Doctor SpinThe PR BlogInbound CommunicationsI Was Blogging Before, During, and Long After It Was Cool

I Was Blogging Before, During, and Long After It Was Cool

I blog for fun; any "personal branding" is just a side-effect.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

Blogging is so passรฉ, donโ€™t you think?

In many ways, Iโ€™d agree: blogยญging is a faux pas

There are no easy marยญketยญing wins with blogยญging anyยญmore; regยญuยญlaยญtions are makยญing us all close cookยญie warnยญings left and rightโ€‰โ€”โ€‰and social media has sucked most comยญment secยญtions dry.

Also, runยญning a decent platยญform will cost you today. 

Proper hostยญing will cost you.
A workยญable theme will cost you.
Secure encrypยญtion will cost you.
Image comยญpresยญsion will cost you.
A form manยญager will cost you.

And so on.

Then, we have all those greasy, forยญmuยญlaic SEO-type blog posts. Theyโ€™re proยญduced en masse to capยญture attenยญtion and clicks, not hearts and minds. Oh god, how much I hate them.

And, finally, blogยญging just isnโ€™t conยญsidered cool anymore.

So, why am I still blogging?

Here we go:

Evergreen Content

Whatโ€™s everยญgreen conยญtent?

Evergreen conยญtent is an inbound approach to buildยญing core mesยญsages, conยญtent themes, conยญtent packยญages, deep conยญtent, and conยญtent skyยญscrapers.

For a piece of conยญtent to be everยญgreen, it must susยญtain its value over time. This means the conยญtent must be relยญevยญant today, tomorยญrow, and the foreยญseeยญable future.

While news conยญtent might make a more sigยญniยญficยญant short-term splash, everยญgreen conยญtent accuยญmuยญlates online impact over timeโ€”which requires patience.

Now, forever is a long time. I typยญicยญally apply these arbitยญrary rules to determยญine what conยญstiยญtutes everยญgreen content:

  • Two years. To be conยญsidered everยญgreen conยญtent, it must be relยญevยญant and valuยญable for at least two years. This is an arbitยญrary time frame, but if an organยญisaยญtion can proยญduce conยญtent that lasts two years, it will typยญicยญally last much longer.
  • Actual interest. To be conยญsidered everยญgreen conยญtent, there must be an existยญing volume of search engine users lookยญing for the informยญaยญtion. The conยญtent will nevยญer be โ€˜everโ€™ without โ€˜greenโ€™ search volumes.
  • Gentle gardenยญing. Evergreen conยญtent will only stay everยญgreen if you tend to it occaยญsionยญally. To check if everythingโ€™s workยญing, add someยญthing helpยญful and clean out some unneยญcesยญsary stuff. Itโ€™s a bit like gardenยญing.
  • Personal touch. Publishing someยญthing unique isnโ€™t easy. However, adding your brandโ€™s tonยญalยญity and flair to the conยญtent is always posยญsible. The objectยญive is to estabยญlish trust and authorยญity, so a touch of perยญsonยญalยญity matters.

Learn more: The Evergreen Content PR Strategy

I Donโ€™t Blog For โ€œMarketingโ€ or โ€œBrandingโ€

Most blogยญgers in the marยญketยญing- and media space would probยญably list the beneยญfits of conยญtent marยญketยญing as reasยญons for blogยญging. And they wouldnโ€™t be wrongโ€‰โ€”โ€‰conยญtent marยญketยญing provides many brands with essenยญtial tools to reach and engage with their customers.

And from there, one might start praisยญing email marยญketยญing, list buildยญing, SEO, conยญverยญsion tacยญtics, virยญal loops, and lead nurยญturยญingโ€‰โ€”โ€‰all the remarkยญable wonยญders of inbound marketing. 

Iโ€™m advocยญatยญing all the aboveยญmenยญtioned tacยญtics and donโ€™t mind using them myself. Theyโ€™re great.

But I donโ€™t blog to marยญket myself.

Blogging, at least for me, has always meant someยญthing beyยญond perยญsonยญal brandยญing, conยญtent marยญketยญing, and online revยญenยญue streams.

Learn more: The Online Base Camp

My Bottom Line is Not My โ€œWhyโ€

In PR, we often disยญcuss the consumerโ€™s intent. But we rarely disยญcuss the producerโ€™s intent.

We tend to think that an organยญisaยญtionโ€™s โ€œwhyโ€ is straightยญforยญward. It seems simple enough: a busiยญness must grow, a politยญicยญal organยญisaยญtion needs power, a non-profit advocยญates change, and an influยญenยญcer seeks revenue.

Iโ€™m no difยญferยญent: I rely on cliยญents to make a living.

Many get it wrong by seeยญing these botยญtom lines as โ€œstraยญtegic startยญing pointsโ€ for their PR mesยญsages. But thatโ€™s wrongโ€‰โ€”โ€‰your botยญtom line should nevยญer be your comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion platform.

Why? Your botยญtom line is only sigยญniยญficยญant for you.

Bottom Line Communication is Boring

Weโ€™re all subยญject to variยญous biases. A brandโ€™s botยญtom line isnโ€™t a comยญmuยญnicยญatยญive strength; itโ€™s a bias. 

โ€œBias is a disยญproยญporยญtionยญate weight in favor of or against an idea or thing, usuยญally in a way that is closed-minded, preยญjuยญdiยญcial, or unfair. Biases can be innate or learned. People may develยญop biases for or against an indiยญviduยญal, a group, or a belief. In sciยญence and enginยญeerยญing, a bias is a sysยญtemยญatยญic error. Statistical bias resยญults from an unfair sampling of a popยญuยญlaยญtion, or from an estimยญaยญtion proยญcess that does not give accurยญate resยญults on averยญage.โ€
Source: Wikipedia

Building a comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtion platยญform based on your botยญtom line and bias corยญrupts everything downยญstream. If nothยญing else, biases should be monยญitored and counยญterยญacยญted, not put on a pedยญesยญtal and flaunted.

Think about it:

  • A capยญitยญalยญist strives for more capยญitยญal. But thereโ€™s nothยญing more anti-capยญitยญalยญist than to sound like a capitalist.
  • A politiยญcian is in the serยญvice of demoยญcracy. But thereโ€™s nothยญing more anti-demoยญcratยญic than to sound like a politician.
  • A demยญagogue argues for change. But thereโ€™s nothยญing more anti-proยญgressยญive than to sound like a demagogue.

These dichoยญtomยญies are conยญtrariยญan, for sure.
Communication hits difยญferยญently.

Wise busiยญness leadยญers donโ€™t sound like typยญicยญal busiยญness leadยญers. Savvy entreยญprenยญeurs donโ€™t sound like typยญicยญal entreยญprenยญeurs. Competent corยญporยญate spokespeople donโ€™t sound like typยญicยญal corยญporยญate spokespeople. 

And smart blogยญgers donโ€™t sound like typยญicยญal bloggers.

If all you ever care about is your botยญtom line, thatโ€™s okay. Itโ€™s fine if you want to talk about what you want for yourself.

But donโ€™t expect people to listen. Donโ€™t expect people to care.

Readers Are Not Wallets-on-Legs

When disยญcussยญing PR with cliยญents, I seek their humanยญity, not quarterly busiยญness objectยญives. Iโ€™m not there to help them bore people to death. 

If I were blogยญging with the primary intent of someยญhow takยญing your money away, you would feel it instinctยญively. You would feel it between the lines of every blog post. And you probยญably wouldnโ€™t like it.

Put in anothยญer way: We all hate being talked to as wallets-on-legs.

In the eyes of funยญnel funยญdaยญmentยญalยญists, we are demoยญgraphยญic entitยญies stripped of our essence, mere pupยญpets of conยญsumpยญtion with walยญlets in place of hearts.

Your intent matยญters as much as what you say. We canยญnot escape our biases, but we can be transยญparยญent and make conยญscious efforts to โ€˜speak humanโ€™โ€‰โ€”โ€‰to speak of matยญters of the heart.

Read also: William Faulkner on Writing From the Heart

The Narcissistic Principle

โ€œPeople want to be loved; failยญing that admired; failยญing that feared; failยญing that hated and desยญpised. They want to evoke some sort of senยญtiยญment. The soul shudยญders before obliยญviยญon and seeks conยญnecยญtion at any price.โ€
โ€” Hjalmar Sรถderberg (1869โˆ’1941), Swedish author

When we share on social media, we share for a reasยญon. And that reasยญon typยญicยญally has someยญthing to do withโ€ฆ ourselves:

  • We share to make ourselves look smart.
  • We share to fit in and to stand out.
  • We share to express individuality.
  • We share to belong to our in-group.
  • We share to be loved.
  • We share to proยญvoke reacยญtions for attention.
  • We share to extract sympathy.
  • We share to make us feel betยญter about ourselves.
  • We share to get ahead.
  • We share to grow an audience.
  • We share to comยญpensate for our shortcomings.
  • We share to get the respect we need.

Itโ€™s the narยญcissยญistยญic prinยญciple behind why we share on social media.

The narยญcissยญistยญic prinยญciple = when we share or engage on social media, we mainly share aspects of ourselvesโ€‰โ€”โ€‰because thatโ€™s what we care about most. 1Silfwer, J. (2012, July 16). The Narcissistic Principle. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โ€‹docโ€‹torโ€‹spinโ€‹.net/โ€‹nโ€‹aโ€‹rโ€‹cโ€‹iโ€‹sโ€‹sโ€‹iโ€‹sโ€‹tโ€‹iโ€‹cโ€‹-โ€‹pโ€‹rโ€‹iโ€‹nโ€‹cโ€‹iโ€‹pโ€‹le/

If you can get social media to work for you, great.
Make the most of it. 

However, we should all be mindยญful not to let the โ€œonline presยญsure cookยญerโ€ get the betยญter of us.

โ€œA status update with no likes (or a clevยญer tweet without retweets) becomes the equiยญvalยญent of a joke met with silence. It must be rethought and rewritยญten. And so we donโ€™t show our true selves online, but a mask designed to conยญform to the opinยญions of those around us.โ€
โ€” Neil Strauss, Wall Street Journal

Learn more: The Narcissistic Principle

I Blog Because Blogging Makes Me Happy

My backยญground is simple. Iโ€™ve nevยญer gotยญten anyยญthing for free in life. Growing up, everyยญone around me hated their jobsโ€‰โ€”โ€‰and I donโ€™t blame them. There are many soul-suckยญing jobs out there. Iโ€™m immensely thankยญful that Iโ€™ve found a proยญfesยญsion I love. 

I still blog because PR is such an excitยญing and fasยญcinยญatยญing proยญfesยญsion. If I enjoy writยญing about PR, the chances are that someone will enjoy readยญing it. And I think my take on pubยญlic relaยญtions deserves an online basecamp.

Now, I want to make as much money as anyยญone else. But I try not to let my botยญtom line interยญfere with my purยญpose. Why would I? Communicating out of genuยญine pasยญsion isnโ€™t bad for busiยญness, you know?

Most importยญantly, Iโ€™m always happy when I write about PR.

Thatโ€™s why Iโ€™ve been blogยญging before, durยญing, and after, and it was cool.

Jerry Silfwer - Doctor Spin - Spin Factory - Public Relations

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Signature - Jerry Silfwer - Doctor Spin

PR Resource: PR Blogs

List of PR Blogs

Doctor Spin's list of PR blogs (2024).
Doctor Spinโ€™s list of PR blogs (2024).

PR blogs come and go, and some seem to go on and onโ€‰โ€”โ€‰I should know. Iโ€™ve been blogยญging before, durยญing, and after it was conยญsidered cool. Today, I still find that havยญing a great webยญsite is underrated.

Many organยญisaยญtions overยญesยญtimยญate their social media presยญence and underยญesยญtimยญate their online base campโ€‰โ€”โ€‰their webยญsite.

Blogging is still the cornerยญstone of conยญtent comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions. To stay curยญrent, I update this list with actยญive blogs on pubยญlic relaยญtions and comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions (2024).

Would you hapยญpen to know of an actยญive PR blog that I should include in this list? Please let me know!

Learn more: Doctor Spinโ€™s List of PR Blogs

Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Whispr Group NYC, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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