William Faulkner was one of the greatest writers of all time.
Read what the geniยญus novยญel writer William Faulkner said in his 1950 acceptยญance speech for the Nobel Prize in Literature:
โ[โฆ] the young man or woman writยญing today has forยญgotยญten the probยญlems of the human heart in conยญflict with itself which alone can make good writยญing because only that is worth writยญing about, worth the agony and the sweat. He must learn them again. He must teach himยญself that the basest of all things is to be afraid: and, teachยญing himยญself that, forยญget it forever, leavยญing no room in his workยญshop for anyยญthing but the old verยญitยญies and truths of the heart, the uniยญverยญsal truths lackยญing which any story is ephยญemยญerยญal and doomedโโโlove and honยญor and pity and pride and comยญpasยญsion and sacยญriยญfice.
Until he does so, he labors under a curse. He writes not of love but of lust, of defeats in which nobody loses anyยญthing of value, and vicยญtorยญies without hope and worst of all, without pity or comยญpasยญsion. His griefs grieve on no uniยญverยญsal bones, leavยญing no scars.
He writes not of the heart but of the glands.โ
All straยญtegic PR mesยญsaging should begin with this simple yet powerยญful quesยญtion; is this a matยญter of the heart? Is this a real story about love, honยญour, pity, pride, comยญpasยญsion, or sacrifice?
Read also: How Nick Cave Turned Down MTV With Some Classy Writing
Communication is not primarยญily about speakยญing your mind but findยญing the right words in your heart. How do you make people care about your PR message?
We care about conยญflicts.
We care about stakes.
Sometimes, I find inspirยญaยญtion just from lookยญing at the illusยญtraยญtion below as a remindยญer to highยญlight the emoยญtionยญal aspect of being alive:
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