access the media kit.
Pro tip: In our wired world, media kits can easยญily be preยญpared in mulยญtiple lanยญguages, espeยญcially for organยญisaยญtions tarยญgetยญing an interยญnaยญtionยญal audience.
The Length of a Media Kit
Historically, when media kits were disยญtribยญuted physยญicยญally on paper at press conยญferยญences and events, it made sense to make the prinยญted media kit brief and to the point.
Using a webpage (perยญhaps with sevยญerยญal linked sub-pages) makes the issue of delivยญerยญing a brief media kit irrelยญevยญant. As long as the UIX (primarยญily the menu strucยญture) is clear and easy to navยญigยญate, you can provide abundยญant informยญaยญtion nesยญted many layยญers deep.
Provide as much informยญaยญtion as posยญsible, but organยญise it into sevยญerยญal sub-pages. Place the most relยญevยญant informยญaยญtion highยญer up in the hierยญarchy, and the more speยญcialยญised and the โperยญhaps-importยญant-for-someone-informยญaยญtionโ at lower levels.
The One-Page Media Kit
As long as you nest the online navยญigยญaยญtion of your media kit in an intuยญitยญive strucยญture, itโs impossible for a media kit to conยญtain too much informยญaยญtion. It is, howยญever, posยญsible to provide too little informยญaยญtion in favour of brevity.
Regarding the actuยญal physยญicยญal length of a prinยญted media kit, a web URL with a passยญword and logo could easยญily fit onto a busiยญness card.
Of course, there could be situยญations when you want journยญalยญists to get someยญthing in their hands immeยญdiยญately when they sit down at a press conยญferยญence or a news event. A short sumยญmary of what to expect could be presenยญted on one page. However, I would avoid callยญing such a page a โmedia kitโ and instead refer to it as a โprimer.โ
Preparing a Media Kit
The key to preยญparยญing a media kit is to think like a journยญalยญist. What type of informยญaยญtion would interest a reportยญer covยญerยญing the news about your organisation?
The Benefits of a Media Kit
In genยญerยญal, journยญalยญists rarely use media kits preยญpared by the organยญisaยญtion. Journalists mostly use them for high-resยญolยญuยญtion images and look up detailed speยญcificยญaยญtions at product launches. Some also use them to ensure they spell peopleโs names correctly.
The main beneยญfit of creยญatยญing a media kit is for the organยญisaยญtion to thorยญoughly review all the informยญaยญtion and ensure that itโs ready to meet the eyes of the world. Disclosing corยญporยญate informยญaยญtion can be a delยญicยญate proยญcess with many stakeยญholdยญersโโโespeยญcially regardยญing legยญal conยญsidยญerยญaยญtions or Cโlevel quotes.
Demonstrating a proยญfesยญsionยญal media kit to investors, anaยญlysts, and partยญners is also beneficial.
Pro tip: Media kits are not just for proยญmoยญtion; they are also preยญpared for crisis comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions. These media kits conยญtain pre-approved stateยญments, FAQs, and conยญtact informยญaยญtion to ensure a coรถrdinยญated and timely response durยญing a crisis.
The Influencerโs Media Kit
Influencers, like journยญalยญists, are publishers.
โMediaโ in influยญenยญcer terms typยญicยญally donโt refer to โthe press.โ Itโs โmediaโ as in โmedia buyers.โ
Influencer media kits typยญicยญally include informยญaยญtion about how well-suited their platยญforms would be to advertยญisers (i.e., media buyยญers). They conยญtain informยญaยญtion about their conยญtent, audiยญence demoยญgraphยญics, social media reach, sponยญsor rates, etc.
The Electronic Press Kit (EPK)
An Electronic Press Kit (EPK) was the oriยญginยญal name of a digitยญal verยญsion of a traยญdiยญtionยญal press kit, often presenยญted as a webยญsite or email, and occaยญsionยญally on CD or DVD. A notยญable early example is the film โSneakers,โ which included a floppy disk with a cusยญtom proยญgram about the movie, markยญing one of the iniยญtial instances of a film stuยญdio employยญing an EPK. 2Press kit. (2023, October 6). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โPโrโeโsโsโ_โkit
The EPK format as we know it was first showยญcased online on January 8, 1995, by Andre Gray, the innovยญatยญor behind online music sales cerยญtiยญficยญaยญtions and recipยญiยญent of The Johannes Gutenberg Inventor Prize. Grayโs groundยญbreakยญing EPK, creยญated for R&B artist Aaron Hall, comยญprised a bioยญgraphy, audio clips, videos, phoยญtos, press materยญiยญals, a set list, techยญnicยญal details, and a calยญenยญdar, estabยญlishยญing a new artist-proยญmoยญtion standยญard.3Press kit. (2023, October 6). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โPโrโeโsโsโ_โkit
Thus, the terยญminยญoยญlogy has evolved from โpress kitโ and โEPKโ to just โmedia kitโ today.
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Public Relations vs Journalism
PR proยญfesยญsionยญals and journยญalยญists share many pracยญticยญal skill sets. Still, pubยญlic relaยญtions and journยญalยญism are funยญdaยญmentยญally different:
Public relaยญtions is the effort to subยญjectยญively advocยญate agenยญdas on speยญcial interestsโ behalf.
A funยญdaยญmentยญal criยญtique against pubยญlic relaยญtions is that advocacy is an affluยญent privยญilege that manipยญuยญlates the truth.
Journalism is the effort to objectยญively report the news on the pubยญlic interestโs behalf.
A funยญdaยญmentยญal criยญtique against journยญalยญism is that objectivยญity is unrealยญistยญic and the pubยญlic interest heterogeneous.
But even if both pubยญlic relaยญtions and journยญalยญism fail to live up to their ideal states at all times, both pracยญtices play vital roles in upholdยญing a balยญanced and stable democracy.
Learn more: Public Relations vs Journalism
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1 | Silfwer, J. (2019, October 19). Corporational DeterminismโโโThe New Paradigm for Product Launching. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โcโoโrโpโoโrโaโtโiโoโnโaโlโ-โdโeโtโeโrโmโiโnโiโsm/ |
2, 3 | Press kit. (2023, October 6). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โPโrโeโsโsโ_โkit |