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The Laser Focus PR Strategy

Win by narrowing your scope.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

The laser focus PR strategy is about dominating a niche so effectively that your brand becomes the go-to name in that space. It's a brave strategy to go narrow.

The laser focus PR strategy isnโ€™t about thinkยญing small.

The laser focus PR strategy is about domยญinยญatยญing a niche so effectยญively that your brand becomes the go-to name in that space. Itโ€™s a brave strategy to go narrow.

Here we go:

The Laser Focus PR Strategy

When comยญpetยญiยญtion is fierce, the best way to stand out isnโ€™t always by going bigยญgerโ€‰โ€”โ€‰itโ€™s by going narยญrowยญer. The laser focus PR strategy is about domยญinยญatยญing a niche so effectยญively that your brand becomes the go-to name in that space. 

Instead of batยญtling for attenยญtion in overยญcrowded marยญkets, you carve out a smalยญler, highly engaged audiยญence where your impact is maximised.

Hereโ€™s why laser focusยญing works:

  • Lower comยญpetยญiยญtion, highยญer impact. Competing in broad, well-estabยญlished catยญegorยญies is an uphill battle. Instead, identiยญfyยญing an emerยญging or underยญserved niche allows you to lead rather than chase.
  • Highly engaged pubยญlics. Fans of niche marยญketsโ€‰โ€”โ€‰whethยญer extreme sports enthuยญsiยญasts, tech subยญculยญtures, or speยญcifยญic lifeยญstyle moveยญmentsโ€‰โ€”โ€‰tend to be deeply invesยญted. Their enthuยญsiยญasm transยญlates into organยญic advocacy, word-of-mouth proยญmoยญtion, and a more loyยญal cusยญtomยญer base.
  • Digital and PR dominยญion. In search engine rankยญings and media placeยญments, being numยญber 1 or 2 in a small catยญegory is far more valuยญable than being numยญber 20 in a broad one. Googleโ€™s first two search resยญults capยญture the majorยญity of clicks. The same applies to media covยญerยญageโ€‰โ€”โ€‰journยญalยญists and blogยญgers prefer covยญerยญing clear leadยญers in any givยญen niche.

How To Laser Focus

Identify a High-Potential Niche
  • Look for emerยญging moveยญments, trends, or overยญlooked categories.
  • Find an area where conยญsumer interest grows but brand comยญpetยญiยญtion is still low.
  • Analyse where engaged comยญmunitยญies already exist but lack strong brand representation.

Example: When CrossFit gained tracยญtion, it was a growยญing but underยญserved niche in sports sponยญsorยญships. Innovative brands like Rehband seized the opporยญtunยญity before the space became overcrowded.

Position Your Brand as the Authority
  • Own the conยญverยญsaยญtion by providยญing expertยญise and thought leadership.
  • Engage deeply with niche comยญmunitยญies through conยญtent, sponยญsorยญships, and partnerships.
  • Create media-friendly narยญratยญives that highยญlight your pionยญeerยญing role.

Example: Red Bull assoยญciยญated itself with extreme sports long before they were widely covered by mainยญstream media, posยญiยญtionยญing itself as the brand that genuยญinely chamยญpioned the space.

Build Strong Community Ties
  • Work with niche influยญenยญcers and micro-ambasยญsadยญors who have credยญibยญilยญity withยญin their communities.
  • Sponsor grassยญroots events rather than chasยญing mainยญstream partnerships.
  • Make early adopยญters feel like insiders, not just customers.

Example: On Running iniยญtially focused on a niche runยญning comยญmunity by develยญopยญing unique โ€œcloudโ€ cushยญionยญing techยญnoยญlogy. They tarยญgeted serยญiยญous runยญners rather than the mass-marยญket sneakยญer industry, allowยญing them to domยญinยญate in perยญformยญance-oriยญented runยญning shoes before expandยญing into lifeยญstyle wear.

Leverage Digital Advantages
  • Optimise for SEO by focusยญing on speยญcifยญic, high-intent search terms.
  • Use tarยญgeted social media strategies that appeal dirยญectly to niche audiences.
  • Dominate digitยญal rankยญings in your space by being conยญsistยญent and authoritative.

Example: Black Diamond iniยญtially focused on high-perยญformยญance climbยญing and backยญcounยญtry skiยญing gear, caterยญing to serยญiยญous climbers and mounยญtainยญeers. Instead of being a genยญerยญal outยญdoor brand, it built its repuยญtaยญtion withยญin the techยญnicยญal climbยญing niche before expandยญing its offerings.

Use Small Wins to Go Bigger
  • Start with a narยญrow focus, win decisยญively, and expand from there.
  • Once domยญinยญance is estabยญlished, use momentum to enter adjaยญcent niches.
  • Allow your audiยญence to grow with you rather than tryยญing to reach everyยญone simultaneously.

Example: Blue Bottle Coffee starยญted with a niche focus on ultra-fresh, meticยญuยญlously sourced, and roasยญted-to-order cofยญfee. They catered expliยญcitly to cofยญfee purยญists and enthuยญsiยญasts who valยญued a refined brewยญing experยญiยญence, later expandยญing into cafes and a larยญger market.

Itโ€™s Brave To Go Narrower

Many brands hesยญitยญate to go niche because it feels counยญterยญinยญtuยญitยญive. The fear of โ€œmissยญing outโ€ on broadยญer marยญkets often preยญvents busiยญnesses from fully comยญmitยญting. But the realยญity is:

  • Itโ€™s betยญter to be a catยญegory leadยญer in a small space than an afterยญthought in a big one.
  • Going smalยญler doesnโ€™t mean stayยญing smallโ€‰โ€”โ€‰it means startยญing smart.
  • A strong posยญiยญtion in a niche marยญket creยญates leverยญage for future expansion.

Brands that win arenโ€™t necesยญsarยญily the ones that chase the most promยญinยญent marยญkets; theyโ€™re the ones that creยญate the most sigยญniยญficยญant impact in the right markets. 

The laser focus PR strategy isnโ€™t about thinkยญing smallโ€‰โ€”โ€‰itโ€™s about thinkยญing straยญtegicยญally. Pick your niche, own it, and grow from a posยญiยญtion of strength.

Learn more: The Laser Focus PR Strategy

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Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Whispr Group NYC, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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