Doctor SpinThe PR BlogStorytelling & WritingHow to Write a PR Pitch: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Write a PR Pitch: Step-by-Step Guide

The art of turning corporate bragging into news stories.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

Let me walk you through how to write a PR pitch.

Should you call or email the journalist? 

Calling or emailยญing is a hot potato that most journยญalยญists and many pubยญlic relaยญtions proยญfesยญsionยญals will recomยญmendโ€‰โ€”โ€‰emailยญing. Still, this doesnโ€™t mean that makยญing a phone call wonโ€™t someยญtimes work betยญter. 1Among digitยญal PR proยญfesยญsionยญals surยญveyed, 94% said indiยญviduยญal emails are still the most effectยญive pitchยญing to journยญalยญists. Among journยญalยญists surยญveyed, 93% said 1:1 emails are the best way to pitch.

Put it like this: If you know that the journยญalยญist is a โ€œphone perยญson,โ€ that the timยญing is good, and that your pitch is urgent enough, by all means, go ahead and make a call instead.

In any case, you should write your pitch down.
Aim for no more than half a page in length.

Here we go:

How To Write a PR Pitch

Start simple: Always introยญduce yourยญself, claยญriยญfy your affilยญiยญation, and ask perยญmisยญsion to state your business.

My name is Jerry Silfwer, I work at Spin Factory, and Iโ€™m [calling/โ€‹writing] on behalf of ACME Chemicals. I have a news story about chemยญicยญal plants failยญing to meet envirยญonยญmentยญal- and safety regยญuยญlaยญtions. Would this be a good time to hear me out?

Already at the get-go, Iโ€™m clearly statยญing that I will pitch a news story.

My objectยญive is to bring attenยญtion to the fact that my cliยญent has gone to great lengths to comยญply with govยญernยญment regยญuยญlaยญtions. This is, howยญever, not news.

However, what does this imply if my cliยญent is the only chemยญicยญal comยญpany to comยญply with the new regยญuยญlaยญtions? It means that all of their comยญpetยญitยญors are non-comยญpliยญant. And that is news.

If the journยญalยญists agree to hear you out, go ahead and frame the conflict:

Two hunยญdred forty-one chemยญicยญal plants are operยญatยญing in Sweden. According to an unpubยญlished paper here in my hand, only 62 are livยญing up to the governmentโ€™s new envirยญonยญmentยญal regยญuยญlaยญtions last year. In othยญer words: 3 of 4 of all chemยญicยญal plants in Sweden might be hazยญardยญous to the people livยญing or workยญing near them.

At this point, the journยญalยญist might be ready to jump in. How hazยญardยญous are these plants? Why are they danยญgerยญous? What kind of evidยญence do I have to back my claim up?

In any case, itโ€™s time to posยญiยญtion your spokesperson:

In light of these disยญturbยญing figยญures, would you be interยญested in getยญting your hands on these docยญuยญments and talkยญing exclusยญively with Dr Mary Samsonite at ACME Chemicals about:

โ€” How hazยญardยญous are these plants?
โ€” Where are these potenยญtially hazยญardยญous plants situยญated?
โ€” Why is there no govยญernยญmentยญal overยญsight to force them to comply?

Once again, the focus is 100% on the news story still. 

Sometimes you can offer exclusยญivยญity; someยญtimes, you canโ€™t. Even though I could come up with 20 relยญevยญant quesยญtions to sugยญgest, I kept it to three to claยญriยญfy the pitch.

If you get a straight no, then thatโ€™s fine. It hapยญpens. If you get a yes or a maybe, you move on with the final part of your writยญten pitch:

If youโ€™re interยญested, Dr Mary Samsonite has agreed to meet with you and a phoยญtoยญgraphยญer on Wednesday at 2 pm or Thursday at 10 am this week. Would any of those slots work for you?

Iโ€™m aggressยญively sugยญgestยญing a physยญicยญal meetยญing in this ficยญtiยญtious example, but it depends on the pitch and the conยญtext. In times of Covid-19, for instance, Iโ€™m more likely to proยญpose a Zoom interview.

Now, letโ€™s look at the writยญten PR pitch as a whole:

My name is Jerry Silfwer. I work at Spin Factory and am [calling/โ€‹writing] on behalf of ACME Chemicals. I have a news story about chemยญicยญal plants failยญing to meet envirยญonยญmentยญal- and safety regยญuยญlaยญtions. Would this be a good time to hear me out?

Two hunยญdred forty-one chemยญicยญal plants are operยญatยญing in Sweden. According to an unpubยญlished paper in my hand, only 62 are livยญing up to the governmentโ€™s new envirยญonยญmentยญal regยญuยญlaยญtions last year: 3 of 4 of all chemยญicยญal plants in Sweden might be hazยญardยญous to the people livยญing or workยญing near them.

In light of these disยญturbยญing figยญures, would you be interยญested in getยญting your hands on these docยญuยญments and talkยญing exclusยญively with Dr Mary Samsonite at ACME Chemicals about:

โ€” How hazยญardยญous are these plants?
โ€” Where are these potenยญtially hazยญardยญous plants situยญated?
โ€” Why is there no govยญernยญmentยญal overยญsight to force them to comยญply?

If youโ€™re interยญested, Dr Mary Samsonite has agreed to meet with you and a phoยญtoยญgraphยญer on Wednesday at 2 pm or Thursday at 10 am this week. Would any of those slots work for you?

At this point, allow me to take a step back and appreยญciยญate whatโ€™s going on here from the perยญspectยญive of the PR client:

Preparing Your PR Pitch

No, ACME Chemicals probยญably nevยญer asked me to pitch a story about potenยญtially danยญgerยญous chemยญicยญal plants in Sweden: 

This whole thing probยญably starยญted in a conยญferยญence room where the CEO bragged to me about how they โ€œran the only chemยญicยญal plants in the counยญtry in comยญpliยญance with the governmentโ€™s new stricter regulations.โ€

So, before pitchยญing the reportยญer, hereโ€™s some of the work that I had to do to get the PR pitch into usable shape:

Step 1. When I signed an NDA (non-disยญclosยญure agreeยญment), I had to explain to the CEO that ACME Chemicalโ€™s regยญuยญlatยญory excelยญlence is excelยญlent but not news.

Step 2. I had to run a study for data or find a way to extract facยญtuยญal evidยญence to supยญport and conยญfirm the claim that zero othยญer chemยญicยญal plants in Sweden comยญply with the regulations.

Step 3. With conยญfirmยญaยญtion, I had to talk to an expert to learn what non-comยญpliยญance in this conยญtext means regardยญing real risks.

Step 4. I had to vet and preยญpare an in-house expert spokesยญperยญsonโ€‰โ€”โ€‰the CEO is credยญible when it comes to busiยญness matยญters but not matยญters of advanced chemistry.

Step 5. I wrote the PR pitch (and often a press release) and got cliยญent approvยญal. And yes, cliยญent approvยญal can someยญtimes take weeks!

In media relaยญtions, pitchยญing the story to a journยญalยญist is not a cruยญcial part of the job. The essenยญtial part of the job is to identiยญfy relยญevยญant corยญporยญate storยญies and turn them into the news. Thatโ€™s where most of my effort is spent.

As for writยญing the pitch, perยญsonยญalยญisaยญtion is vital. Your pit should nevยญer sound like a temยญplate. 2The most cited reasยญon among journยญalยญists for rejectยญing a pitch was the lack of perยญsonยญalยญisaยญtion (Muck Rack, 2020).

Some organยญisaยญtions find the concept of newsยญworยญthiยญness uncomยญfortยญable. If theyโ€™re adamยญant about only bragยญging about their greatยญness, politely sugยญgest they remove an ad. In an ad, theyโ€™ll get to say whatever they want.

Orโ€‰โ€”โ€‰which is often an excelยญlent option for corยญporยญate sucยญcess storยญiesโ€‰โ€”โ€‰conยญvince the organยญisaยญtion to tarยญget a trade- or busiยญness verยญticยญal instead.

Jerry Silfwer - Doctor Spin - Spin Factory - Public Relations

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1 Among digitยญal PR proยญfesยญsionยญals surยญveyed, 94% said indiยญviduยญal emails are still the most effectยญive pitchยญing to journยญalยญists. Among journยญalยญists surยญveyed, 93% said 1:1 emails are the best way to pitch.
2 The most cited reasยญon among journยญalยญists for rejectยญing a pitch was the lack of perยญsonยญalยญisaยญtion (Muck Rack, 2020).
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Whispr Group NYC, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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