The Online Base Camp

Never underestimate your website.

Cover photo: @jerrysilfwer

Every brand needs to priยญorยญitยญise its online base camp.

This post will disยญcuss why your organยญisaยญtion might beneยญfit from shiftยญing its focus away from social media and onto the brandโ€™s website.

  • Many organยญisaยญtions overยญesยญtimยญate their social media impact and underยญesยญtimยญate their webยญsiteโ€™s efficiency.

Here we go:

The Online Base Camp

Iโ€™ve been devisยญing proยญfesยญsionยญal brand strategies for over a decยญade and am in awe of social mediยญaโ€™s power. Itโ€™s a culยญturยญal meltยญing pot of ideas and expresยญsions on a globยญal scale.

But as PR proยญfesยญsionยญals, weโ€™d be wise to rememยญber that social media is a mass pheยญnomenยญon. Few brands enjoy the sucยญcess often assoยญciยญated with influencers.

In the corยญporยญate uniยญverse, itโ€™s digitยญal-first.
Not necesยญsarยญily social media first.

A brandโ€™s webยญsiteโ€‰โ€”โ€‰its online base campโ€‰โ€”โ€‰is often underยญused, underยญesยญtimยญated, and underยญapยญpreยญciยญated.

But it shouldnโ€™t have to be that way.

Rethinking Social Media

Social media has been a priยญorยญity for many organยญisaยญtions for many years. But digitยญal-first is more than just social media. And, letโ€™s face it: social media doesnโ€™t work for all organยญisaยญtions alike.

A brandโ€™s webยญsite should be its online base camp, a place for like-minded people to brainยญstorm, test ideas, put up your roadmaps, and review logs.

But webยญsite pubยญlishยญing is seen as boring.

Social media, on the othยญer hand, keeps us on our toes. Networks like YouTube, TikTok, Twitch, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Snapchat keep us on our toes, and they have a knack for domยญinยญatยญing our newsfeeds.

But the truth is that very few brands do well in social media.

Social Media PR Challenges

Social media pubยญlishยญing for brands comes with sigยญniยญficยญant PR drawbacks:

  • Lack of conยญtrol. Brands often have little to no conยญtrol over the brand experยญiยญence in social media. Engaging with a brand on a social netยญwork like Facebook will mean that Facebook preยญscribes the experยญiยญence. If your corยญporยญate mesยญsage doesnโ€™t fit with Facebookโ€™s brand experยญiยญence, then you must change your message.
  • Indirect busiยญness relaยญtionยญships. Social media typยญicยญally offers only indirยญect busiยญness relaยญtionยญships with the audiยญence. While a brand can beneยญfit from culยญtivยญatยญing a social brand audiยญence, the social netยญwork will beneยญfit more at no risk. Social netยญworks are โ€œriggedโ€ like most forms of organยญised gamblingโ€‰โ€”โ€‰the house always wins.
  • The rules are conยญstantly chanยญging. Whatever the social netยญwork decides, whethยญer to remove or proยญmote cerยญtain types of conยญtent or make changes to your visยญibยญilยญity, the web will push brands to creยญate whatever the netยญwork needsโ€‰โ€”โ€‰instead of the conยญtent a speยญcifยญic brand audiยญence wants.
  • People are interยญested in people. Few brands can comยญpete in social media comยญpared to influยญenยญcers. This is mainly because people prefer to interยญact with othยญer people. Itโ€™s not for nothยญing that we call this space social media. While a brand can be social, itโ€™s not easy for it to come across like a real person.

List of Social Media Issues

Social media issues.
Social media issues.
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List of Social Media Issues

Social media isnโ€™t just sunยญshine and rainยญbows. With massive change come new social media issues we must deal with.

Here are a few examples of social media issues:

Read also: Social Media: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

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Seeking a Pragmatic Approach

If social media marยญketยญing works for you, thatโ€™s great.

However, social media marยญketยญing doesnโ€™t work for lots of brands. They could probยญably do much betยญter if they shifยญted their focus away from social media and dirยญecยญted those resources to their website.

Because comยญplainยญing about social media wonโ€™t give you results.

Neither search engines nor social netยญworks are known to give in to user demands; either you play by the social netยญworkโ€™s rules or donโ€™t play at all.

Of course, any brand can leverยญage the full power of social media. But too many brands canยญnot sucยญceed at once. Even if many more brands did great on social media, there wouldnโ€™t be enough human attention.

Pragmatism is critยญicยญal for brands. We must leverยญage all difยญferยญent media chanยญnels so that they a) make busiยญness sense and b) work in tanยญdem with speยญcifยญic formats.

PR Must Rethink Website Publishing

I starยญted blogยญging before it was cool, and I kept blogยญging well past the hype daysโ€‰โ€”โ€‰and Iโ€™m still at it. I wouldnโ€™t trade havยญing a fully conยญtrolled online presยญence for anyยญthing. And neither should you.

Website pubยญlishยญing extends well beyยญond what we typยญicยญally think of as blogยญging.

Because hereโ€™s the thing:

Websites are uniquely flexยญible. One single webยญsite can simยญulยญtanยญeously accomยญmodยญate sevยญerยญal high-level PR strategies on autoยญpiยญlot. And the entire infraยญstrucยญture is under your conยญtrol. Social media marยญketยญing canโ€™t do this.

And itโ€™s not like we can ignore the power of webยญsite pubยญlishยญing for too long, either.

We need online base camps to accomยญmodยญate inbound audiยญences, arguยญably the most sigยญniยญficยญant paradigm shift for the PR industry in decades:

We must redisยญcovยญer inbound communications.

Inbound Communications

Jerry Silfwer speaking about inbound marketing
Jerry Silfwer (Doctor Spin) speaks about inbound marketing.
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Inbound vs Outbound

The inbound mindยญset is a funยญdaยญmentยญal shift in the PR- and marยญketยญing industry.

Historically, many PR- and marยญketยญing departยญments have argued:

โ€œWhy should we spend our PR- and marยญketยญing budgets on โ€˜already acquiredโ€™ audiences?โ€

The truth isโ€‰โ€”โ€‰itโ€™s the othยญer way around.

Instead of โ€œspamยญmingโ€ non-existยญing audiยญences, pubยญlic relaยญtions and marยญketยญing can do much more with existยญing online pubยญlics. 1Silfwer, J. (2015, June 11). The Publics in Public Relations. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โ€‹docโ€‹torโ€‹spinโ€‹.net/โ€‹pโ€‹uโ€‹bโ€‹lโ€‹iโ€‹cโ€‹sโ€‹-โ€‹iโ€‹nโ€‹-โ€‹pโ€‹uโ€‹bโ€‹lโ€‹iโ€‹cโ€‹-โ€‹rโ€‹eโ€‹lโ€‹aโ€‹tโ€‹iโ€‹oโ€‹ns/

Drawing a line between those who know you and those who donโ€™t know you is nothยญing new:

  • Pull marยญketยญing vs push marยญketยญing
  • Hot leads vs cold leads
  • Permission marยญketยญing vs traยญdiยญtionยญal marketing
  • Internal comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions vs externยญal communications

This inbound shift is the online equiยญvalยญent of drawยญing the line between those who know you and those who donโ€™t know you:

  • Inbound comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions vs outยญbound communications

If your Inbound Shift PR Strategy is good, you might not need to priยญorยญitยญise outยญbound PR strategiesโ€‰โ€”โ€‰because your inbound audiยญence will attract outยญbound publics.

Learn more: The Inbound Shift PR Strategy: Beauty From Within

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You Need an Online Base Camp

As the paradigm of inbound marยญketยญing entered the online uniยญverse, it has been proven that many brands must rely on โ€œpubยญlishยญing a conยญtinuยญous stream of new content.โ€

Is blogยญging the best way to describe a conยญtinuยญous stream of new content?

Some like to call their webยญsite streams newsยญrooms. Some call them blogs. Some call them conยญtent hubs. Some donโ€™t call them anything.

Iโ€™ve starยญted referยญring to cliยญentsโ€™ webยญsites as their online base camp.

The online base camp is one of the few conยญtrolled envirยญonยญments to which a brand can always revert if a social netยญwork sudยญdenly changes the rules of engagement.

An online base camp can host sevยญerยญal strategies and serve as a comยญmunity for like-minded people. In this comยญmunity, all memยญbers of the expedยญiยญtions ahead can come togethยญer, exchange experยญiยญences, and try out new ideas.

The online base camp is where you and your team post your roadmaps, review your logs, share ideas, and disยญcuss soluยญtions. So far, the base camp anaยญlogy has resยญonยญated very well with sevยญerยญal of my clients.

In othยญer words:

If social media isnโ€™t a good fit for your organยญisaยญtion, stop banging your head against the wall. Shift your focus to the brand webยญsite, your online base camp, instead.

Signature - Jerry Silfwer - Doctor Spin

Thank you. Please supยญport my blog by sharยญing artยญicles with othยญer comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions- and marยญketยญing proยญfesยญsionยญals. Please also conยญsider my PR serยญvices or speakยญing engageยญments.

PR Resource: PR Blogs

Doctor Spin's list of PR blogs (2024).
Doctor Spinโ€™s list of PR blogs (2024).
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Doctor Spinโ€™s List of PR Blogs

PR blogs come and go, and some seem to go on and onโ€‰โ€”โ€‰I should know. I keep this list updated with actยญive blogs on pubยญlic relaยญtions and comยญmuยญnicยญaยญtions (2024).

Would you hapยญpen to know of an actยญive PR blog that I should include in this list? Please let me know!

Learn more: Doctor Spinโ€™s List of PR Blogs

๐Ÿ’ก Subscribe and get a free ebook on how to get betยญter PR.

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Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer
Jerry Silfwer, alias Doctor Spin, is an awarded senior adviser specialising in public relations and digital strategy. Currently CEO at Spin Factory and KIX Communication Index. Before that, he worked at Kaufmann, Whispr Group, Springtime PR, and Spotlight PR. Based in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Cover Photo

The cover photo isn't related to public relations obviously; it's just a photo of mine. Think of it as a 'decorative diversion', a subtle reminder that it's good to have hobbies outside work.

The cover photo has


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