Survivorship bias is a tricky falยญlacy to deal with.
Weโre all mesยญmerยญised by sucยญcess storยญies. But studyยญing those who are sucยญcessยญful isnโt always the best idea.
You might sucยญcumb to surยญvivยญorยญship bias.
You might bet on flawed strategies.
Here we go:
Abraham Wald and the WWII Planes
During World War II, the Allies studยญied Nazi damยญage to their fightยญer planes. Their study resยญulยญted in this dotยญted illustration:

The anaยญlysยญis of these damยญages resยญulยญted in the idea that the Allied Forces should reinยญforce their fightยญer planes in the areas showยญing the densest clusters of red dots.
A statยญistยญiยญcian by the name of Abraham Wald disยญagreed. Instead, he sugยญgesยญted that they reinยญforce surยญfaces with no red dots. Wald was right, of course. The red-dotยญted areas indicยญated non-fatal damยญaged regions by studyยญing planes that someยญhow returned home.
โWaldโs work on airยญcraft vulยญnerยญabยญilยญity, using data from surยญvivยญors, was cruยญcial in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam, and has been reisยญsued by the Center for Naval Analyses.โ
Source: Journal of the American Statistical Association 1Mangel, M., & Samaniego, F. (1984). Abraham Waldโs Work on Aircraft Survivability. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 79, 259โโโ267. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ1โ0โ8โ0โ/โ0โ1โ6โ2โ1โ4โ5โ9โ.โ1โ9โ8โ4โ.โ1โ0โ4โ7โ8โ038
If it had been posยญsible to study all the planes shot down and desยญtroyed by the Nazis, maybe the research team would have found an inverse pattern?
WWI and the Soldiersโ Helmets
In anothยญer example, we focus on a seemยญingly counยญterยญinยญtuยญitยญive pheยญnomenยญon that emerged durยญing World War I.
As milยญitยญary forces began to issue more helยญmets to solยญdiers to proยญtect them from the perยญils of the batยญtleยญfield, an unexยญpecยญted trend was observed: the numยญber of wounded solยญdiers surged dramatically.
At first glance, it may seem that the helยญmets were paraยญdoxยญicยญally makยญing it easiยญer for more people to get hurt. The crux of this paraยญdox lies in the shiftยญing dynamยญics of the casยญuยญalty statistics:
As helยญmets were introยญduced and disยญtribยญuted more widely, they sigยญniยญficยญantly reduced the numยญber of fatalยญitยญies on the batยญtleยญfield. Soldiers who would have preยญviยญously sucยญcumbed to their injurยญies were now surยญvivยญing. Consequently, these solยญdiers were clasยญsiยญfied as โwoundedโ rather than โdead.โ
This shift in catยญegorยญisaยญtion creยญated the illuยญsion of increased injurยญies when, in realยญity, the numยญber of fatalยญitยญies had decreased.
Survivorship Bias
Survivorship bias occurs when an indiยญviduยญal focuses on sucยญcessยญful examples or outยญcomes while ignorยญing those who failed or did not surยญvive. This selectยญive focus leads to a skewed underยญstandยญing of realยญity, as it fails to account for the larยญger, often hidยญden, set of failยญures that could provide valuยญable insights.
Survivorship bias (example): โMost sucยญcessยญful tech starยญtups are based in Silicon Valley, so the best way to guarยญanยญtee our sucยญcess is to move our busiยญness there.โ
In a busiยญness conยญtext, surยญvivยญorยญship bias can disยญtort decision-makยญing by proยญmotยญing overly optimยญistยญic or one-sided views of sucยญcess. By only highยญlightยญing the surยญvivยญors or sucยญcess storยญies, organยญizยญaยญtions may overยญlook the chalยญlenges and risks that othยญers faced and miss opporยญtunยญitยญies for learnยญing from past failures.
To avoid the pitยญfalls of surยญvivยญorยญship bias, busiยญness leadยญers must take a more comยญpreยญhensยญive approach to evalยญuยญatยญing sucยญcess. This involves conยญsidยญerยญing sucยญcesses and failยญures, anaยญlyzยญing what led to both outยญcomes and applyยญing those lesยญsons to future strategies.
By embraยญcing a balยญanced perยญspectยญive that acknowยญledges triยญumphs and setยญbacks, organยญisaยญtions can make more informed, realยญistยญic decisions and avoid misยญguided assumpยญtions based on incomยญplete data.
The loudest voices often belong to those who made it through, but the silence of those who didnโt is the true measยญure of what was left behind.
Read also: Survivorship Bias
Correlation is Not Causation
Survivorship bias underยญscores the importยญance of conยญsidยญerยญing the larยญger conยญtext and being cauยญtious about conยญcluยญsions based solely on superยญfiยญcial data.
Both storยญies are excelยญlent examples of a parยญticยญuยญlar falยญlacyโโโsurยญvivยญorยญship bias.
โSurvivorship bias, surยญvivยญal bias is the logicยญal error of conยญcenยญtratยญing on entitยญies that passed a selecยญtion proยญcess while overยญlookยญing those that did not. This can lead to incorยญrect conยญcluยญsions because of incomยญplete data.โ
Source: Wikipedia 2Survivorship bias. (2023, October 9). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โSโuโrโvโiโvโoโrโsโhโiโpโ_โbโias
We often canโt help being enticed by sucยญcess storยญies in popยญuยญlar culยญture and busiยญness. But their storยญies can lead us to falยญlaยญcious conclusions.
Few think about studyยญing those who turn out to be unsucยญcessยญful. This is too bad for data sets since the unsucยญcessยญful typยญicยญally outยญnumยญber the sucยญcessยญful by a vast margin.
Survivorship bias (menยญtal modยญel). This cogยญnitยญive bias involves focusยญing on people or things that have โsurยญvivedโ some proยญcess and inadยญvertยญently overยญlookยญing those that did not due to their lack of visยญibยญilยญity. This can lead to false conยญcluยญsions because it ignores the experยญiยญences of those who did not make it through the proยญcess. 3Silfwer, J. (2019, October 17). Survivorship Bias. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โsโuโrโvโiโvโoโrโsโhโiโpโ-โbโiโas/
False Causality
False causยญalยญity: โOur sales increased draยญmatยญicยญally after we launched the new logo. Therefore, the new logo must be the reasยญon for the sales boost.โ
The false causยญalยญity falยญlacy, also known as corยญrelยญaยญtion, does not imply causยญaยญtion and occurs when an indiยญviduยญal assumes that just because two events occurred togethยญer, one must have caused the othยญer. This falยญlacy ignores the posยญsibยญilยญity that othยญer factors might be at play or that the corยญrelยญaยญtion could be coincidental.
In busiยญness, false causยญalยญity can lead to misยญguided strategies and decisions, as organยญizยญaยญtions may attribยญute sucยญcess or failยญure to the wrong factors. By overยญsimยญpliยญfyยญing cause-and-effect relaยญtionยญships, comยญpanยญies risk impleยญmentยญing inefยญfectยญive strategies or overยญlookยญing the propยญer drivers behind their outcomes.
To avoid the pitยญfalls of false causยญalยญity, busiยญness leadยญers must critยญicยญally examยญine the relaยญtionยญship between events and seek to underยญstand the full range of factors that could be influยญenยญcing outยญcomes. Thorough anaยญlysยญis, using data and evidยญence, is essenยญtial to identiยญfy real causes and sepยญarยญate them from coinยญcidยญentยญal corยญrelยญaยญtions. This proยญmotes smarter decision-makยญing and ensures strategies are based on sound reasยญonยญing and a deep underยญstandยญing of the busiยญness environment.
Learn more: Logical Fallacies and Cognitive Biases
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1 | Mangel, M., & Samaniego, F. (1984). Abraham Waldโs Work on Aircraft Survivability. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 79, 259โโโ267. https://โdoiโ.org/โ1โ0โ.โ1โ0โ8โ0โ/โ0โ1โ6โ2โ1โ4โ5โ9โ.โ1โ9โ8โ4โ.โ1โ0โ4โ7โ8โ038 |
2 | Survivorship bias. (2023, October 9). In Wikipedia. https://โenโ.wikiโpeโdiaโ.org/โwโiโkโiโ/โSโuโrโvโiโvโoโrโsโhโiโpโ_โbโias |
3 | Silfwer, J. (2019, October 17). Survivorship Bias. Doctor Spin | The PR Blog. https://โdocโtorโspinโ.net/โsโuโrโvโiโvโoโrโsโhโiโpโ-โbโiโas/ |