Practice symยญbolยญic pacing in your comยญmuยญnicยญatยญive leadยญerยญship.
Effective leadยญerยญship isnโt synยญonymยญous with conยญstant action or relentยญless involvement:
A powerยญful but often overยญlooked approach is to pracยญtice symยญbolยญic pacingโโโknowยญing when to step back and let your team take the lead and when to step up and provide dirยญect guidยญance, espeยญcially in times of heightened sensยญitยญivยญity or crisis.
Leadership pacing is about manยญaging your energy and ensurยญing youโre ready to lead actยญively when the situยญation demands it.
Here we go:
Symbolic Pacing in Communicative Leadership
In day-to-day operยญaยญtions, stepยญping back and allowยญing your team to probยญlem-solve and take iniยญtiยญatยญive is critical:
When everything runs smoothly, your team beneยญfits from the autonomy to address chalยญlenges indeยญpendยญently, fosยญterยญing their conยญfidยญence and resiยญliยญence. The leadยญerยญโs role durยญing these moments is to rest and observeโโโa purยญposeยญful rest that enables you to stay fresh and ready to take a more actยญive stance when required.
However, there are moments when symยญbolยญic pacing requires you to step up decisยญively. In sensยญitยญive situยญations or durยญing crises, your visยญible iniยญtiยญatยญive becomes a staยญbilยญising force for your team.
By stepยญping in assertยญively, you demonยญstrate leadยญerยญship when itโs most needed, providยญing dirยญecยญtion and focus durยญing uncerยญtain times. Your presยญence in these moments of intensยญity builds trust and ensures your team knows they can rely on you when the stakes are high.
Symbolic pacing is about creยญatยญing an atmoยญsphere where your team feels empowered durยญing stable times (i.e. the leadยญer steps back) and supยญporยญted durยญing turยญbuยญlent times (i.e. the leadยญer steps up).
This balยญance between stepยญping back and stepยญping up is not arbitยญrary. According to Hackman and Wageman (2005), effectยญive leadยญerยญship often involves knowยญing when to shift rolesโโโadaptยญing between actยญive interยญvenยญtion and more passยญive overยญsight. This type of flexยญibยญilยญity is essenยญtial to mainยญtainยญing a dynamยญic and resiยญliยญent team strucยญture. 1Hackman, J. R., & Wageman, R. (2005). A theยญory of team coachยญing. Academy of Management Review, 30(2), 269โโโ287. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ5โ4โ6โ5โ/โaโmโrโ.โ2โ0โ0โ5โ.โ1โ6โ3โ8โ7โ885
Stepping Up, Stepping Back (Infographic)
Balancing Your Leadership
The leadยญerยญโs abilยญity to pace themยญselvesโโโto rest when posยญsible and interยญvene when necesยญsaryโโโenables a susยญtainยญable and effectยญive leadยญerยญship model.
Research by Weick and Sutcliffe (2007) also supยญports this idea by highยญlightยญing the value of mindยญfulยญness in leadยญerยญship. Mindful leadยญers can betยญter judge when to engage actยญively and when to allow their teams the space to operยญate indeยญpendยญently. This mindยญfulยญness conยญtribยญutes to a culยญture of reliยญabยญilยญity withยญin the teamโโโteam memยญbers are conยญfidยญent that their leadยญer is attentยญive and responsยญive, capยญable of takยญing conยญtrol when needed, yet respectยญful of the teamโs autonomy daily. 2Weick, K. E., & Sutcliffe, K. M. (2007). Managing the unexยญpecยญted: Resilient perยญformยญance in an age of uncerยญtainty (2nd ed.). Jossey-Bass.
The act of stepยญping back sigยญnals trust, while stepยญping forยญward sigยญnals supยญport. This dual sigยญnal is cruยญcial for mainยญtainยญing morยญale and proยญductivยญity across difยญferยญent circumstances.
Pacing as a Symbol of Readiness
Leadership is not about being everyยญwhere all the time. It is about being present where and when it counts the most and letยญting your team shine whenevยญer possible.
Seeing the leadยญer take the iniยญtiยญatยญive in a chalยญlenยญging situยญation also has subยญstanยญtial symยญbolยญic value: it reasยญsures the team that their leadยญer is ready to step up when things get rough.
The leadยญerยญโs visยญible readยญiยญness reinยญforces trust and builds conยญfidยญence withยญin the team, knowยญing they have strong leadยญerยญship that will rise to the chalยญlenge when it truly matters.
By employยญing symยญbolยญic pacing, you mainยญtain your leadยญerยญship energy, empower your team, and creยญate a resiยญliยญent organยญizยญaยญtion that thrives under routine and pressure.
To put this into pracยญtice, conยญsider a rhythm to your leadยญerยญship actions. Encourage your team to lead disยญcusยญsions, iniยญtiยญatยญives, and soluยญtions durยญing routine operations.
Watch for sensยญitยญive inflexยญion pointsโโโperยญhaps a chalยญlenยญging cliยญent situยญation or an internยญal conยญflictโโโand then step forยญward decisively.
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1 | Hackman, J. R., & Wageman, R. (2005). A theยญory of team coachยญing. Academy of Management Review, 30(2), 269โโโ287. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ5โ4โ6โ5โ/โaโmโrโ.โ2โ0โ0โ5โ.โ1โ6โ3โ8โ7โ885 |
2 | Weick, K. E., & Sutcliffe, K. M. (2007). Managing the unexยญpecยญted: Resilient perยญformยญance in an age of uncerยญtainty (2nd ed.). Jossey-Bass. |