We should all be buildยญing Content Skyscrapers.
I love this simple yet powerยญful inbound tactic.
Brian Dean of Backlinko came up with the Skyscraper Technique for conยญtent marยญketยญing. Itโs as powerยญful as itโs elegant.
Build conยญtent skyยญscrapers to poach social engageยญment and search volumes:
Itโs as if someone built the tallest skyยญscraper, and you decide to make a more elevยญated one next to them. You should get the most out of the search volumes by doing so.
Building a Content Skyscraper gives you a good idea of what it takes to sucยญceed with conยญtent marยญketยญing in your chosen niche.
To build Content Skyscrapers (or Clusters of Content Skyscrapers), pracยญtice these techniques:
Skyscraper Technique 1: Deep Content
Deep Content
Deep conยญtent is focused on providยญing increasยญingly highยญer-qualยญity informยญaยญtion to conยญtent divers (as opposed to conยญtent surfers).
In the example, five layยญers of everยญgreen conยญtent are stacked verยญticยญally on a quarterly timeline:
Example of a five-layยญer deep conยญtent structure:
This inbound logic is simยญilยญar to iceยญberg pubยญlishยญing and conยญtent themes regardยญing strucยญture and depth.
Learn more: The Deep Content PR Strategy
Skyscraper Technique 2: Content Themes
Content Themes
It is good pracยญtice to strucยญture the conยญtent calยญenยญdar around conยญtent themes (typยญicยญally four per year, one per quarter) showยญcasยญing varyยญing aspects of the organยญisaยญtionโs core message.
Using conยญtent themes comes with sevยญerยญal upsides:
For easy planยญning and boostยญing SEO with conยญtent skyยญscrapers, I often creยญate conยญtent packยญages for each theme.
Content Themes Example
Letโs use a ficยญtiยญtious example of an IT company.
First, the IT comยญpany decide on a core mesยญsage for their conยญtent strategy:
Core mesยญsage: We make IT easy to understand.
Then, the IT comยญpany breaks their core mesยญsage down into four busiยญness-critยญicยญal conยญtent themes:
Q1 conยญtent theme: We make people underยญstand the Internet of Things (IoT).
Q2 conยญtent theme: We make people underยญstand busiยญness autoยญmaยญtion.
Q3 conยญtent theme: We make people underยญstand cloud comยญputยญing.
Q4 conยญtent theme: We make people underยญstand manยญaged serยญvices.
Learn more: The Content Themes PR Strategy
Skyscraper Technique 3: Evergreen Content
Evergreen Content
Whatโs everยญgreen conยญtent?
Evergreen conยญtent is an inbound approach to buildยญing core mesยญsages, conยญtent themes, conยญtent packยญages, deep conยญtent, and conยญtent skyยญscrapers.
For a piece of conยญtent to be everยญgreen, it must susยญtain its value over time. This means the conยญtent must be relยญevยญant today, tomorยญrow, and the foreยญseeยญable future.
While news conยญtent might make a more sigยญniยญficยญant short-term splash, everยญgreen conยญtent accuยญmuยญlates online impact over timeโwhich requires patience.
Now, forever is a long time. I typยญicยญally apply these arbitยญrary rules to determยญine what conยญstiยญtutes everยญgreen content:
Learn more: The Evergreen Content PR Strategy
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PR Resource: Inbound vs Outbound
The Inbound Shift
As pubยญlic relaยญtions proยญfesยญsionยญals, we must rethink how we think about pubยญlics. Traditionally, many PR departยญments have argued:
โWhy should we waste budgets on โalready acquiredโ audiences?โ
The truth isโโโitโs the othยญer way around.
The inbound shift is a funยญdaยญmentยญal mindยญset change in the pubยญlic relaยญtions industry.
Instead of โspamยญmingโ non-existยญing audiยญences, pubยญlic relaยญtions and marยญketยญing can do much more with existยญing online pubยญlics. 1Silfwer, J. (2015, June 11). The Publics in Public Relations. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โpโuโbโlโiโcโsโ-โiโnโ-โpโuโbโlโiโcโ-โrโeโlโaโtโiโoโns/
Inbound vs Outbound: The Difference
Inbound vs outยญbound is the online equiยญvalยญent of drawยญing the line between those who know you and those who donโt.
Drawing a line between those who know you and those who donโt know you is nothยญing new:
If your inbound shift PR strategy is strong, you might no longer need to priยญorยญitยญise your outยญbound PR strategies since your inbound audiยญence will attract outยญbound publics!
Learn more: The Inbound Shift PR Strategy
1 | Silfwer, J. (2015, June 11). The Publics in Public Relations. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โpโuโbโlโiโcโsโ-โiโnโ-โpโuโbโlโiโcโ-โrโeโlโaโtโiโoโns/ |